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Posts posted by Updawg

  1. Checking in on generator power from the suburbs North of Tallahassee! Generac GP6500E FTMFW.
    Just got 4g back after about 18hrs without any connectivity.
    Ask me anything about Michael. Survived it with two little kids. Chainsaw bit the dust. Four wheeler also needs some attention.
    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
    How long before you think you get power.

    Devastating storm for sure. You dodged a bullet
    Images of Mexico beach are amazing. I think this will make more people evacuate in the future
  2. Pro-Tip.  If you're like me and have a couple of mid-life HVAC's that need some TLC...this continued hot weather (particularly at night when it's still a real-feel outside of about 85 when I go to bed) and insane moisture (thankful for the rain though) levels...you're gonna wanna flush out your condensation lines with some vinegar.  They've been working hard for you for 5 months and the algae buildup in those things this late in the season because of all this humidity is brutal.  Your units will freeze up on you (again, this is for not brand-spanking new models) and conk out in the middle of the night.  Flush them through with a vinegar solution.  Check your drain pans in the attic as well to see if there's any overflow of moisture as the algae squeeze it back out the top.  I usually do it around late June after a couple months of warm weather and rain.  But the back-loading of all this heavy rain and moisture in September plus me wanting to run it liberally at night, and I had to do it again this week.  Running nicely now, but usually in October, I'm making sure the furnace is ready for duty, not trying to squeeze out another month of work from the AC.   /csb that will save you a few hundred bucks proactively
    I pour bleach a couple of times a year. Is vinegar better?
  3. As I said before - I went to a mid-atlantic boarding school in 1990-91 and both terms were common.  Devils Triangle meant a threesome with two guys. Boof meant "butt fuck", and occasionally meant to take drugs through the anal route. Those terms never meant what he said they meant and any remaining credibility he had with me was lost as of that moment. He lied. Real talk. 
    I went to public schools in Houston and forgot about these terms until today
  4. In 2016 I was a moderate.  Socially liberal, fiscally conservative, but not quite a libertarian.  I would have considered voting for Kasich had he won the nomination.
    Now?  I will probably never be able to vote for a Republican in my life.  I find the lot of you disgusting in ways I can't even describe.  It bothers me that you even exist.
    I wonder how many of me there are...
    +1. There are lots. But a lot don't vote or pay attention to politics and that's the problem
    Very cool. Being the smart ass that I am my favorite part is the dad who tweeted this has "baseball coach" on his twitter bio, his entire  youth team in his header yet doesn't know how to teach his own son the proper way to throw a baseball.  
    Well they are Canadians
    • Like 1
  6. I'm looking for a large butchers block for the kitchen to serve as chopping board, pastry kneading surface, whatever.
    It needs not be a thick massive single plank, and not particular on the wood type, but needs to be dimensionally 80*60 in socialist units.  and of course food-grade.  type of wood doesn't matter - even bamboo is fine.
    problem is retail blocks are typically 40*30 in size.  tried looking at home supplies store for raw construction wood but the planks aren't proper dimension. 
    assuming I did find such a thing, and can plane or sand it myself...what should of treatment should I give it?  teak oil or something? and I don't have any equipment to join pieces together.  could I find some lumber mills or what?
    Check out Ikea
  7. Didn't they just give him an extension?  lol.  I want to get into the Texans and the NFL more than I have in the past, but goddamn that franchise from ownership down is such a clown show.  
    Pretty much how I've felt from the beginning

    I'm done blaming the gm or coach. This whole organization just sucks and is boring. Too bad Watson will probably be wasted
  8. Why do all the aggy sites have to meet with each other to coordinate their coverage? Wtf is that about? I've never heard about 247 sitting down with tfb and bo to coordinate. The aggy sites are all a bunch of retarded drama queens and no doubt engage in impermissible ncaa activities. 
    I assume because texags rules the town and is so tight with the athletic Dept they realized they couldn't compete or break that up
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