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Posts posted by Tom

  1. Movie just felt all over the place while trying to do too much.

    Casino Royale was the perfect Bond movie.  They should have thrown the bank at everyone involved with it to stay on for all of Craig's films.   

    I'd rank Craig's films as 

    1. Casino Royale

    2. Skyfall

    3. Quantum of Solace

    4. Spectre







    5. No Time To Die



    I don't even really have a problem with them doing unconventional, outside of the box things for James Bond like giving him a kid or killing him off for his final entry, they can and will always reboot, but at least make it entertaining and worthwhile.  The action was way overboard and it felt like 2+ hours of Bond shooting everything on screen with such little substance behind it all. 



    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 5 hours ago, A-Tex Devil said:

    I think I am more disturbed that a show set in the mid-90s is the same number of years ago as That 70s Show was when it first came out.  Jesus. 


    Get ready to be more disturbed.

    It's not the same.  It's worse.  That 70's Show started in 1998 and took place in 1976.  22 years.  The equivalent would be a "That 2000's Show" that starts in the year 2000 since the new show won't debut until 2022.

    Same with this new Wonder Years reboot.  The original was exactly 20 years apart -- 1988 and 1968.  This new one would have taken place in 2001 if it were the same. 

  3. Two years ago I made the switch to a $3 pair of tweezers from the cosmetics aisle at Walgreens and just pluck out the hairs on my face after the shower.  Sure it takes a little longer, you may want to go ahead and clear your morning schedule, but you won't get a smoother face than plucking out the hairs by the roots, and you'll only have to do it a couple of times a week instead of daily.  The tweezers will last several lifetimes.

  4. I purchased new boxer briefs this weekend, wore a pair today, and found there's no peehole.  Guess I didn't read the package closely enough.

    Why does men's underwear like this even exist?  Waste of money for something that I'm going to end up throwing away.

  5. On 6/28/2021 at 10:14 AM, Buzzrock said:

    It’s not that hard to get what you want here. Heck a cheap round trip ticket and you can load up with whatever you want in Denver, Chicago, Vegas etc. Might be worth it to see what works for your dad and then find a creative way to source it. I can’t imagine it’s hard to get in Austin.


    Isn't that a federal trafficking charge if you get caught bringing it back?  Wouldn't it be much easier to just buy pot from a local dealer?

  6. 5 hours ago, Tommy Shelby said:

    I feel like this could be good especially given that Jack Black has pretty much been only on Twitch for like the last 5 years (last thing I remember was The Brink). I hope he signed on because he thought it would be good. Charlie Day seems like a good nerd pick also. 


    He killed it in the Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and its sequel, both of which were pretty big, quality movies.  

  7. 1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    This bothers me a little less, but whenever there's a scene in some shithole bar on a show like Justified, the background music is always waaaayyyyy cooler than it would be in real life, but no, the little hillbilly Mafia that runs Skeeter's Beer Joint are playing Steve Earle or the Drive By Truckers, and not Toby Keith and Garth Brooks.


    I can remember having this same thought watching the Leftovers.  When Liv Tyler was taking Tom to Texas in season 2 and they stop in that bar and dance, I'm pretty sure they were dancing to Sturgill Simpson.  I was like, "Bullshit. That would not be playing in a bar on a jukebox in the middle of nowhere in small town podunk Texas."

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I realize it's probably an unpopular opinion, and yeah they've put out some good programs, but I'm just annoyed after my game watching experience last night.  I know I should be angry at my dumbass self for not being better prepared after switching providers earlier this year and at Sling's shitty interface, which is what I watched it on after a quick cursory Google search.  It just amazes me that after 10 YEARS it's STILL such a bitch to find outside of ATT, Verizon, and Dish. 


    12 hours ago, DCLonghorn said:
    12 hours ago, Tom said:
    The best part of us going to the SEC will be never having to watch a football game on the LHN ever again.  What a shittastic experiment this was.

    Yeah, your right. A dedicated pregame show and post game show for every game, that Pittman 44 story, 05, 1969, Ricky and Earl interview, baseball games, volleyball games, and all that money Mouse gave us. It really sucked. I'm sure we'll still get all that on SECW/2.


    We'll still get some of it.  And yeah, most of those are pretty cool things.  I haven't seen Pittman 44, but I've watched 05 and 69 a couple of times.  It's not like the SEC doesn't do the same type of programs for their schools. I guess instead of watching the same handful of nostalgia programs 500 times in a row, there'll be 15 other schools we'll have to share airtime with. 

    The homefield Gameday show and pre/post game shows don't really do much for me, also probably an unpopular opinion, nor having the color commentary being total homers for your team.  I'll miss seeing former players, but that's it.  I've never watched a single volleyball game and the money doesn't seem to help us win any games at all.  We were better when we didn't have their money.  Although I have heard that teams in the SEC make a little bit of money too, so there's that.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. He ignored the formal ceremony and did his own thing because, like everything, he had to make it not about the tragedy, but about himself.  He went and visited the NYPD and NYFD where he talked a bunch of shit about Biden and basically campaigned for 2024 in front of cameras.  If Obama or Biden did that every Fox viewer would be losing their shit.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  10. On 9/10/2021 at 8:32 PM, TKthunder2 said:

    “While Oklahoma’s president wants the rivalry game to continue, Oklahoma State’s president is much less certain.”


    OU offered, but despite possibly going back to 8 conference games OSU doesn’t want to play more than a single OOC with a pulse each year so they’re saying no.



    If you were going to make that kind of a long term arrangement OOC, at least call Nebraska before OSU.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Wizard-of-hogz said:

    So I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make. 



    That you're a bloviating bore and your posts are sad.



    Now - asswipe - speak to that


    Nah, I probably won't.  But feel free to post another 250 word essay highlighting your insecurities that almost no one here will read.

  12. I hurt my lower back in the gym either squatting or overhead pressing years ago and always had a pain in the lower right side of my back, probably from some sort of inflamed disc or pinched nerve.  I know everyone's situation is different, but these two stretches I found on Youtube really helped alleviate the pain and get back to normal.  I no longer have access to the video, but it's basically this:


    1. Lay flat on your back with both your shoulders touching the floor.

    Bend your knees up and then rotate them to one side of the floor, keeping both your shoulders as flat as possible so that only your hips/lower back are stretching and turning. 

    Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.


    2. Do the same thing with your back and shoulders flat on the floor.

    This time only lift up one knee and bend it.

    Rotate the bent knee over your other leg that's still flat on the floor and try to touch the bent knee to the floor or as close as you can.  Your shoulders should still be as flat as possible on the floor.  This should be a deeper stretch than the first one.  Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.


  13. 7 hours ago, texans_suck_arkansans_cock said:

    yeah, yeah, yeah, but can you remind when the last time your garbage ass university beat arkansas? go play an sec schedule rather than the pussy foot big 12 schedule where you can bully the league into making the horns down a fucking penalty and see where your postseason is played. how soft can you sorry fucks be? pussy foot ass university with bitch ass fans. y’all talked all that shit about “42-7 texas” “pigs ain’t got a chance” and shit like that just to get your ass whipped lmao fuck off bitch. texas is the main yet worst university in all of texas. you’re a doormat to the whole state you delusional, arrogant, cock sucking cunts.  



    Imagine being this worked up, angry, and miserable over football on somebody else's message board after your team won.  

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  14. 3 hours ago, Catpfish said:

    On our trip to Turks and Caicos, I was wearing a Texas shirt and a guy on the beach started a conversation about Texas football. Turns out he has been a coach in the NFL for 25 years with a lot of them as an offensive line coach. He was not a big fan on Flood. He said it's easy to coach when you have the best, but really didn't see Flood adding a lot to the development. I was surprised to say the least, but he is listed on the NFL team's roster as their offensive line coach.

    Opinions are like assholes and such, so take it however you'd like.


    Is he available now?

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