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Burnt Ends
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closetohumping last won the day on July 22 2023

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  1. I know. I’d have. A major issue with maga hat wearing bigots chasing minority students around.
  2. I wouldn't be ok if Bubba and his KKK krew did this to black or Hispanic students, so I think this is an issue too.
  3. I think there's varying degrees and you and I probably agree with where the middle ground is. Maybe not. "Jews go home" is just as bad as "blacks or orentals go home" imo. But is that where the line is drawn? IDK tbh, but this is nuanced. Right to protest sure. Hostile learning environment? Meh.
  4. Devil's advocate as I love me a good march, but some kids just want to learn, looking at you Asian/Nigerian/Brazilian student walking through the west mall. Is it ok to chant intimidating shit at black or hispanic students?
  5. People that drive too fast. People that drive too slow. People that tailgate people that are trying to turn. People
  6. Yea. Fuck both of those places. NB and Laguna aren't too far from HB.
  7. AS long as you don't talk about how great Texas is, they'll welcome you.
  8. Kevin vs chimpanzee thread is in the lulz forum
  9. Okc still has starters in. Up 30 4 minutes left
  10. I think his presumption is that anyone that would play for Rodney is low hanging fruit.
  11. No CR https://x.com/gavinnewsom/status/1782082600368283715?s=46
  12. I honked at a kid on one of those e bikes today
  13. Is cooper dejean related to Jason sehorn?
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