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Ghost of LL

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Ghost of LL

  1. 2 minutes ago, ScottishHorn said:

    I'm not saying it's right.  I'm saying bad shit happens to kids when the parents fuck up.  I'm saying there is no nice way to separate parents and kids but this shit has always happened.  It has become a political issue bc of who is in the white house.  The media wouldn't give a shot if Hillary was president.  Nobody cares about the shot that happens at the border.   The people on their moral high horse now are pathetic

    That is untrue, as demonstrated by the uproar around the Obama Administration's incompetent handling of the unaccompanied minor crisis in the Summer of 2014.

    But keep lying, if that's what you need to do to live with yourself.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Equinox said:

    No. If their homes were in America I'm sure they'd be there. 

    Indeed--so we're going to incarcerate children in "camps" solely because their homes aren't in the United States.  And you agree there's no way we would do this to similarly-situated American children.  

    So, for one thing, I'm glad you agree that ScottishHorn is full of shit when he says "this sort of thing has been going on for decades."

    But that's where your virtue ends, as you're willing to advocate for the incarceration of children solely on the basis of their national origin.

    By the way--that's something you'll have to answer for every time you look in the mirror.  And when you die, it's something you'll have to answer for to your Creator.  Your fucking soul is dead.  You'll see it when you look yourself in the eye in the mirror.  And you'll know it to be true when you breathe your last.

    You fucking Nazi prick.

    • Like 6
  3. 27 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Trump is unifying the Dems, he is probably helping to increase their turnout substantially in the mid-terms, he is going to drive moderates/undecideds to the Dems, and he has provided multiple platforms/issues for them to coalesce around.  He's also doing great things for Dem fundraising.

    Honestly it maybe better for the Dems if they are decentralized for now and letting the local/state candidates handle things.  

    Watching 2018 play out will/should show them where they need to be for 2020.  

    To that point--exactly how much of a unified message did the Republicans present in the wave elections of 2010 and 2014?  I would argue that there was nothing unified about those electoral messages (especially 2010, which was the year of the Tea Party).

  4. 10 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    The real meltdown is going to come Jan 2019. Once the GOP has been sidelined politically, he will definitively slice it's throat.  I don't know what form it is going to take or what its gonna look like, but he will be the death of the modern GOP. 

    It is a death that is overdue.  

    • Like 3
  5. Shit--with only 11 days that's tough.  There's no good train option to San Sebastian, so if you want to do that you need to drive.  And the road trip from Barcelona to San Sebastian is an all-day thing--six hours without a stop.  

    If you want to do five days in Barcelona and five days in San Sebastian (with a travel day in between), I think that's reasonable.  Out of San Sebastian, you can do Bilbao, Biarritz, and Hondarribia.  Actually--that's probably a pretty good itinerary.

  6. 3 minutes ago, lemonlime said:


    This. The people in charge who support caging children and at best display nazi tendencies don't care about the sanctity of elections or having a free and fair election in 2018 or in 2020.


    Yep--just wait until the Capitol burns for Congress to pass an Enabling Act.

  7. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

    “Infest.” Racist shitbag. 


    This is no-shit Nazi rhetoric.  We should feel free to say it--our president is a Nazi.  There's really no two ways about it.  The President of the United States is a Nazi.  Forget the media's reluctance to call him a liar.  Let's get comfortable with the fact that he is an unrepentant Nazi.




    Oh, and by the way--do you know what that makes the Republican Party?

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/15/2018 at 10:44 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    Boy--I find that hard to believe.  I mean, I think Sessions is in a lot of trouble.  But I think Hurd is a dead-congressman walking.  He wins that district by a nose in the most Republican of years--it's impossible for me to see how he wins it in this environment.

    And I think Culberson is probably in worse shape than Sessions.  

    And I wouldn't sleep on John Carter.  He shouldn't be in as much trouble as he's in.  But he is.

  9. 7 minutes ago, SpiralOut said:

    Five extra minutes, wow.

    Also, got to hand it to the Colombians.  They're not giving up.  Still setting up chances.


  10. 14 minutes ago, scottonian said:

    Definitely want to try to get to a game at the new stadium in the Fall. How far out do they typically announce the official day / time for the games? I know it says Spurs are slated to play City the weekend 27-Oct, but all games on the fixture list are currently scheduled for "Saturday at 3:00pm". I assume that game could be played on Saturday, Sunday or Monday (primetime), which would impact my travel plans.

    Any guidance based on prior experience would be appreciated.

    I have a similar question.

    And what's going on the weekend of October 13?  Is that an international week?

  11. We had a blast in Madrid.  I think the general consensus is that there's not much to do in Madrid, but I think that's overstated.  If you're a museum guy, there are two really great museums (i.e., the Reina Sofia and the Prado).  But if you're more of a walking-around-and-exploring guy, there's plenty of that.  Retiro Park is a great place to spend an afternoon, and the area surrounding the Plaza Mayor is filled with great places to eat and drink.  Hell--we spent an afternoon just in the market off the Plaza sampling a thousand different snacks and drinks.

    Bottom line:  I would spend not less than three days in Madrid.

    I think Bilbao is eminently skipable--spend your time in San Sebastian.

    But if you're going in and/or out of Barcelona, then I don't see how you get up to the Basque Country and Madrid in the same trip.  That's just in the opposite direction from Madrid.  So I think they're mutually exclusive.

    So I guess here's the question for you--if Barcelona is a must, do you want to do a Barcelona-Madrid trip, a Barcelona/Southern Spain trip, or a Barcelona-Basque Country trip?

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Was that a real thing?  The Southern Baptists, I mean.  I assumed there was some subtle reason why the announcement didn't actually mean what it seemed to. 

    I don't have the first clue, but am wondering the same thing.  

  13. 35 minutes ago, DanRydell said:

    Yeah, at least textually, I think the "nor" implies that it relates back to the prior clause as well.

    Texas already has consent to create four new states within its broders from the Joint Resolution admitting Texas in 1845, so it could subdivide at will unless and until that consent is withdrawn.

    The use of "nor" does indicate a relation back to the previous independent clause.  But that semi-colon is problematic.  If read the other way, then West Virginia shouldn't be a state.

    But I tend to think your interpretation is correct; West Virginia is a state; Texas has pre-authorization from Congress to subdivide; California would need congressional approval to subdivide.

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