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Posts posted by Updawg

  1. CPS knows the criminal is not me.  It's more me being concerned that someone is using all my personal info. 
    No one has been through this before?  Could I call Odessa PD and see if they can pull info on this guy?
    Just file a stolen identity report there and where you live. Watch your credit or freeze it. Sucks
  2. I was there at 6am this morning and did the same a couple of weeks ago. That place was packed this morning. I feel for business travellers. It definitely needs to be expanded at least for checking in and security. Glad I rarely fly except for vacation. They had everyone going to the first security gate and the line was almost to the second. It only took 30 mins though which I was surprised about

  3. Saw Pixies/Weezer on Wednesday.   
    Off to see John Prine tonight.  
    Willie et al. roll into town tomorrow with the Outlaw Festival.  Gonna be 102 so I'm probably not going out there for the whole thing.  
    Saw them last night at cota. But we missed the beginning of the pixies,. They started earlier than we thought.
  4. Theranos has been in business since 2003. That’s 150+ months of outflow with no revenue. At it’s peak, it had 800 employees and an estimated burn rate of $10mm/mo. Adds up quickly.
    Damn. Didn't realize they only had 800 employees at the peak.
  5. I wish Fox didn't have so many mics on the course.  Golf fans are annoying.  Drunk golf fans are more annoying.  Drunk Long Island golf fans are the most annoying.
    Absolutely. Very annoying and fox coverage just sucks.
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