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Posts posted by Tom

  1. 2 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    It's not your job to "save" the conference.  But why and the hell couldn't you guys and OU just act like every other blue blood?

    Ohio State and Michigan would make more $ joining the SEC.  Clemson and Florida State would too.  None of them would remotely entertain the idea.

    Fair enough, but I don't think this would be happening today if Nebraska, Mizzou, A&M, and CU were still here.  Mizzou really owns a lot of blame for lifting their skirt publicly to the media 5 seconds after the Big 10 announced they were exploring expansion and begging to get out.  Maybe there was a lot more going on behind the scenes, but I was shocked at the time at the idea that the Big 12 was an unstable conference.  I knew Nebraska had some beef with a few rule changes and the championship game being played down South, but I never would have guessed in general schools were looking to leave.

    The sad truth is that the Big 12 is not the Big 10 or the SEC and will continue to fall further behind as time goes on.  We're not that far behind now, but it will get worse.  The ACC is positioned much better long term.  The Big 12 is vulnerable now for the same reasons the SWC and Big 8 were so vulnerable -- they now have a very small footprint compared to other conferences, and as exploration proved a few years back, the options to expand weren't that great. 

    I honestly not in love with the direction things are going in CFB in general.  I view these 14 and 16 team super conferences the same as the NBA pile-on teams of the last decade.  I assume it's fun if it's your team, but it's bad for everyone else and a negative for the sport in general.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. 1 hour ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    Obviously we will continue winning 75% of the time. [b]The point was they hypocritically bailed on us and should be blackballed for their fucktardness. [/b]They having the taste of Casein their mouth for eternity was the icing on the cake and borderline erotic or however fat fuck arky said it. 

    New levels of LOLZ if they end up getting tossed back in with Baylor, Tech, and UH. 


    Pretending A&M is going to be forced out or leave the SEC is just pure ridiculous fantasy. 

    What does blackballing A&M look like?  Staying somewhere where we make less revenue?  In a place that's less attractive to top level recruits? Allow them to continue improving, keep getting better recruits, and upping their profile by marketing themselves as the only Texas SEC team?  Who wins by us boycotting A&M?

    I get that we still are a top brand that still makes a shit ton of money and can still recruit well, but it's harder in this conference now and we have a lot less  fewer wins and the program has lost some of its shine over the past decade.  Let's put on our big boy pants and just play A&M.  I was very much a proponent of fixing the Big 12 and hated the idea winding up in the SEC until about a year or so ago when it became clear that there are few options short of former Big 12 schools or Arkansas returning that could put this conference on a higher level. 

  3. 11 hours ago, nnm said:

    (I know this is upthread as well, just bears repeating)

    The tip option at a counter service place. Since when did tipping regular wage employees for simply doing their job become the norm. And if you don’t tip, you know they see that and your food prep is still in their control. Makes me ragey. 


    This.  Every place prints tip lines now regardless of whether or not someone's actually waiting on you.  I used to naively write in a tip for the ladies working on the cafeteria line in the cafe in my building.  After several months I heard from a co-worker that the asshole owner keeps the tips.  I asked one of the girls working there and she confirmed.  Made me ragey.  


    Also trivial and annoying -- every time you buy anything online or have a customer service call over the phone, you start getting spammed to take customer service surveys.  Now, if it was something like one question rating your overall experience, fine.  I'll let you know if they deserve 5 stars like you would for an Uber driver.  But most places are like, "Thanks for taking 2 minutes to purchase an item online.  Do you have time to take a 10-page survey? Oh yeah, don't forget to fill out the short essay portion.  And yes, we did see that you didn't check 'yes' to us sending you future company promotions and special offers.  We're going to send you about two emails a day anyway."


    • Fuck You 1
    • Rage+1 5
  4. it's too little, too late.  People are already too far gone.

    Even if Fox were to suddenly start reporting responsibly on the virus and vaccines and they continue to tell people to get vaccinated, it's too late.  Their viewers aren't going to suddenly take it as true.  They're going to do what they did after Fox called Arizona for Biden or any other time Fox has tried reporting something straight -- they're going to complain Fox is turning liberal and start watching Newsmax or OAN more.  Fox will see that ratings dip, panic, and give Carlson and Hannity the green light to ramp up the crazy again.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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    • Rage+1 2
  5. On 7/16/2021 at 6:34 PM, Enchubben said:

    Saw this recommended on another thread for new series to watch. S3 E7 right now and it’s pretty good.

    I generally don’t like a lot of network tv series that aren’t on HBO/Showtime etc, but this is good enough to keep my attention.


    Honestly, it's no HBO but FX has a better track record of making good shows I like over Showtime.  

  6. I didn't see Pulp Fiction until 20+ years after its release.  I was probably a little young for it when it came out, and then I just never got around to seeing it for some reason until I was well into adulthood. I saw Inglourious Basterds, Kill BIll, and Django Unchained before I ever watched Pulp Fiction.  Maybe because of the order I saw them in and the fact that it wasn't new or groundbreaking by the time I saw it, but Pulp Fiction just never did much for me.  It feels like one of his weakest. If not for the non-linear storyline, the plot isn't exactly that interesting, IMO.  On the other hand, I saw Jackie Brown around the same time, also long after its release, and I loved it.  Absolutely one of my favorites of Tarantino's.  

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is probably my favorite Tarantino film at this point.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 hours ago, Satchel said:

    She’s awful:




    Well, her reasons are terrible and she's a vile woman but I'm not going to argue with a broken clock.  Does this mean we can all agree now to finally cut the bloated military budget?

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, PRONG HORN said:

    I remember all the Conan worship at the other place and how everyone lost their shit when Conan didn’t get the tonight show.  Now I’m only the third post on an hours old thread about his exit from late night talk.  When did you guys start hating Conan?


    Well, technically he did get The Tonight Show.  NBC just never gave it a real chance to find its groove.  Then they allowed the bobblehead who previously hosted and refused to ever actually step away take back over when the 4:00pm dinner at Luby's demo didn't immediately get Conan's humor.

    • Like 1
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  9. On 6/9/2021 at 1:33 PM, Satchel said:

    Why does Art believe a full time worker is not worth 44,000 a year?

    I'm not sure which one of us is bad at math, but I'm pretty sure $15/hr isn't $44,000 a year.  Art thinks much less of people than that.


  10. 9 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:


    - The Freaks aren't really burnt outs. They don't smoke all that much weed, never get drunk, never get arrested, and always seem to make it to school on time. 


    I love this show and think it deserves every accolade it gets and more.  

    I could be wrong, it's been a long while since I've seen it, but I thought it was supposed to be implied when they were hanging in the outside smoking area at lunch or under the bleachers they were getting stoned, but didn't show it for NBC network reasons or something like that.  

  11. 17 hours ago, ajax said:

    "Swing away Merrill" is up there with "do you like apples" on the Mt Rushmore of dumb movie lines.


    16 hours ago, mchookem said:

    i liked Signs a lot and usually watch it if it's on *ducks*



    People like to shit on Signs, but I can't think of another movie I've ever seen in a theater on an opening weekend with more energy in the air or people on the edge of their seat the whole time.  People lost their minds at the swing away scene.  That was an electric movie going experience.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. Quote

    I always thought, before ND went half in, that the ACC was holding the last two spots for ND and Texas. Still kinda do think that. While it'd feel culturally weird for a bit, that'd be a power conference in all the big three sports. And not much weirder than the move from SWC to Big 12.



    I disagree.  The Big 12 made a lot more sense at the time than the ACC would now.  We had a century of history with one of the two biggest names in the Big 8.  All but one school was in the same time zone.  Hell, most of the schools are a stone's throw off I-35.  

    We have little history with the ACC, and we'd be as much of a geographic outlier as WVU is in the Big 12. At least with the Pac there'd be room to take three neighbors with us.   Two of our three biggest historic rivals are already in the SEC West.  We'd essentially be #16 and all alone in the ACC.

    We need to figure out how to make the Big 12 work.  This is a good, fun conference in basketball and baseball.  Football is fun but just needs a couple more 9 or 10 wins per year teams capable of getting into NY6 games and the playoffs occasionally to boost this conference's perception in the eyes of the public.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. Why the fuck does the twice impeached former president's charity stealing disgraced child think we give a shit about his opinion on the current administration?

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  14. 22 hours ago, Fud said:

    I'd watch the two dozen or so very good British murder mysteries, or the OG Twin Peaks, before that 


    I like the British shows too, but I thought The Killing was great.  Would watch again.

    And now thanks to @Catdaddyhorn I'm not going to get that comparison out of my head every Sunday while watching MoE.  That and Murder Durder.

  15. On 5/10/2021 at 8:33 PM, WhatTheBuck said:

    No it wasn’t. It was obvious after episode one. Maybe you were surprised when Ross and Rachel wound up together, or Leonard and Penny, but you shouldn’t have been. The whole “Will they or won’t they?” plot line was pioneered with Sam and Diane on Cheers. Seinfeld specifically avoided it because it was so obvious but they still toyed with the idea of Jerry and Elaine winding up together. I couldn’t even tell you the characters names but if you didn’t know who the mother was going to be in HIMYM after the first episode then you sort of suck at sitcoms.


    On 5/10/2021 at 9:47 PM, WhatTheBuck said:

    I thought the show sucked but I watched the first episode and I was amazed that anyone acted as though the outcome wasn’t set in stone from day one. Did you or did you not say the outcome was pretty damn surprising? I didn’t put those words in your mouth. You said them. I quoted you fairly and accurately. There wasn’t one thing that was surprising about that ending. I could’ve told you how the show was going to end the day after the first episode aired. 


    @longhornmatt said the part with him ending up with Robin was predicable.  He then said the part of revealing who the mother actually was and her fate was surprising, which it was.  It wasn't necessarily a good surprise, but it was kind of out of left field compared to how the last two season had been built up.

    Judging by your bolded comments above, it sounds like you still don't know who the mother was.   That's fine since you probably didn't watch, but FYI, it wasn't Robin, which you seem to keep implying.  It was a new character played by an actress you don't meet until the final season, so I really doubt you guessed who it was nine seasons before the character was introduced.  

  16. 10 hours ago, Etexhorn13 said:

    Honestly, why do y’all still watch this shit? I’m 30, and the good SNL stopped happening before I went to college. I’ve seen skits on YouTube sometimes and the occasional episode but I’d never make it a point to actually watch. None of these people are that funny, and they almost all seem like gigantic bitches  


    I think the writing is a bigger problem than the cast.  When it's good, the cast has no problems being funny.  I just can't understand how something like the Iceland skit made it to air unless they just ran out of time and had nothing else to fill airtime with.

    I think Keenan Thompson, Aidy Bryant, Beck Bennett, and Heidi Gardner are all serviceable cast members that can be put in a sketch and be funny so long as it's a decent sketch.  Colin Jost and Michael Che are very good at Weekend Update, which is still, as it always was, a highlight most weeks.  

    Kyle Mooney and Melissa Villasenior are both funny and very underutilized most of the time.  Pete Davidson and Kate McKinnon are both overused, IMO, and aren't as funny as their airtime suggests.  I guess it's popular since it's a reoccurring bit, but I don't really find the "Chad" sketches funny at all. 

    They do need new blood in the cast though to shake things up.


  17. What happens in my brain:


    What's 47+28?  Okay.  47.....57....67....what was the other number? Shit...I need to check...oh yeah, it was 28.  Okay, so 47....57....67 plus 8...why does my stomach keep growling?  Have I not eaten?  What am I going to get for lunch today?  Probably tacos.  I need to sneak out of here soon.  Wait...what am I doing?  Okay, concentrate.  Let's see...47....I mean 67 plus 8 is...75?  Yes, 75.

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