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Muy Frio

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Posts posted by Muy Frio

  1. 18 minutes ago, Pods said:

    The data point is real, but spurious and your interpretation false and disinformation when you spread it. 

    The alpha variant originated in the UK in Nov 2020 and became the dominant strain by December 2020. After that point, almost everyone contracted the Alpha variant. The vast majority of UK infections have been alpha variant infections with very little possibility for any breakthroughs to occur. They have not been exposed to variants that can re-infect Alpha until now and they are seeing re-infections. 

    By Dec 2020, only 1.8% of England had contracted Covid. Thus, some number close to 1.8% of the population could even theoretically be re-infected with a variant, because that's the amount that contracted the wild type strain. 1% being reinfected suggests a lot of them did. 


    We know anti-bodies to the wild type and variant strains confer extended immunity against that strain, so no one should expect to see alpha re-infect previous alpha patients. Beta was the dominant variant the UK was exposed to, but it doesn't seem to re-infect people. Gamma and Delta and all the ones to follow carrying the same mutations do and will continue to re-infect people without vaccines and boosters. 

    The dataset I linked runs through July 17th which includes the last delta wave in Uk. So it would appear that previous infection provides protection against Delta. 

    There’s also the data out of Israel and the latest delta wave that tends to suggest the same.  

    I don’t question the need for most people to get vaccinated. I question the need for those with prior infection to get vaccinated, especially teens and eventually younger children. 


    • Fuck You 8
  2. 9 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    What is your deal?  Do you get paid for divisiveness?  Stop being a cunt.

    I guess I’m sort of a contrarian by nature.

    Not sure how I’m being divisive though. I’m not sharing things from fringe websites. That’s an op ed from the WSJ that was shared by Scott Gottlieb.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Pods said:



    The UK released data. Your intentionally false interpretation of the UK data and then coming to spread it here is the disinformation.

    There is no such thing as herd immunity without vaccines and boosters. You fuckers spreading disinformation are getting people killed. 

    What is false about my interpretation of the data? It’s basically the same interpretation of the data in the column retweeted by Scott Gottlieb. 

    • Fuck You 2
  4. 12 minutes ago, Pods said:


    This is disinformation at this point GRHorn. We've known that variants reinfect previously infected patients conclusively for more than 7 months now. In October of 2020, 76% of residents in Amazonas province had covid antibodies. So did much of the surrounding area.

    They got fucking wrecked by Gamma.



    As a pretend doctor, I assume you are familiar with the fact that The Lancet is a pretty good journal. 

    Additionally, the alpha variant originated in the UK early on and there were very few previously infected patients to re-infect, so no shit the breakthrough infections in the UK were low.

    Delta is causing breakthrough infections all over the world. It's all over the news and this thread. You cannot have missed it. It is completely dishonest to parrot those talking points at this point.  

    There is no such thing as herd immunity without vaccinations and boosters.

    Life finds a way. 

    Is the Uk government distributing disinformation? It’s official government data released 3 days ago. 

    • Fuck You 1
  5. Here’s the UK data survey that the column quotes. The UK has collected more data than us and show a re-infection rate over the last 15 months of 1%. High viral load counts suggestive of more severe disease occur in only 0.2% of people previously infected. 


    So with previously infected people and those vaccinated we must be getting close to herd immunity here. I think delta has put us over the edge. 

    • Fuck You 1
  6. I have bigger thoughts but I’m on vacation. 

    Basically it’s going to be a bipolar world. On one hand there will be China and their digital Yuan which looks like it will be part of their panopticon.

    On the other end will be whatever the US endorses. should it be a Chinese copy? Are we really copying everything their government does? That’s a bit of a CR thought. But we should embrace freedom. That will help us immensely in the long run. 

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    And so you choose: Learn the hard way.


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    The U.S. Marshals Service, one of the primary law enforcement agencies of the Department of Justice, has hired custodian Anchorage Digital for cryptocurrency seized or forfeited in various criminal cases.

    The Marshals Service has spent more than a year seeking a custodian and financial services provider for its stockpile of seized crypto. The contract was previously awarded to BitGo, which was acquired in May by Galaxy Digital.

    The agency’s Asset Forfeiture Division removes financial incentives for crime operations, which often also include real estate, art, vehicles, jewelry and cash.

    Anchorage will provide custody and liquidation services, which could include accounting, customer management, managing blockchain forks, transforming token assets into coin assets as well as future actions associated with the USMS virtual currency forfeiture process.

    “Critical, reliable infrastructure will be the most important factor in a stable crypto asset class,” Anchorage Digital President and co-founder Diogo Monica told CNBC.

    The agency has auctioned bitcoin since at least 2014. In addition to investing in dozens of crypto start-ups, much of venture capitalist Tim Draper’s bitcoin fortune came by winning the U.S. Marshals Service’s 2014 auction of 30,000 confiscated bitcoins from the now-defunct Silk Road.

    The Marshals Service has seized and sold more than 185,000 bitcoins worth more than $7.2 billion since about 2014. It most recently auctioned 4,040 bitcoins in early 2020.


    I don’t see what Bitcoin confiscated from criminal operations has to do with making everyone that transacts and holds cryptocurrency in any form, Including mining, submit to KYC? You can hold cash under your mattress. Why can you not hold your own keys without having to report to the government? 

    • Fuck You 1
  8. The big news currently in crypto is a small tax code change that politicians are trying to tuck into the large infrastructure bill being pushed through. Here is a good thread on what they’re attempting to pass and its implications. Hopefully these lobbyists can weigh in and stop it. Seems like a terrible move to knee cap whole crypto industry in US.  Especially right after China serves it up on a platter to us by banning mining and other trading. Dumb dumb dumb. 


    • Fuck You 1
  9. On 7/26/2021 at 7:30 PM, B00M said:

    I'll bet it was CR bullshit

     Correct. Had people negging even non CR posts to do to. But I’m back. Just will stay away from that forum. I enjoy too much from the rest of the site to want to start a new handle. 

    45 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    BTC passed 40k 3 times but couldn’t hold, so it looks like we might be heading back towards 30k for now unless some news breaks. I did see some positive news about the outflow of BTC from exchanges (ie people are storing it in long-term private wallets). 

    This move was awesome. Bummed that I couldn’t post here during it. A slight pullback is expected, but the way we held above 28-30 despite multiple hits and terrible sentiment has me thinking we’ve bottomed. Famous last words. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  10. 11 hours ago, midtown said:

    Yahoo just had a cover story about the tweet from GS and the drop in the UK.  Not sure if its up for everyone.   Basically agreeing that delta might have made it run at the US and is about to drop massively.  God forbid the CDC and current admin look at that as a reason to hold off on their new policies this week unless it's a strike while fear is high kind of thing

    I think that is definitely the game plan. This is probably their last, best chance to make big changes or proclamations. 

    • Fuck You 1
  11. Ok. We’re halfway there. Looks like I’ll have to really iron out how I commission a league when I get home. My first thoughts are thru myfantasyleague. And the funds handled thru league safe for those that are familiar. It’s a third party way to handle the money. Everything is released by vote. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  12. 7 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    Tell me that you're an idiot without telling me that you're an idiot, in 3 parts.









    Can’t decide if the family statement leading with “out of an abundance of caution” was accidental or still trolling near the end. 

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