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Kyrie Eleison

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Everything posted by Kyrie Eleison

  1. Martha’s Restaurant, on 19th close to where Park Lake intersects. it’s off menu for the moment, so ask for the queso tacos.
  2. yep...my favorite taco in Waco. smoked then braised brisket and queso in corn tortillas that’s griddled in queso, consommé for dipping. sides of dona sauce and salsa dojo.
  3. don't ever make a roux in a nonstick pan or skillet...you'll fuck it up.
  4. i sit on the couch for weeks at a time with hands covered in Cheeto dust and jack off while watching Charlie's Angels reruns...
  5. Fuck the G ride, I want the machines that are making 'em
  6. came across this channel from 2 Minutes to Late Night where they've co-opted a variety of band members to colloborate on cover songs while in quarantine from their own homes...lots of fun, and some damn good stuff. here's a cover of Fleetwood Mac's "You Make Loving Fun" featuring Marty Friedman (Megadeath), Bill Kelliher (Mastodon), Joanna Sadonis (Lucifer), Nicke Anderson (Lucifer) and Nicke Jost (Baroness)...Stephen Brodsky (Mutoid Man), Jordan Olds (aka Gwarsenio Hall) and Emily Panic (aka Hard Melissa) also make cameos. Les Claypool (Primus), Bill Kelliher (Mastodon), Claudio Sanchez (Coheed and Cambria) and Danny Carey (Tool) cover Rush's "Anthem"...
  7. look there at Token running a step ahead of that white kid...
  8. i miss the hell out of Brian...and Keith, truth be told. Brian was always up for helping a kid out and making Nacogdoches county a little money off the deal. go in, shoot the shit with Keith, say hi to Miss Billie, and gossip with BD and Duke and come out with a piece of candy for the kid and lighter wallet for his parents. couldn’t have done any of that without J. Yarbrough, though...to this day my all time fav judge. remember when BD had that interview with KTRE after Mike Claude’s trial for AFV? lol...
  9. Hunt Brothers pizza is actually pretty damn good, especially for chain pizza from gas stations. on those nights you’re feeling nihilistic about how shitty your life turned out, pull into a CEFCO and get one...it’ll put a smile on your face.
  10. fancy ass corporate M & A lawyer i see...
  11. I have 220 run to my dryer, and it'll go in the laundry room; what concerns me is running to my box. from what i understand i'll need 4 forty amp dedicated fuses. i have the room in my box to add, i just don't know anything about running power.
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