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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. This game is basically two turds floating in a bowl occasionally bumping into each other….
  2. Pretty sure we’re the ones pissing our pants
  3. Hahaha, we can’t even jump out to a first half lead anymore… tire fire
  4. I’d say it’s bill in Sinton…. But too eloquent
  5. we need another fortune teller... I'm sure pole assassin uses candles in her act.. maybe we can get her?
  6. if you want a halted speech pattern of nouns interspliced with the occasional present tense verb.
  7. Seriosuly, if we had this much bite in 2H of games like we do in 2H of seasons, we'd win the muthafucka... Drunk but not out.. stripper monkey pole assassin has my vote for the next Governor of the great state of Texas!
  8. Let's pause a moment, take a deep breath, and marvel at the direction this program has taken. Stripper monkey pole assassin is awesome.
  9. it's that kinda thinking that kept us from dudes like Briles, right?
  10. Since I have a 10" punisher, I'm delighted when dick pics leak. Maybe Banks is the same? I don't have a stripper monkey on my back though..
  11. I think I understand what happened here... Assassin and Banks were chilling in the house. Banks was tired of competing for Assassins affection with Monkey and banished said Monkey out to the yard. Monkey decided to hang out in the backyard at Assassin's private glory hole. Kid walks by, Monkey thinks he's supposed to fluff, bites kids arm by accident. Kid then runs away, finds Doctor of Neighborhood who provides first aid. Kid tells no adult and no adult tells Assassin. News of bite breaks on interwebs. Assassin breaks out her English dictionary and begins Twitter wars. Banks drinks heavily until UT's MIB arrive to fix the problem. Monkey remains at large.
  12. later that night, grandpa was found exiting the highway in the golf cart he stole from the retirement home after buying a 2 mickeys and a hooker.
  13. i think that's a girl with the ball.... jesus we've sunk low.
  14. To toughen them up, maybe the defense should each get an escape goat of their own.. Feed it, care for it, and be forced to slaughter it before Saturday...
  15. It's called BOKA and it tastes good going down but causes massive pissing out the ass and liver failure.
  16. I graduated about 20 years ago. I honestly don't associate too much with the university anymore anyway. Football was kind of the last vestige. This was the first year in over a decade that I haven't had season tickets. Thankfully i have enough maturity to pivot quickly to 'don't give a fuck' when the season went south. I'm just here for the gangbang now.
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