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Everything posted by CptnJiggleBits

  1. Was it? I just remember him being called in to close after starting just days before and a homer down the line. Tried to block it out but never can.
  2. Valmy77's osu Shit.. seeing osu and ptsd in a sentence gave me Kieshnick omaha tues. Ptsd
  3. It's not Horns down. He's showing their seed #
  4. Totallynotabuttpirate's avatar accurately depicts me watching Ivan at the plate and I am totally not a butt pirate.
  5. Goodness gracious. Ivan Fucks. If ball dies. It dies.
  6. Has your experience been good having them delivered? I'm due for some fresh ones but cant often make it to the coop or stadium store. Do they package them without creasing?
  7. Goodness. Atleast Cravey was quick with his bp
  8. This. We got what we got. Let's see what we can do. All post season is about gettin to 2-0. Piece together 2 games of pitching at a time and with our hitting who knows. Im just gonna try to enjoy the ride and hope for a run
  9. Silas takin a siesta there on the left. Mother fuck I'm letting it go and Horns are gonna wake the Fuck up. Opportunity to see if this team can say fuck no and make adversity suck their dick. Get fuckin runners on and big crooked number these shaggy wigger hicks. Pitcher sure as shit should be iced.
  11. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Let's Fuckin Go Horns!!! Play TEXAS BASEBALL .
  13. Just have the dink at Dario's to create your own nerve gas
  14. How bout seeing Baylor getting their asses whipped three times?
  15. If I remember correctly he might mount it on the fence in left and a pair of snips to the hoses ends that shit. If I can make it I promise I'll fuckin take violence to it. Unlikely I can make it though, I'm dealing with the old man in hospice. Suprised the University puts up with it, being it's artificial noise maker. When I was in school the umpire and security were all over our ass if we used a bull horn, even briefly, on my right field bus.
  16. Wonderful weekend of ball. Huge series coming up. Keep it going Horns
  17. I want to smash the horn like Bluto smashing the pussy's guitar
  18. The Horn is not Vandy whistler bad but they're trying (gettin close) and that's grounds for justified murder by horn up ass. Not joking no sarcasm.
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