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Everything posted by TommyGufano

  1. Think I might just go for it on 4th here. A&M would still need a TD. and coming up short would force a 95+ yd drive
  2. Jimbo being so dumb it got in Heupel's head. Next level shit from the hillbilly
  3. I thought it was a false start... but I suppose that's better
  4. Didn't see anything on that replay that would suggest a cart is needed here.
  5. Yall go for 2 or 1 on a TD here? Nolan goes down every fucking game
  6. Pull fade without enough fade. I've got that golf shot
  7. Was that a facemask? Didn't think so live edit: yup
  8. Dang. FG woulda had me feeling pretty good about Tennessee in this one
  9. So Cooper got KO'd on that Milton run? What was it a shoulder?
  10. Kinda surprised that RB got up after an awkward landing on that last tackle
  11. Coulda had the ball back with something like 1:40 left and 2 TOs. Coward
  12. Jimbo gotta be the least aggressive end of half coach out there
  13. What a throw from Johnson. Also, I can't imagine what it would be like pulling for a team coached by that hillbilly
  14. Factor in a missed PI and a dropped long TD. I stand by it
  15. I can't keep track of a&m DL. Is Regis one of the good ones?
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