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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Gatorubet

  1. 2 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    What a cunt.  If you are a Trump supporter at this point, that mark will always be with you. Always.  It will determine in a quick and irrefutable way who has character and who has none. 

    Fascinating the number of fake Christians and fake Patriots so easily outed now.

    • Like 5
  2. 4 hours ago, Buzzrock said:


    My response to you is that you have to get your head around the idea that they are not deplorable, stupid, or naive (depending on your definition of course). They absolutely equivocate the misdoings of their opponents with anything that Trump has done (“hey nothing has been proven!”) and the economy is all they need to point to for backup that what we are dealing with now is better than the alternative. Classic example is my old boss, VP at a very successful tech company in Texas.

    I’m actually surprised you haven’t run into a single case of this. It’s fucking fascinating.

    I understand.  Trump can sodomize babies live on TV and they would be fine with that because - federal judges who hate abortion and librul tears.  There is a classic word for your old boss: "Deplorable" .  And "Stupid". And "Naive"   What is fucking fascinating is that you seem to see their behavior as somehow defensible.  What does your old boss think about siding with a pathological liar narcissist who is undermining the Free Press and the public's faith in our institutions?  Hell, Trump (and Evangelical support of Trump) has done more to hurt church involvement by the young than any army of gay atheists.   The moral bankruptcy of the Christian Right is pegged on"Hypocritical Judgmental Asshole" as a tone poem.  Good luck getting younger voters to buy into that culture.  This Trump era (80% said it was important to have a moral man as President when the negro was in charge, but now that Trump is POTUS, 80% don't think it important to have a moral man as President) smells like a body blow to new blood for organized religion.   Hating on the browns is not going to long term fill the pews, or to deal with Hispanic/Latino demographic reality.   And even if you ignore the attack on browns everywhere  as not "deplorable", it is certainly a politically stupid move, given the birth rates and demographics.

     "Willfully ignorant"?  That is way too kind.  

    • Like 5
  3. 16 hours ago, UTEX_ME said:
    Hyper focused on the scoreboard and blind to something exciting. Clemson didn't beat the Ags, the Ags beat the Ags (with a little help from the refs). 2nd game in Jimbo's tenure and all but made the Ags play championship level football in less than 4 hours. Make no mistake, noone likes losing, but what you saw tonight was legit. It's not hype... it's real. Believe in it and stop being myopic. I honestly believe this team will challenge Bama for the West if we can stay healthy. The things that lost that game are in A&Ms control... that's effing exciting. Clean it up and this team can beat anyone.

    Damn fine game.


  4. 5 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:


    I think you underestimate how many successful white collar people voted for Trump and would again vs Hillary.

    I do not.  I can understand a Trump vote then - or at least folks thinking that much of his actual personality was just an act - with the Real Donald emerging after his election.  And I get the Hillary aspect.   I am talking about the right here and now.   If one is a real-time Trumpkin as I type this, they are beyond hope.  They are either deplorable, or intensely stupid, or turnip truck naive on steroids.    And I think the three categories roughly line up with the percentage of now-time Trumpkins, with the greater number being the former and the lesser number the latter.     

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Kellyanne Conway on Meet the Press is a fucking beating.  She knows she has no argument so she just talks until the clock runs out without answering any questions.  This is fucking insane.


    <Tumpkin>  "She's white, blond and skinnier than my wife, so I like her fuck-you to those libruls fake news assholes with their boring facts...she's a bit Crypt-Keeperish, but I'd do her!" /<Trumpkin>

    • Like 1
  6. On 9/8/2018 at 9:53 AM, Biff Tannen said:

    This is all warm and fuzzy and well and good, but this isn't just some difference in ideology of the two parties.  The people who still support him are way gone.  They actually ARE brainwashed and there's no coming back.  I think there are a good number of people who voted for him who have seen the error of their ways, even if they don't go out of their way to publicly admit it.  I don't think they would vote for him again.  But 30% of this country are lost souls.  They aren't coming back.  

    Fortunately, many of them are quite old, and the country will become better off as they one-by-one they die of whatever the olds die of.  The rest are stupid and/or gullible, so they will have less influence than if they were a core group of educated over-achievers.    And army of Swams is still Swam-like.

  7. 18 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Damn, speed on LSU Defense is impressive.....

    Charleston Southern fast though???    Good thing LSU is our every year SEC West Opponent.   Weird, but the last  poll on the rivalry showed that UF wants to keep the LSU series every year, and LSU not so much.

    But then, UF fans just voted that they want to play tOSU as the most desired game.    So - masochists?

  8. 1) What did Urban know, and when did he report it to the folks he was obligated to report it to?
    2) If he did report it timely, did he report all of what he knew at that first report?
    3) Other than Urban saying that he complied, does anyone else at OSU vouch for his full compliance?

    Unless we know the answers to all of those question, I suggest that Buckeye fans should still be..


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