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Posts posted by Vertigo

  1. 5 minutes ago, SamMan said:

    Totally. Hiring a guy who was drafted by Nick Saban, coached by Dan Quinn, worked under Bo Davis for three years, has eight years of experience coaching the position in college, has recruited the state of Texas extensively, most recently coached in college at the University of Miami, is currently on staff in the NFL for a team that played exceptional defense this year, and happens to be a former all-American DT at UT…is too big of a risk.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, TreatyOak said:

    The irony is that any normal institution wouldn't be continually bragging about their operating budget and supposed revenue when they had SO LITTLE athletic success to show for it!! Aren't they embarrassed to have wasted so much money? 

    And when did I wake up to a world where Ohio State just hired away the athletic director who presided over the most embarrassing contract fiasco in the history of athletics business?

    My goodness, how many facilities can these morons possibly build? It’s like they are purposely doing capital projects to keep the balance sheet stuffed or something so they can prove they don’t care about us.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 16 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    Well, who fired the 30 support staff members, analysts, recruiting coordinators, etc.? Because they didn't all just fucking quit when Saban retired. They got fired. Because that isn't flying apart, that is dismantling. 

    I was more referring to the recruiting machine and portal defections, but I have it on good authority that there was a mutiny organized by Charlie Strong. At dawn, the analysts and GAs attacked a vending machine in the lobby only to realize they were in the liberal arts building before security disarmed the mutineers of their plungers and watermelon rind helmets. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, LCHorn said:

    Let me play devil’s advocate-maybe DeBoer has done this with limited NIL resources in mind.  “I can’t Saban this program because I’m not Saban.”

    He knows that means he’s going to lose next year but it’s a means to jumpstart the NIL donors or get state/institutional support as we presume LSU does (the whole robbing hospital thing).  

    Plus it makes for a clean expectation break and he’s thinking this gives him more runway than otherwise (in other words, he can point to year over year improvement, which is easier starting from 4-8).  

    Finally, he understands that 70% of this was out of his control-once the portal was open and without Saban the wolves would circle and there simply wasn’t money keeping everyone in.  

    I’m with @closetojumping that dismantling all of the Saban machine parts is pouring gasoline on the fire and isn’t likely helpful, but that’s all behind the scenes.  

    I am not sure it is a willful dismantling of the Saban machine as much as it is the Saban machine flying apart like a washing machine full of bricks. There is really no way to force donors and bagmen to stay the course, and it is pretty natural for guys to want to size up the next coach before they start committing 6 figures per year to pay players, especially if those are low four stars brought in to replace 5 stars. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, BHMCruiser said:

    DeBoer is a good coach and we will be lucky to have him. It could have been a disaster. But things will never be the same. And that's okay. 


    FYI people are genuinely losing their minds down here about the portal departures. It's crazy. 

    Sayin is a genuine headscratcher. Downs and Bond are huge kicks to the nuts. I am really curious how next year looks for Bama, but my guess is 9 wins. 

  6. 1 hour ago, TexEx15 said:

    I feel like Helm may end up surprising a lot of us. I don’t think that changes the need for Niblack I just think we will get more out of Helm than we may think right now. 

    Helm is a quality TE who will play on Sundays. He has great hands and is a very good blocker. He doesn't have elite speed, but not many TEs do. Niblack just happens to be one of those. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 21 hours ago, BurntOrangeBlooded15 said:

    Just for shits and gigs


    *Backups guesses based off 23-24 depth chart and freshman coming in


    QB: Ewers, Arch

    RB: Baxter/Blue, Wisner, Gibson, Clark 

    WR: Cook, Moore

    WR: Bond, Niblett

    WR: Golden/Bolden, Wingo

    TE: Helm, Davis *Potentially Niblack*

    RT: Williams,  Cojoe 

    RG: Campbell, Hudson 

    OC: Majors, Robertson/Hudson

    LG: Conner, Agbo

    LT: Banks, Goosby, Baker


    Let me help you out dawg. 

    QB: Ewers, Arch, Owens

    Power RB: Baxter, Gibson, Clark

    Speed RB: Blue, Wisner

    WR: Cook, Boldin, Butler

    WR: Bond, Wingo, Livingstone

    WR: Golden, Moore, Niblett 

    TE: Niblack, Helm, Agbo, Sanders, Davis

    RT: Williams, Conner, Baker

    RG: Campbell, Hudson, Cojoe

    OC: Majors, Robertson, Cruz

    LG: Umeozulu, Hudson, Stroh

    LT: Banks, Goosby, Chatman


    Jack: Sorrell, Burke/Tapp, Vasek, Zina

    DT: Collins, Broughton, Bledsoe

    DT: Mitchell, Bryant, January

    Buck: Burke, Moore, Simmons, Walton

    SLB: Hill, Blackshire, Burrell

    MLB: Gbenda, Lefau

    WLB: Blackwell, Gullette

    CB: Brooks, Holmes, Mack 

    FS: Mukuba/Barron, Filsaime

    BS : Williams, McDonald, Taaffe

    CB: Muhammad, Black, Roberson

    Star: Barron/Mukuba, Guilbeau, JJR


    I also expect some portal attrition in the spring: Kirkland, Chatman, Cojoe, Gilbeau, Tapp, Akana, Walton, Jordan, Burrell, and Davis would be the most likely to go. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    Guessing the polls will start off with Georgia at 1 and Texas at 2. We've got Michigan and OU before Georgia, but that potentially is the biggest home game for Texas since I suppose the 1 vs 2 Ohio St game.

    We are going to have Gameday two weeks in a row aren't we?

    • Drool 1
  9. I've said for a while now that it would not surprise me in the least to see a culling of the barnacle programs in the big conferences once any super conference or additional expansion occur. If the SEC drops Vandy or Miss St, or the B1G drops Indiana or Rutgers in exchange for FSU, Clemson, Notre Dame, North Carolina, etc. There really isn't a cohesive argument as to why it shouldn't happen outside of sentiment or historical precedent. Particularly if the TV networks put a cap on the amount of teams, and/or the payouts begin to get diluted. Would adding Florida State and Clemson be accretive to the payouts if the SEC were to drop Vandy and Miss. St? Absolutely it would. Would the B1G be a better conference if they swapped Notre Dame and North Carolina for Purdue and Rutgers? You bet. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:


    That's just flat-out a load of shit.

    I'm not sure it is that far fetched, you are talking about in most cases making someone the highest paid person in your entire school system. That typically requires the president and others to sign off. CDC was working closely with Hartzell and Eltife to both hire and extend Sarkisian. 

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  11. 33 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    For perspective, Alabama's bag game was run for less than $1M per year. They typically got a Saban discount to boot. That enabled them to typically be the most powerful player in the black market of buying players through family members or street agents before NIL. Sure, a team like Auburn or Tennessee would occasionally show up and go batshit crazy and buy above everyone else's head for a cycle, but Bama would still get theirs. Georgia, under Smart, wound up with a bigger budget and started to encroach on Saban's reach, but they were the only true threat for keeping an absolute competitive advantage against the rest of CFB.

    The whole game was played between Bama, Clemson, Ohio State, LSU, Georgia, Ole Miss, FSU, Auburn, and few others. The game was closed and few new entrants could win their way into the dealings with the agents and such. ATM came in at the end with money ultimately so over the top that it made a mockery of the game, just as NIL was dawning in order to destroy the prior premise in general. 

    Now? Bama's NIL isn't dramatically higher than their prior bag budget. They don't have the alumni base or local corporate density to grow it much. They aren't even close to being relevant compared to numerous other schools, but notably Texas and Ohio State. Without Saban and his gravitas and NFL placement history, the gap just grew immediately wider. I'm not going to go into further specifics right now, but we're talking about a Grand Canyon kind of gap between where Bama is and where Texas is. 

    Also, if Oatis goes in the portal, much like Niblack and Bond, I expect Texas to be front and center in that recruitment. 

    Oatis going into the portal seems like a longshot now that Roach was retained. 

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