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Muy Frio

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Posts posted by Muy Frio

  1. 4 minutes ago, zork said:

    are there differences other than the fees?  like the ease of use once you are set up on cash app seem ridiculously easy.  no idea on coinbase. 

    I worked for a former board of trade bigwig back in the day.  one thing he always expressed was being able to get in and out was the biggest thing if you are right more times than you are wrong.  Apparently cashapp is having issues today.  or maybe it is because im new to it.  anyway I just wanted to add 500$ and it won't let me.  they say it is on their side, not my bank or anything I did. 

    No big deal unless it is like that a lot.


    I’ve never had those issues with it.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    just got tested for the first time at CVS on S Congress for a trip I am taking Monday. The site says 1-2 days turnaround, but when I asked at the drive thru they said up to 3 business. I really hope that is not the case. Anyone been tested at CVS recently? How quick were the results? I just realized I screwed up and could have gotten the rapid test but I wasn't sure if would be accepted. Turns out it will.

    Some destinations won’t accept rapid tests. You should double check. There’s special labs that do Pcr Tests for international travel if needed on a short timeline. But you’ll pay. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, 4th and 5 said:


    Yes, that's their problem. The many doses available are here to stay, no chance of them going to Africa. Use it or lose it.

    Fuck the WHO, says Europe: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/french-president-macron-third-covid-vaccine-doses-likely-elderly-vulnerable-2021-08-05/

    I told the truth at HEB, denied: "company policy."

    I lied at CVS.

    Mission accomplished.

    Can and did.


    The date is there. Israel is giving out a third to over 60 starting last week.

    The Pfizer data also shows reduced efficacy as time passes. Not necessarily for death but for infection.

    The data posted online suggest that levels of antibodies that can target the Delta variant grow fivefold in people 18 to 55 who get a third dose of the vaccineAmong people ages 65 to 85, the Pfizer data suggest that antibody levels that should protect against Delta grow 11-fold more than following a second dose.

    PFIZER DATA SEE PAGES 25 AND 26: https://s21.q4cdn.com/317678438/files/doc_financials/2021/q2/Q2-2021-Earnings-Charts-FINAL.pdf






    I have no doubt that a third shot will Increase your existing antibody levels. If you get five shots you could have antibodies thorough then roof. That doesn’t necessarily mean the outcomes will be improved. There’s not always the link you think there would be.

    See: amyloid levels and outcomes with Biogen Alzheimer’s drug. Not exactly analogous, but improved outcomes are what you’re after not just a secondary endpoint. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Longhorn94 said:

    uhhh thats funny. i am not saying he is wrong about anything but this kid is the son of one of our friends. he is a brilliant person (plan II / EE) but is a consultant that works on SW/EE stuff. He is not a doctor or have an expertise in pandemics or vaccines. Again, Im not saying he is wrong about anything, just good to have context when considering sources.



    Good to know. Fwiw I found this tweet when he was RT’d by a cardiologist I follow. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  5. 39 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I will expand. 

    Here is how the Cash app works for me:

    1. I indicate how much bitcoin I want to buy in $ USD.
    2. I agree to have the money withdrawn from my checking account. (I assume this is skipped if I have a balance on the Cash app.)
    3. The money is withdrawn from my checking account
    4. The final exchange rate and fees for the bitcoin purchase are displayed.
    5. I accept and the bitcoin purchase is made.

    If I cancel in Step 5, the money has already been withdrawn from my checking account and I would be left with a balance in the Cash app. 

    In contrast, if I bought on Coinbase, the money is not pulled from my checking account until I finalize the overall bitcoin purchase, step 5. If I cancel the bitcoin purchase at the end, no money is withdrawn from my checking account. 


    Ah gotcha. I’ve never stopped between. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. 41 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I’ve used it in the past and no problems. Their ceo, jack dorsey, is a relatively early adopter of bitcoin so happy to support him. And unlike PayPal, Cash allows you to transfer the bitcoin off the app.

    One thing that I don’t like about buying on the cash app is that it’s a 2 step process.  You have to fund your account and then make the buy. No big deal unless you want to stop at the last confirmation when you’ve seen the fees and final trading price. The money has already been withdrawn from your bank account.

    If you decide to cancel at that last step, you can redeposit the funds back to your bank. In 3 days.

    I haven’t had to fund my account. It’s just linked to a checking account and comes directly from there. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  7. 55 minutes ago, scottsins said:

    A real doctor would recommend getting a cheap pulse monitor and just looking at the numbers.

    If you want to buy one then that’s fine. Quantitative measures like oxygen saturation can be helpful but they have some limitations. You don’t know the patient’s baseline. Some people are chronically lower so they can tolerate a lower saturation than others. Numbers usually tell the full story but not always. 

    On the other hand you can tell just by looking at someone if they’re in real respiratory distress. That’s why a qualitative measure like the one I described better fits the situation IMO. You don’t want to go to ER unless you really need to go. YMMV

    It also eliminates people fretting over their monitors and thinking “he said to call him if it went this low, it’s not there yet but it dropped by 3 this hour, I better just call and check”. Then you get called and have to talk through it again and provide reassurance. You want good communication that keeps you from unnecessarily called. And that’s how you can tell I’m a real doctor. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 8 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Don’t recall the name but that could have been him. Frankly I don’t care who predicted it I just want them to be right. I want to go to the cotton bowl in the second weekend of October during the state fair and all the anti vaxxer idiots are putting a big question mark next to that.

    Oh I go every year. We should hang out. 

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    It probably should. I’m waiting for the decrease in numbers before the fall that some dude predicted because delta burns fast. Hope he is right and that happens because the alternative is...not good.

    You mean Scott Gottlieb? He’s calling a decline by Mid August. 

    • Fuck You 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    dawww cmon now, don't act like @William Wallace wasn't you! That one started literally an hour after you got crowdsourced and had the same pattern as this account before getting crowdsourced

    I would’ve never done the cringe posts that guy did on the crypto thread. 

    7 minutes ago, Chewbacca said:

    You should be a lawyer the way you parse words.  Weren't you the one of accusing me of having socks a week or two ago?  It's all projection with you motherfuckers.  You figure you're doing something, that means everyone is doing it.

    You’re getting posters confused. Wasn’t me. 

    • Fuck You 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Doctor of what?  


    2 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Ad hominem against a poster banned for lying that is now using a sock account to be a new poster?

    It's not me calling him a liar. It was the entire site that voted him out. 

    I wasn’t banned for lying. I was banned for trolling CR. I’ve kept it decidedly non CR here. 

    • Fuck You 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Bullshit. I'm a known poster with an honestly disclosed background who does not claim to be a doctor. I also posted citations to most of what I was claiming and made clear that these were my opinions and that they disagreed with consensus in areas. I do think they will be correct, but people can make their own opinions. I'd love to be wrong. 

    GRHorn is a known liar who claimed to be a medical doctor under his previous account and has been intentionally spreading dissension and lies the entire time he has posted on this board. He's also banned for lying and using several sock accounts to continue to do so.

    I only responded to him at all so other posters could recognize him as a banned liar. 

    If you can't see the difference there, it's because his is one of your biggest allies on topics we can't discuss on this board and you are letting that creep in.  



    I have no sock accounts.


    I am a doctor.

    You keep calling me a liar without basis. 

    • Fuck You 2
  13. 5 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    The funny thing is, between @Muy Frio, @Harrison Bergeron, and @William Wallace, you'd think @GRHorn would have fucked off by now. He keeps making new sockpuppet accounts and farming posts and rep in hobby threads and then shits all over the DT and CR boards before getting crowdsourced.

    Good to have a hobby, I guess.

    My only handles have been GR and this one. I don’t know anything about those other ones. 

    • Fuck You 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Bevo said:

    So long-term health issues aren't known in the study? I'll mention it again, my niece is an elite soccer player at 14/15. She had carditis when she caught COVID and had it again after vaccination. She probably wouldn't have known she had an issue after 4-8 weeks except that she s an elite athlete and knew she didn't have the stamina that she had prior to COVID. Just as important, it is unknown how she will be later in life. Signs/tests point to it being transient, but we will see.


    Regarding your point on long term effects, I would guess that your niece is a very rare case. Probably a “mild” case if she didn’t experience fatigue at rest or on mild exertion. I think there will be a small number of patients that have zero symptoms at 2 months and then pop up with something more long term. So the long term number shouldn’t be much higher than the 2% at 8 weeks in this study. 

    Just curious, how much has she been affected? Did she get an echo?

  15. Here’s some potentially reassuring data for those that are worried about their unvaccinated kids and school. 

    Symptoms reported by parents. Only 4% of kids still experiencing symptoms at 4 weeks. 2% at 8 weeks. Most common symptoms fatigue, headache, loss of smell. 

    This is a marked improvement over the 10-30% long covid numbers I’ve seen thrown around here. 

    • Fuck You 1
  16. 1 hour ago, JesusSweatDuck said:

    If you can find one get a pulse ox monitor. You can find them on Amazon for $20.  This way they can monitor if they're just feeling shitty or if it is an actual emergency


    1 hour ago, Zepol87 said:

    They were the CVS ones, had to wait 3 days for results. They went to PCP between getting tested and results because of feeling so shitty

    This is actually a good point. My buddy said he is feeling better but his gf is still pretty bad. Wild since we had a softball tournament the day before it got bad. They played and said allergies were fucking with them. No one else from our teams is feeling anything

    Here is a great and simple test to tell if you really need to go to ER even with Covid. If you have covid shortness of breath is common with exertion, but if you get out of breath talking then you need to go in. Otherwise there’s not much that they’ll do for you. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  17. Vinay has some interesting ideas. He’s a carrot more than a stick guy. 

    • Tie vaccination to binding legislation that we can never reinstitute restrictions again. Pass a bill that says if 70% of the population gets vaccinated, governments cannot institute mask mandates for a 5-year period or businesses cannot be closed if local vaccination rates exceed 75%. Pick the percentages, and times, and make it binding. It's worth the risk of losing one tool, and like all agreements, renegotiation may be possible if needed.
    • Last call for vaccines. Announce that at the end of the month we are going to ship all the vaccines to India, Brazil, and Argentina, and make good on that promise. If you don't get it now, you can never get it. A deadline can be a powerful incentive.
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