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Posts posted by Updawg

  1. I'm still baffled by our inability to use the middle of the field on offense.  Every pass was to the sideline or a long bomb.  This has been an on-going issue through several different offensive coordinators.  I'm assuming we just haven't trusted a QB to throw into traffic for about a decade now.  It's pretty frustrating because there were some holes in the middle all night.
    Agreed. And the rare times they do throw in the middle it works great. But is the forgotten about for 5 games
  2. Speaking of that, fanboys on the Jeff P. reddit thread were mentioning that they flew in and are driving rental cars.  
    And Jeff lost his personal cell phone, so he's somewhat down for the count as far as streaming.  I would have thought those guys have multiple phones.
    I noticed it looked like they had rentals. Even with the full rental insurance I wonder what would happen if they damage the cars driving around in a hurricane
    Im surprised he only had that one phone. The signal was great when I was watching. I was wondering how they were doing that
  3. No Astros on DirecTV now. You need att sports net. I ended up switching back to a uverse promo because of this

    Astros watching question for those of y'all in Austin. 
    Is it possible?
    Prior to moving back to TX I used MLB at bat which doesn't work anymore. I'm still on DirectTV Now currently. 

  4. Couple what looked to me to be T-38s just did a few circuits around the bee caves area, circled back over LTHS, and then appears to head out over lakeway to lake travis. Pretty cool, went outside and tracked them around for a bit after I first heard them. Do these fly out of anywhere closer than Randolph?

    Most likely astronauts getting training hours coming from Ellington. Used to see them up here a lot
    • Like 1
  5. Right there with you. Eyeballing downsizing here and getting a second place somewhere in the Rockies.
    I'm with y'all as well

    Don't want to spend the winter up there but the summers are great. Lots of swimming is the only thing that helps me survive summer now.



    The day before the Austin City Council was to vote on a stadium deal, one of its members was on the way back from visiting with soccer supporters in Columbus, Ohio.


    Council Member Leslie Pool spent much of Monday as well as Tuesday morning in the Ohio capital, the Columbus Dispatch first reported. Pool’s staff confirmed that she was traveling back to Austin on Tuesday afternoon and was not immediately available for comment.


    While in Columbus, Pool visited with members of the fan-led Save the Crew movement at their weekly meeting, and swung by the current home of Columbus Crew SC, Mapfre Stadium, as well as a parcel of land in the Arena District many fans envision as the site for a new stadium.


    If approved Wednesday, an agreement for Precourt Sports Ventures to build a Major League Soccer stadium in North Austin could allow the Anthony Precourt-led group to relocate Columbus Crew SC.


    “I wanted to think about that and see what the actual impacts are on the families who have built their lives around soccer in (Columbus),” Pool told the Dispatch.


    According to MLS in Austin member Derek Ensign, the visit with Columbus soccer supporters was more extensive than Pool’s interactions with the Austin supporters group founded in 2013 by Josh Babetski.


    “I’m disappointed and confused that an Austin elected official would seemingly care more about the perspective of soccer fans in Columbus compared to the city she’s elected to represent,” said Ensign, who accused Pool during the City Council meeting last Thursday of “stall tactics.”


    “I’m confused looking at some of her comments in the last week about wanting to remove the emotions from this argument and look more at the numbers, then she’s quoted in this Dispatch article talking about the emotional impact in Columbus.”





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