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Posts posted by Tom

  1. 1 minute ago, BrickHorn said:

    Was Community on the list? If so, I missed it. That show petered out in the later seasons, but had an amazing run that is unmatched by any sitcom I’ve ever seen.


    It was.  I can't remember the number, but it was in there.

    Community is like Arrested Development.  Both shows had three perfect seasons before being sabatoged by their networks and then subsequent seasons that were completely disappointing by the original seasons' standards.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Post Oak said:

    Cheers and Seinfeld are in a class of their own. 

     Next group I don't really care how you list them.


    I was a little young when Cheers was on the air and didn't watch it until it was streaming on Netflix, but I thought the show took a nosedive in the Kirstie Alley years.  Loved the earlier seasons though.  I thought Frasier was great too.

    Also if you're grading shows based on how good they are overall and not just how good or innovative they were in (insert year) compared to what else was on in that era,  I'd choose Curb over Seinfeld any day.


    • Haha 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Js1 said:

    McConnell said today their mission is to stop Biden’s agenda at all costs

    Psaki responded (paraphrase) that their mission is to help the American people as much as possible. 


    McConnell "Our mission is to stop Biden's agenda at all costs."


    Manchin:  "We can't touch the filibuster.  We need to find a way to work in a bipartisan manner with the minority."

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  4. 28 minutes ago, Snacks said:

    in this case it means i don't give a shit about Ted Cruz, but i do find it interesting that he gets so much attention so easily... the "no such thing as bad publicity" thing works for him.

    of course, shaggysurly cloak room interprets that as a reason to fight about whether Ted Cruz is a good Senator.


    He gets attention because he spends the majority of his time seeking it through the media and Twitter.  It's mostly all he does.

    This is a political board for the most part made up of Texans, former Texans, or people with some connection to Texas through the university.  Ted Cruz is going to receive our attention and be discussed.

  5. Finally got around to watching this a couple of nights ago since it was leaving HBO Max.  The three fights were cool, and that's about it. Barely anything resembling a story and zero effort spent on developing a single interesting human character.  Will not watch again.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Firemans4Horn said:



    I don't see any cause for alarm.  The Big East lasted, what, a good six years after this before throwing in the towel on football altogether??


    Baghdad Bob | Adventures in Project Management

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  7. I tried to see this last weekend but it was only in a couple of theaters and sold out at the only time I could see it.  (Weird as hell seeing a movie sold out, but whatever).

    Is it for rent anywhere on streaming platforms yet for less than $20?

  8. On 4/17/2021 at 10:23 AM, Longboard Horn said:

    Guy that vapes. "Vaping is safer than cigarettes." No it's not, dipshit. 


    I've never been a smoker or a vaper so I don't really have a dog in the fight, but I'm pretty sure vaping is considered safer.  

  9. Doesn't the OP describe most actors?  Once they get established as stars, most of the time they're hired to bring their personality and brand to the screen.  They might have more range than they show, but aren't hired to show it.  

    It'd be more difficult and a much shorter thread to name actors who do have a huge range and don't always play themselves in film.  The Gary Oldmans, Daniel Day Lewises, Bryan Cranston, Christian Bale, John Lithgow, etc.

    I think Dwayne Johnson is a pretty good example of the OP.  I'm not sure I believe he could show range even if he wanted to.

    Liam Neeson probably still has acting range, but casting, directors, and producers know that him playing a retired cop/veteran/letter agency curmudgeon who's "too old for this shit" and is coming for vengeance and to save the day has been a successful formula since "Taken." 

  10. I'm skeptical.  The next good movie I watch based off of a video game will be the first.**





    ** Bob Haskins and John Leguizamo in the 1993 masterpiece Super Mario Bros. clearly being the exception.


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