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Posts posted by Satoshi

  1. 7 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    What are you a bookie?

    I must have missed you talking about republican positions. Perhaps you could simply provide a link to the party platform instead. 

    I’ve helped a good number of people make money and work towards financial security through bitcoin and other related investments. 

    You’ve…contributed nothing. 

    and I discussed Republican issues. You’ve ignored it. Whatever. 

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  2. 12 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I guess you’ve contributed to so many peoples financial well being that you’ve been banned here multiple times. I guess being a con artist is somewhat admirable. Trump has done well with it.

    I must have missed your list of Republican whatever because they have no platform. Link it. 

    Look we all know you are a worthless troll. Why you haven’t been banned from here is beyond me but it’s not my board. 

    I have multiple stalkers that neg just about every post I make. That’s been a big part of it. 

    Do you have multiple people thank you via DMs for making them large sums of money? I doubt it. 

    I mentioned multiple Republican positions that Trump has no effect on. You have no response. That’s fine. 

    • Fuck You 6
  3. 12 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Have you?

    Surly overall. Yes. I have materially added to people’s financial well being here. You’ve contributed nothing real or substantial. 

    19 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    You never have a point troll and never will.

    You never responded to my list of Republican priorities. Guess you have nothing. 

    • Fuck You 7
  4. 7 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Border security? You know how you start cutting down on illegals flooding the border, and make it easier for BP/ICE/etc. to deal with those who still come?  Dry up the jobs.  Really hammer companies that won't stop hiring illegals.  Home developers, construction, produce, shut those companies down that can't stop hiring people that weren't actually vetted. Comb through the IRS and Social Security databases for SS #s that are clearly being used by people who weren't assigned them at birth - it's not hard to do this stuff with their databases (even with the COBOL code still hanging around). You search for SS#s being used at more than one address or more than one name. I've had multiple people using my SS# and Social Security Administration and the IRS could give to shits, and wouldn't even give me information about the addresses my SS# was being used at, because "privacy" laws. I only found out after a bank accidentally tagged me on some shenanigans involving my #.  Oh, and the SSA wouldn't change my SS#, unless my life was "in danger".

    But the GOP won't do that, because those home developers, construction companies, agricultural corporations, etc. donate a shit-ton to politicians.  Not a coincidence that Bob "No Relations" Perry was Rick Perry's biggest donor for years.  GOP has had plenty of chances to reform SSA and IRS to fight this stuff.

    Deregulation?  GOP can't figure out how to mostly do it responsibly to benefit people/companies who aren't donors.

    Religious Freedom? When Republicans talk about how we need more God in school, they mean their "version", because I know they aren't talking about Catholicism in South Texas or San Antonio, or Hinduism or Buddhism in Sugar Land or Houston or Muslims in Dallas. Every time I hear somebody I know talk about how we need more God in schools, I point out that Catholics are the largest religious group in Texas, and all of the sudden it's "oh, no, that's not what I meant!"

    Freedom of Speech?  The same party that wants to shut a private company down because it banned some Republicans for spreading really stupid shit on its private platform?

    Defending the Rights of the Unborn? Sounds great on paper, but as soon as the kid is born, if the family is dirt poor, the kid is considered a drain on society.

    That's just off the top of my head.

    These takes are pretty much all so nonsensical they don’t deserve an itemized response. And you left out a couple massive parts of the Republican policy. 2nd amendment and lower taxes. But I appreciate you trying to stan for Jimmy JerkOff since I was responding to him 

    • Fuck You 5
  5. 6 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    @immamac should change this motherfuckers name to Swam4aggy so that everyone knows who they are arguing with.

    I love all you guys always appealing to mods to help. Always looking for moderation of speech. Which is fine it’s a private platform but your hard on for it makes it obvious you don’t support free speech on a larger scale. Which helps prove  my larger point. 

    • Fuck You 7
  6. 1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

    Dude. The Republican party has no platform whatsoever. Are you living under a rock? It’s just a cult of personality worshiping trump. Its the nazi party minus any real give a shit about country, whether fake or not. They just want to burn it down. 


    School choice, protecting second amendment rights, border security, deregulation, lower taxes, religious freedom, freedom of speech, defending the rights of the unborn, originalist legislative interpretation. Just off the top of my head. These things were all important before Trump and they’re important now. He just co-opted them. You’re wrong and loud about it, but that’s nothing new. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Eastwood said:

    In the infancy of the old board, I had a couple of posters that I bickered with constantly. Eventually we end up meeting at a tailgate, had beers together, and our internet interactions went from bitter bickering 100% of the time to actual discussions 50% of the time and just shooting the shit in random threads the other 50%. Humanizing a screen name goes a long way.

    This is a quaint idea. One I wish would still work. But I feel pretty certain if I met some of these guys and girls in person with them knowing who I was, they would go ballistic. If they didn’t know it was me then we would get along great.

    It’s the main reason I haven’t done burnt ends. I wanted to do the top level to take my son to meet some players at the team dinner etc but I figured there was a good chance my handle would cause problems with other posters even with kids present. Weirdos. 

    • Fuck You 5
  8. 3 hours ago, Braff Zacklin said:

    Man, if we could only find someone to post that whacko preacher's alien sex fantasies for a third time on this page (and fourth time overall in this thread), we'd truly have something for which to be thankful this holiday season.

    Goddamnit sorry. I’m a bad person and I should feel bad. 

    here’s a pic of me posting the alien lady video for the third time 



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  9. 5 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    So as I understand the timeline:

    - Tennis player levels sex abuse charges against a high ranking Communist Party member

    - Tennis player disappears a few weeks

    - Tennis player sends an email that all is OK and oh, by the way, I am also a liar about all that sex stuff so lets just forget it

    - Chinese state media sends proof of life photos

    - Tennis player pops up at a few "public events" where only state media is present

    I am certainly reassured that all is fine now, thanks Pooh Bear Xi for your response. 

    Pretty much. 

    To their credit the women’s tennis tour and players are not satisfied. Looks like they’re willing to dump China over it. The year end finals are supposed to be in China going forward but there are talking of having them in Guadalajara of all places. That’s where it was this year and players were happy with it. 


  10. 49 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    They didn't pick Texas for shits and giggles.  They picked us for cheap energy and low regulations, and a state government that welcomes their lobbyists with open arms.  They have no loyalty to Texas and they give no shits about whether Joe Smith in Dripping Springs has power in the summer or winter.

    I agree with @Captainant - and these companies have been donating to Abbott for the last 7 or 8 years.

    Hell, he's their biggest cheerleader.  They don't toss money his way without a return on their investment.

    And this fucking idiot even tried to compare it to our poorly created/managed gold depository (or suppository am I right?)

    The Chinese companies and investors aren't pushing bitcoin operations in Texas because they like the scenery.

    Of course that’s why they came here. Cheap energy and low regulations are seen by a lot of people as good things. The energy cost is the number one input that determines bitcoin mining profitability. 

    I’d like to see the receipts showing which mining companies you say have been donating to Abbott for the last 7-8 years. That’s way back in bitcoin time. 

    All I’ve seen from you and Captain so far is that you don’t like who supports it. Or you think they’ll up and leave, but these companies enter into long term contracts around prices etc and they build out infrastructure. Bolting after a few years is not the plan. 

    Basically you’ve yet to formulate an argument why new large scale, privately funded and 100% green electrical capacity for Texas is a bad thing.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

    Of course Republicans are better at narrative. They don’t have policies or platforms to use. It’s hard to sell less taxes and less government when it’s been proven over and over again that corporate tax cuts only benefit the rich and Republicans idea of less government is taking away your right to vote, locally govern, operate a private business, or manage you reproductive system. 

    Fox News blast fear porn until repetition drowns out the opposition. @Satoshi currently uses the same tactics in the inflation thread. Volume over substance. He used to Republican post anti-vax shit until he was crowed sourced. And like Fox News, and Trump, there are no real consequences or accountability. Get banned, pop up again. Continue the clown show. 

    Besides the occasional funny meme that you probably don’t think is funny, I only post substance on the inflation thread. It’s just substance you don’t like. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    No, I read the article - burning that energy by running SHA256 hashes is a waste of that energy. We shouldn't be investing in ways to burn more energy. We should be investing in energy storage and transmission solutions so that we have better burst capacity in our grid. This article and investment firm propose to buy the marginal unused power from renewables at a discount for use in cryptomining - with the assumption that doing so will encourage more generators and capacity growth.



    Your framing is interesting.

    Nobody is “burning” any energy. It’s 100% green capacity that otherwise wouldn’t be built out. When demand is high, it’s all given to the grid so none is wasted.

    ”we should be investing in energy storage”. To my knowledge this is all private funds so nothing is being diverted from public funds. So what you think “we” should be investing in is irrelevant. Call your State Rep or something. 


    1 hour ago, Captainant said:



    Proof of work cryptos are not the future, and their value is almost entirely speculative. 



    1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    Given your problem statement of "renewables are bursty and therefore inefficient and bad investments", I argue that capturing the unused burst to sell at a later date with better economics (aka - timeshifting with energy storage), or applying that excess energy to public works, rather than private mining enterprises, would be a far greater net-positive for society and the power generators that you claim to be looking out for.

    Economic actors respond to financial incentives. If bitcoin mining is what makes the expansion of our electric grid capacity viable, then it is a net positive and should be pursued.  Im not sure why you’d be against it. Unless it’s just because it’s me. Or you have a philosophical disagreement with bitcoin.

    If there’s better ways to make these things happen then they will happen. 

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  13. 15 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    this is idiotic. Increasing power demand is not how you'd typically address lack of capacity in a grid. The goal in this story isn't to increase generation capacity, but to increase demand to pay for energy during typical periods of low generation, in order to try to incentivize producers to supply more energy.

    We should be investing in energy storage, not increased energy consumption.

    I want to congratulate you on something. This might be the most ignorant comment I’ve seen on this forum. The article which you didn’t click, explains it all.

    200MW, 100% green, being brought on to the grid that would otherwise not be economical. When demand is low and supply is high, miners are happy to use the green electricity to mine bitcoin. If you can monetize the energy that would otherwise be stranded or lost, then it encourages building out more renewables. 


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