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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Thiefery

  1. 1 minute ago, kopp0e said:

    The Hawks are moving the ball nearly at will so far...

    now if they can actually punch it  in, they would have a three touchdown lead by now


  2. We've sucked when we got errebody and we've sucked when we got the 20 something ranked class.  Time for these coaches to put these players in the best position to win a la Gary Patterson

    It's gonna feel better sitting at 2-1 come late Saturday night

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  3. 42 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Because...we're Texas? And you're right but that's not going to play well here. Too many are convinced money is going to win the day and get us a sure thing. We are not the prize we think ourselves to be. Dabo has everything he needs. This place is a buzzsaw. We have no patience for a rebuild. We have too many cooks in the kitchen though hopefully CDC has enough balls to put a stop to that. We have to hope the next gamble is the guy who can deal with all these competing factors and catch lightning in a bottle at the same time. Charlie and Herman have shown the job was/is too big for them. I don't see a lot of existing big names that want to deal with that. But when the eventual Herman removal happens, we'll trot out that tired line that money will win the day because that's really worked for us since 2010.

    I'm hoping that CDC is the reason why the program will bounce back.  It's been the wild west of bandits, hired guns, and whores for the last several years.  

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