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Muy Frio

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Posts posted by Muy Frio

  1. 2 minutes ago, Pods said:

    He's been banned at least twice and just pops up under a new username. As long as he has a VPN, I don't think there is anything the mods can do permanently. 

    It's on us to recognize that it's a problem and to be vigilant for it. 

    I’ve only been banned once. 

    Perhaps you should focus your vigilance on your own posts. See my previous post. 

    • Fuck You 11
  2. 5 minutes ago, Pods said:

    We also already covered this kids don't get Covid bullshit. Kids are getting sick in much larger numbers than before. Even if Delta does not have increased severity over alpha, or the wuhan strain, it is much more infectious and this is going to be a lot of hospitalized kids.

    Louisiana currently has over 6,000 hospitalized kids. 3,439 kids were hospitalized in single 4-day span. 


    Florida and Texas are going to be right on their heels. 

    Doesn't it make y'all curious why GRHorn comes on here downplaying the threat all day, every day? Why he has spent the last 18 months hijacking conversations? Why he is continually bringing up evidence regarding the Alpha and Wuhan variants, that is obviously no longer relevant due to viral evolution of the pathogen, trying to further downplay the risk?

    Looks like you’re actually the liar.  Click on the link. It’s not 3,439 hospitalized in 4 days. It’s 3,439 tested positive in 4 days. Also an interesting quote here. 

    Dr. Billy Lanarze with Ochsner said Wednesday the majority of pediatric COVID-19 patients hospitalized were actually admitted for a different medical reason. 

    He said critical care for COVID-19 pediatric patients is still rare, but as the virus spreads widely among children, he expects the number of children seriously ill from the virus to also increase.


    I wonder if that holds true for these 45,000 hospitalizations in 15 months nationwide? 

    Also you keep bringing up the Amazon rainforest. That is the one instance of potential mass Reinfection. Why hasn’t it happened anywhere else? Has that variant not made it around the world in 6 months since then? The fact is that the Uk and Israel data I’ve stated included at least portions of the Delta outbreak in their communities. 

    • Fuck You 9
  3. 2 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    Every reputable scientist thinks immunity will wane over time. Delta or lambda in October will not give a shit about your February infection. At best, you are better protected than not having been infected. But you comparing that event to a recent two shot vaccine as a measure of future protection is just stupid and wrong.

    We know more every day. Why do you chose to stop your fact input at older info?

    Does anyone deny that immunity will wane? Of course you’re more likely to get reinfected a year out than two weeks after you have covid. 

    There are no definitive sources on reinfection risk yet, but again the Uk national survey showed that over 15 months, including the beginning of July, the reinfection risk was 1%. The risk of having a high viral load based on Ct when tested was like 0.3%.

    I’m amazed by the vitriol for the people that say they don’t need to get vaccinated after having covid. Everyone must do everything possible for ANY reduction in covid risk? I can’t wait for the 3 shotters to turn on the 2 shotters. 

    • Fuck You 13
  4. 50 minutes ago, Pods said:

    He's been trolling and downplaying the risk to kids the entire pandemic under two different user names now. He lumped them together in that post and separated them as two separate things at others, including the one I was quoting. 

    He doesn't list it as a subset, he lists it as a separate "situation" that he is also opposed to. 

    I think it's pretty obvious what his agenda is, but it's not worth you and I arguing over a troll and derailing the conversation any further. 


    It’s interesting that you say I’ve downplayed the risk to kids when one of the few things I think we’ve learned is the risk to kids has been overplayed. Schools should’ve been open for in person the whole time outside of maybe two weeks last March. 

    2 minutes ago, lmao said:

    What is your medical background? Honest question. 

    He’s a professor at the Med school at Guadalaharvard. 

    • Fuck You 8
  5. 59 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Look, it's important for you to realize that GRHorn/Muy Frio is not anti-vaccine in general. He'll tell you so over and over. 

    He's just opposed to vaccination in virtually every specific situation yet proposed. 

    Situations that I’m skeptical on the current need for covid vaccination.

    Previously infected. 
    ages 12-18 (Especially males) 

    That’s it. That’s the list. 

    It would appear that you’re the liar.


    29 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Also the end of July. Pages 101 and 102. 

    Being completely wrong about it doesn't stop him from coming on here and downplaying a 60% reduction in risk for vaccinated patients, because he isn't arguing in good faith. 



    I’ve always said I assumed vaccination added a small amount of protection to natural immunity, but that you’re starting at such an absolute low level of risk that it’s not really that attractive. 

    Also, here’s me on page 102. 

    On 7/31/2021 at 3:21 PM, Muy Frio said:


    I don’t question the need for most people to get vaccinated. I question the need for those with prior infection to get vaccinated, especially teens and eventually younger children. 



    • Fuck You 4
  6. Anyone here familiar with this site? https://covidactnow.org/?s=21451070

    It has Covid case data for all different jurisdictions, even down to cities and counties. From the looks of it the hotspots that have low vaccination rates are trending down. 



    Texas looks like it’s plateauing. 


    although looking again, I question it a bit. Why is there no spike shown in the winter? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  7. 17 hours ago, TXSooner518 said:

    You don't think a 60% reduction in re-infection probability is worth taking 20 minutes and spending $0 to get vaxxed? Lol. 

    Although I do suspect there is some benefit, these critiques of the study do make sense. 


    • Fuck You 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, midtown said:

    Uh yeah. Delta came out of India which had almost zero vaccinated.

    Exactly. And it’s getting mostly the unvaccinated sick.

    It seems to me that the breakthrough infections now have less to do with delta being some special variant than it’s the time since vaccinations and the immunity is waning slightly. I feel like I’ve seen studies that suggest that, but I’m drinking by the pool so i Don’t feel like cross checking that. I’ll circle back as some people say.  




    • Fuck You 1
  9. 48 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    I get the feeling that the crowd that thinks vaccinated populations are driving mutations believe that the virus is sentient enough to be changing itself, looking for ways to defeat the immunity bestowed by vaccinations. 
    as opposed to random replication errors that are either beneficial and proliferate or not and die off. 
    maybe that’s just the cynic in me, but to be fair I’ve read some of the stuff being espoused and if you told me that some people thought groups of covid were coordinating as a team to outmaneuver Treg cells using an elaborate pincer movement initiated from behind the cover of a pile of red blood cells, I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand. 

    I don’t believe vaccine are driving mutations like delta or lambda worldwide, but it’s not hard to see how a virus that is 80% effective or whatever against infections is going to self select for a virus that evades the same vaccines eventually.  

    • Fuck You 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Captainant said:

    I honestly don't know 100%, but since you're the person claiming that what's happening now is so different from past pandemic response - I challenge YOU to support your claim rather than putting the onus on me to prove your negative.

    I do know the US previously had an analog "vaccine passport" while we dealt with smallpox - and we indeed would restrict "movement and participating in society" because it put everyone else at risk. And wouldn't you know it - back then there were antivaxxers and "MUH LIBURTEE" people who stood in opposition to those public health measures.

    Hell, there were even shitty physicians who would sell fake vaccine passports to the "poor, ignorant and credulous", subverting those public health measures (NYT archive from 1904). Sounds familiar...

    The smallpox example is always brought up but that disease had a 30% mortality rate. A different animal entirely. Also, eradication was seen as a goal. Not so for covid. It has an animal reservoir in deer. 

    Also, did people lose their jobs or livelihood then? 

    2 hours ago, GTX Horn said:

     or even that the delta variant was somehow created by a mutation caused by the vaccines.

    I doubt the delta variant was “caused by the vaccines”. But I think the worry about super variants that will evade vaccines developing in unvaccinated countries is misplaced. If a variant emerges that evades vaccines then it makes sense it will arise from a population that is highly vaccinated. 

    4 hours ago, TXSooner518 said:

    You don't think a 60% reduction in re-infection probability is worth taking 20 minutes and spending $0 to get vaxxed? Lol. 

    I’ve covered this before in the thread, but from that absolute number of 1%? No. I’m not worried about it. Once you’ve had it and it’s been mild like most cases you’re not really scared of it. The 1% of the time that reinfections happen should be less severe just the like numbers in vaccinated people that everyone is touting now. 

    Since you bring up the cost of it, how much would it cost for me to miss a day or work because I have covid symptoms with the shots? Not an inconsequential amount and people that have had covid appear to have worse symptoms with the shots. 

    • Fuck You 12
  11. 25 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    So assuming that this Warner-Portman-Sinema legislation passes, what are the repercussions? Crypto mining effectively outlawed in the USA? What else? I guess if a merchant wanted to take payment in crypto they would have to collect the same bullshit KYC information as banks?

    No it’s more than that.

    First of all, they make an exception for PoW mining. But even as a borderline Bitcoin maximalist that doesn’t mean much to me. They’ll just come back for that later under some bullshit ESG justification. 

    Any network validators like in Proof Of Stake networks could be considered “brokers” meaning they would be required to report KYC on the accounts transacting which is literally impossible. Same potentially for nodes on both the Lightning network and the regular Bitcoin network. Basically they’re trying to make unsatisfiable reporting requirements. The end result will be a large degree of crypto industry and infrastructure moving offshore. It’s colossally dumb, but they’re desperate as evidenced by their shady tactics. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 1
  12. Just now, Captainant said:

    We already mandate vaccinations in the population to deal with endemic diseases. Why would COVID be any different?

    Is people’s movement and participation in society affected? Hardly. Not what is being pushed now. 

    • Fuck You 4
  13. 1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    weren't you cheerleading for people not to get vaxxed if they had been previously infected? I recall that being the tenor of this thread in early July.

    Yes that was me. I’m not surprised that vaccines can boost immunity in those with existing natural immunity.

    Of course the way they state the results is to maximize effect. The absolute numbers are not as impressive. If you have roughly a 1% chance of getting re-infected then adding a vaccine would lower it to about 0.4%, if this study is reproducible. 

    IMO the benefit doesn’t justify mandating vaccination in that population. 

    • Fuck You 3
  14. Here’s a study released from Kentucky today. 

    Not surprising vaccine would add protection. 

    The absolute numbers were as follows. Of the 269,378 confirmed cases Kentucky in 2020, there were 246 reinfections in May and June of 2021. 179 were in unvaccinated, 67 in fully or partially vaccinated.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Fuck You 1
  15. 7 hours ago, scottsins said:


    By my count, you owe us pics of your gf, her daughter and your friend’s daughter that goes to bars every night.

    If he can only do one it obviously needs to be the one that goes to bars every night. 

    • Fuck You 1
  16. Just now, midtown said:

    MAY BE ABLE to transmit.  Viral loads are similar but they drop off significantly in the vaccinated.  Also loads do not equate to transmission.  Apparently there is a new study out of Singapore that counters the claim that vaccinated are as transmissible.    Again there is ZERO evidence that vaccinated can transmit that I have read or that the CDC has published that refutes that.  

    A big problem is the lack of transparency of CDC. Instead data is partially leaked like what a poster linked above. Just release what we know. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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