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Onboard 2.0

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Everything posted by Onboard 2.0

  1. If it comes out we were funding research into gain of function viruses that's something that will be an albatross around our collective necks for decades.
  2. We really didn’t need to read that . I’m now having ………visions …..
  3. I blamed him for shooting that woman for damn sure because he violated cardinal gun safety rules . I said nothing about his politics or talked about politics . he’s a Dick, but I love his acting and separate it out. Show me where I made a single political statement about him or his politics sparky. I question this being a political issue at all and stated that quite clearly in my OP on the topic tell yer mom I said hey.
  4. I couldn’t tell you, but someone hands me a gun and either I see the person handing it to me has checked the chamber or I do. on a movie set that person has that responsible for that should be someone who takes it fucking seriously
  5. And your attempt at a troll was lame beyond belief
  6. Maybe you can tell your mom I left the $50 under the lamp on the bedstsand. I’m curious where I’ve laid blame for this anywhere than where it should be. He pulled the trigger of a gun he thought was unloaded, but didn’t know and the armorer or prop master didn’t do their job by showing him it was empty. He should have checked himself but has no clue what the rules of gun safety are obviously. Not sure where Hillary would play into this, but you do you.
  7. I'm betting Dr. Faucci knew what was going on. I'm also betting it's a gov't related issue, and probably had some security protocol about what you could discuss, and what you couldn't. How bizarre if an investigation turns up American, and Chinese involvement.
  8. You’re talking about 2 very different sets of circumstances. Baldwin fucking around on a set and pointing a weapon at people that he doesn’t even know if it’s loaded or not is for damn sure a prick move. Cops pointing their weapons at 13 year olds in many circumstances could be considered pricks. Still not a political topic in my opinion.
  9. How is this a CR topic ? He was using an alleged prop gun on a movie set, and did something that violated 2 of the absolute rules of gun safety: always verify it's unloaded when you're handling it, and don't ever point a gun at another person, loaded or not. He's a stupid, prick, who put the safety of everyone on the set in potential danger to save money, and he's got to live with the fact his actions led directly to the death of another person.
  10. Wouldn’t rule 1 be : no live rounds on set or anywhere near a firearm ?
  11. Listen to this man, he scrubs the inside surface of his tire valve stems with 0000 steel wool to keep em clean……... weekly.
  12. Yep not CR . Anti gun eye-rony that’s pretty funny in a gallows, surly way.
  13. Well remember you're talking Hollywood types here. Bullet is anything that comes out of the barrel of a gun, and that includes water from a squirt gun.
  14. Wow, that doesn't sound like a prop gun. He must have been just about point blank range ?
  15. With a prop gun ? there's nothing but cotton wadding basically. It's the concussive force at close range that kills I thought.
  16. Oh shit ... where is your class brah ?!!! Wait, scratch that shit this is Surly.
  17. Onboard 2.0

    is it bad form...

    Well yeah, if money is involved you never miss a potential opportunity.
  18. Well, yeah, I'm being overly sarcastic, as is expected on the Surly. Yeah we're a meaner society today on many fronts. I try to counter that by being friendly, and polite to all I meet until they make me behave otherwise.
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