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Muy Frio

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Posts posted by Muy Frio

  1. Our school district is going full steam ahead. I guess we’re the control group versus other districts mandating masks. 

    16 hours ago, ZB'Tejas said:

    I'm not that concerned about my kids catching COVID and even less about them bringing it home to me and the wife. I was planning on send them masked anyway just to take an extra precaution. However, I think an even bigger benefit of the mask mandate is to make an environment that feels safer for teachers and employees to return and TEACH versus banding together and demanding that everything move to a virtual only option where so many of the kids would suffer. That would be a lot more damaging that simply wearing a mask.

    Are there teachers anywhere in Texas banding together and demanding virtual only?

    Most teachers are vaccinated and my understanding is the ones that did virtual last year for the most part did not like it. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, midtown said:
    10 hours ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:
    Just in case anyone thinks all hope is lost, it’s not. Enjoying watching my so on the beach with his girl.  Dude is much more impressive than his old man  

    Which one is your son? I see two boys

    Lol. Yeah the ass is pretty flat. 

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    Is it ever going to go away? Delta is worldwide now, and can still infect those who are vaccinated. Since it can’t be eradicated, it could keep mutating. Epsilon could be completely resistant to the vaccine.

    Question for the doctors: I read something that suggested that vaccinating everyone could be a bad idea because it would be better to let the low-risk people fight Covid off naturally and only vaccinate the at-risk. The idea was that natural immunity creates a more hostile environment for viruses, and if we shortcut natural immunity then everyone’s immune system will be trained the same and therefore less able to fight off mutant strains.

    Does that idea hold water?

    I don’t know if I necessarily buy that, but it does make sense that any vaccine resistant strain is most likely to emerge when substantial amounts of vaccinated individuals are getting infected and passing the virus around. Hopefully that doesn’t happen. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Chewbacca said:

    We've given anti vaxx assholes 6 months to do the right thing.  They're not going to do it on their own.  That much we do know.  And I want a fucking normal life back.

    Even the most vaxxed nation in the world doesn’t have their “normal life back”. So I don’t know if the return of your normal life is as predicated on that one metric as you think. 



    JERUSALEM – Israel’s government on Wednesday advanced a raft of new coronavirus restrictions, including sweeping implementation of a digital vaccine passport and tighter restrictions on mass gatherings, as the country struggles with skyrocketing new infections.

    The country that had appeared to put the coronavirus pandemic behind it a few months ago after a world-leading vaccine drive is now re-imposing regulations in a bid to clamp back down on infections. 

    The Cabinet gave its approval for the tighter measures — including limitations on people gathering indoors and restricting entry to venues and restaurants to “Green Pass” holders — as new cases of the highly infectious delta variant of the coronavirus surge despite widespread vaccination against COVID-19.

    Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said the government would be “giving a booster” to the country’s healthcare system as new coronavirus cases continue a precipitous climb. He said Israel had to prepare for a situation of mass hospitalizations, and was allocating 2.5 billion shekels ($774 million) to help boost capacity at hospitals nationwide.

    Despite its vaccination campaign, Israel has seen new coronavirus cases rise in recent weeks. The Health Ministry recorded 5,755 new cases on Wednesday, the highest daily figure since February, and serious cases have grown from 19 in mid-June to 400. 

    At least 6,580 Israelis have died from coronavirus since the start of the pandemic, according to Health Ministry figures. 

    The government had largely lifted coronavirus restrictions by May following its vaccine drive, but with new infections on the rise, has reinstated limitations on assemblies and indoor mask mandates.

    Over 58% of the country’s 9.3 million citizens have received two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. Israel had secured a large supply of the Pfizer vaccines in exchange for trading medical data. Earlier this month Israel starting giving third vaccine doses to immunosuppressed individuals and citizens over the age of 60.


  5. 1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Yet an apparently decent sized group that don’t trust big pharma have no problem taking ivermectin, which was developed by little old Merck 40 years ago. 

    Yeah I get that. I’m not saying it all makes sense. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    That's one possibility.  The other could be that there has been an all out assault on the institutions that bind us together since the 1960's, accelerated from the time of the cold war, and hyper accelerated by the internet.  These attacks range from completely fair and necessary to unfair, and come from people of every political stripe and persuasion.  We don't have a single institution with greater than 70% approval in this country (and that's the military), and this has led us with nothing to hang onto in such a scenario as we see before us. Not the church. Not the boy scouts.  Not Congress. Not the white house.  Not the Supreme Court nor the lower court systems, not traditional nuclear family, nor even shit like the rotary club.  And all these organizations have done stuff to step on their own crank. And that all gets publicized now.  

    Or you can see what's happening elsewhere in places throughout Europe and just say people are stupid.  I'm pretty sure that's always been true and is likely always to be true.

    It seems a lot of vaccine hesitancy in this country is bred out of distrust for three main entities. Government, big pharma, mass media. 

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  7. 8 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    Yep.  I'm sitting in an office right now that's half Vax and half not. I don't understand the not.  I've probed gently but these are responsible professional 6 figure earners.  Also women, but past their reproduction ages.  I have zero idea why they wouldn't do it.  They are convinced it's a bad idea. 




    I didn’t realIze you sold pools. Your handle is misleading. 

    • Haha 3
  8. 13 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    no, you typically never actually take a position on an issue and just throw stones exclusively at one side of an argument. And then when called on taking sides, say stupid shit like this post and feign innocence. 

    We know your pattern and surly has crowdsourced you three times already for disinformation and trolling. But what the hell, I'm up for another round.

    I take plenty of positions obviously. 

    I posted that story because it’s the first I’ve seen of that type of vaccine mandate. This is the vaccine discussion thread. That’s it. 

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    what a fucking cushy world you must live in that getting a fucking SHOT IN THE ARM is tyranny in exchange for being released from prison early on probation. Jesus tittyfucking christ, why do all the antivaxxers """people concerned about MUH FREEDUMS""" act like getting the vaccine is some MAJOR LIFE EVENT?

    GRUhorn, I know prisons operate different in the motherland, but here in the USA if you're still on probation, you're still subject to restricted rights and freedoms. Don't like it? Don't get the vaccine and stay in jail, ya criminal. Boo fucking hoo.

    Did I actually say anywhere that I cared? I don’t. Y’all just jump to conclusions on everything. 

    • Fuck You 8
  10. 11 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    That hasn’t been my experience. The highest ranking person in our office hasn’t gotten it because he “never gets sick” and he feels the vaccine was rushed. He’s sharp and a good leader. Definitely not a Trumper.

    There are trends in the unvaxxed population but it’s not a monolithic block. Something like 40% of healthcare workers aren’t vaccinated.

    My buddy is a radiologist for a sizable group in Houston. The head doc in his entire group is openly unvaccinated. He’s skeptical of the new technology. He said he would make fun of him, but he doesn’t want to get fired. 

    Also an extremely successful orthopod here refuses to get vaccinated. He’s a bit different though. Rumor is he has talked blocking 5G at his house. He brings a lot of money in though so I would bet he won’t be forced to comply  


    • Fuck You 2
  11. 15 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    The only people I know who refuse to get vaccinated are some hicks in the sticks. Even the city dwelling dumbasses who I disagree with politically have all got the vaccine. 

    I think it’s becoming clear there’s a decent amount of people who don’t advertise that they’re hesitant. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    And who’s going to be checking vaxx cards to IDs if establishments already have help wanted signs posted in every town ?? There’s only so many shlubs holding up furniture sale signs on the corners, those are the only people I can think of that can handle matching cards to IDs 8 hrs a day

    I saw in France they just had cops with guns going around and checking. 

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