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Muy Frio

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Posts posted by Muy Frio

  1. 3 hours ago, Captainant said:


    Oh good @Muy Frio please tell our medical professional posters that things are peachy. Because from what I've read from trauma babe and the other nurses here on surly.... it isn't exactly the basket of peaches you make it out to be.

    I didn’t say it’s peachy. I said it’s not “turbofucked” when hospitalizations are still 30% below last summer’s peak, much less last winter’s. Yes some hospitals will be strained. I’m just going off the official state and national numbers. 


    • Fuck You 3
  2. 3 hours ago, Lobo said:

    We could go back to the 70's old school mode.  A vaccinated section on the airplane and an unvaccinated section on the airplane.  In the unvaccinated section, you also smoke and take other personal liberties.  

    But yeah airline travel is good example.  Texas Tough Guy, "Not gonna have the vaccine forced on me by the government!  What's that you say?  Sure, I'll arrive two hours early, not pack my firearms, take my shoes off, be dangerously x-rayed, patted down in the undercarriage by another man, and pay extra money for the pleasure that's literally called 'The September 11th Fee', to sit in a tube where I can't smoke or get drunk and wear some pussy-ass seat-belt...but I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna get a shot in the arm to protect myself and everybody else in that metallic tube...that's just too much infringement on this Texan's freedom!"  


    What do you think about maybe separate bathrooms and water fountains? 

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    Wut? Just because deaths are less and the population is younger, doesnt mean the hospitals arent gonna get fucked


    Someone posted earlier, for example, that Nueces county doesnt have a single fucking hospital bed right now

    I’m assuming there will be spots where resources are briefly strained, not sure why it’s hitting Corpus a bit harder now. Maybe the rural Hispanic population there is less vaxxed and getting funneled into there, idk?

    But the numbers bear out that both statewide and nationally hospitalizations and death are substantially lower. And that’s with the ultra rapid spread going on. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Captainant said:

    There's a shitload of unvaccinated dumbasses out there. Previously, the mitigating behavior in the form of masks and social distancing was preventing COVID from getting even worse than it was. Once we had vaccines going into arms and some places started to go back to 100% normal (despite being at best 30-40% fully vaccinated) and removed the mitigating strategies - surprise surprise, we are seeing a huge spike in COVID cases and hospitalizations from the unvaccinated dumbasses.

    Sure, it's "burning through" those groups and I guess it will eventually "just go away on its own like a miracle", but in the meantime they're turbofucking our hospitals and medical system at large.

    If we had continued with masking and social distancing and the rest of the successful COVID mitigation strategies, the severity of this wave probably would be about half of what it was before. But we aren't so lucky. Hope you don't have any kids too young to get vaccinated or are expecting your kids to be in-person schooling again.

    Our hospitals are not getting turbofucked. It's nothing like the two previous big waves, see the two posts above me for the hospitalization numbers. For deaths it's the same story. If you worked in hospital setting you would know that.

    This wave is getting a lot of attention because people are frustrated and scared. They're frustrated because they thought we were past restrictions and they're scared because they thought after they were vaccinated they weren't going to get sick. Now they know people or see on TV that vaccinated people are catching it. The key is to focus on the lower rates of hospitalizations and deaths. Don't let the fear get to you. In a few weeks, Delta variant will be largely done.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    We could go back to the 70's old school mode.  A vaccinated section on the airplane and an unvaccinated section on the airplane.  In the unvaccinated section, you also smoke and take other personal liberties.  

    But yeah airline travel is good example.  Texas Tough Guy, "Not gonna have the vaccine forced on me by the government!  What's that you say?  Sure, I'll arrive two hours early, not pack my firearms, take my shoes off, be dangerously x-rayed, patted down in the undercarriage by another man, and pay extra money for the pleasure that's literally called 'The September 11th Fee', to sit in a tube where I can't smoke or get drunk and wear some pussy-ass seat-belt...but I'll be goddamned if I'm gonna get a shot in the arm to protect myself and everybody else in that metallic tube...that's just too much infringement on this Texan's freedom!"  



    • Fuck You 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Anastasis said:

     Why wouldn't you want your immune system taking on the most robust posture to fight off a re-infection?

    I look at it this way. 

    Let’s say for purposes of this discussion my chances of getting re-infected in the next 12 months are 1%. If I opt to get vaccinated then I expose myself to all of the common possible side effects we all know. Could be nothing. Could last a few days. Then there’s the extremely rare side effects. All for dropping that 1% to what 0.5%?

    Then you consider that I’m young, healthy and a second covid infection would likely be weaker than the first which one was relatively mild. The math doesn’t add up.  

    2 hours ago, Pods said:

    Get fucked, the only "confusion" here is you intentionally misunderstanding things. 


    I appreciate that Homer, but I'm not trying to actually talk to, or argue with known liar and troll GRHorn. I'm doing it for people who don't recognize his posting style that have fallen for his lies under his previous accounts. Disinformation and lies are getting people killed and he's been the single biggest purveyor of them on this board for years by a large margin. He's been banned multiple times for lying and comes right back as a new account. He'll be back with a new one now that he's admitted this is yet one more of his socks. 

    He's either a professional troll, or has a serious and untreated psychological problem, that causes him to pathologically seek out and spread disinformation while people are dying. Either way, the results are the same. 

    I'm not at all ashamed to say I am fucking pissed about it. Unlike GRHorn, many of us have known each other for going on 20 years, some longer. I may disagree with a lot of you, but I care about you motherfuckers and I want to see you healthy and happy.

    If you didn't join this board a few years ago, exclusively to troll and derail conversations like GRHorn, and you have good faith questions about the vaccine, ask them. Then, please go get vaccinated. 

    First you call me a liar without basis. Now me saying that natural immunity is comparable to vaccine immunity is “killing people”. Hyperbolic to say the least.


    Anyway here’s people from Cleveland Clinic with a hand from an ID doc from UCSF spreading “disinformation” and “killing people”. 


    • Fuck You 10
  7. Cool piece here. Didn’t realize they recorded a lot of their last album at Willie’s studio and wrecked it. They were in process of crashing and burning. 

    Not a ton of good quality live stuff online but I always liked this cover. 

    Also always liked this one. 90s nostalgia here. 


    • Hook 'Em 3
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  8. 14 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    In a theoretical country with 100% vaccinations, id wager that the vast majority of new infections will be breakthrough.  

    plus this article says the current coverage for delta is 65% which is almost double the 39% in the previous article posted by I believe you. 

    That’s all broken down in the column. Thanks for (not) reading. 

    • Fuck You 7
  9. 4 hours ago, Pods said:

    Fuck off, this is a flat out lie. The last data on Israeli breakthroughs came out July 21 and I posted it on this board in a thread you read and have shit in for the last 18 months while spewing your idiocy. There have been no updates since. The last update suggests that neither vaccines, nor previous infection prevent Delta infection, but it is likely both reduce severity and symptoms strongly, especially if the vaccine, or infection was recent. The Israeli data says the complete opposite of what you are claiming, a bunch of breakthroughs are going to happen, but will have reduced symptoms. We have no idea how much risk of long covid you will have other than small sample Israeli studies show long covid is happening in 19% of breakthrough patients. Again, something I posted on this board recently and you are aware of.   

    Maybe some of your emotion is that we’re getting confused here.  Breakthrough to me is infections in the vaccinated. Re-infections are second infections in people that have had covid before. 

    Anyway here’s a column on the latest data from Israel. 

    The relevant section on re-infections. 

    Who isn’t getting Delta? 

    Well, it’s hard to say for sure because of confounders in the data, but it looks like recovered people — people who had tested positive for the coronavirus in a past PCR test — are massively under-represented. Recovered people are around 9% of Israel’s population, but they’re less than 1% of current cases. 

    That has led to speculation that recovery from past Covid is more protective against infection from the Delta Variant than vaccination. Known recovered people in Israel are mostly not vaccinated, though some chose to get a single booster dose 

    There could be other explanations for this result. The Delta wave is, for now at least, not affecting the communities hardest hit by Israel’s previous Covid waves: Ultra Orthodox Jews and Israeli Arabs. So perhaps recovered people aren’t being exposed to the virus yet. 

    But I’m not sure that’s enough to explain the sharp difference. From data I was passed last week, recovered people were testing at only 0.1% positivity, compared to more than 1% for vaccinated people.

    4 hours ago, Pods said:


    You are also being disingenuous by claiming the Wall Street Journal Opinion piece was suggesting breakthroughs are rare and that Gottlieb endorses your take. The OPINION article is about counting previously infected people as infected in the UK and whether they have anti-bodies right now. I can't read the whole thing, but I don't see what you mentioned at all in the part I can see.

    I think you mean re-infections here. I think re-infections and breakthrough infections are both rare. Do you not? I think they’re at least comparable. Which is my whole point. Vaccine and natural immunity are at least comparable. IM NOT SAYING VACCINES ARE BAD. MOST PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE THEM.

    I’ve gone through this before but think about it, how many people do you know that have had a breakthrough infection? How many have had re-infection? How many people on this thread have posted about their own or someone they know having breakthrough infections? What about second infections?


    Unfortunately I’m not aware of large scale, nationwide data on re-infections in our country. I’ve posted about two countries with more comprehensive data than our own. 

    And this isn’t a sock. I started this only after my other one was axed.

    • Fuck You 10
  10. 30 minutes ago, XYZ said:

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that it would be good for the health of the crypto ecosystem for lots of BTC to be spread among many hands and a good chunk to be moving around instead of dormant. What will happen the day that Satoshi Nakamoto dumps his bitcoin?

    The distribution of BTC has increased over time. Of course it started with just a handful of people mining and 50BTC blocks being created every 10 minutes! This chart shows smaller addresses growing over time.  


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