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Posts posted by Tom

  1. It Follows



    Insidious 1 and 2

    Conjuring 1 and 2

    The Witch

    It remake Chapters 1 and 2 (fuck off, I liked them).

    Drag Me To Hell


    Those are my favorites.  There are a lot more that I still like that are a tier or two below such as...

    Evil Dead remake

    Ouiji sequel

    Along Came The Devil


    Other Conjuring universe films

  2. 37 minutes ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    It’s not about the game “emotionally controlling” our lives…it is about being fucking bored by terrible football every weekend for over a decade. It’s supposed to be entertainment.

    I don’t watch shitty movies or listen to terrible music so that I can enjoy the good stuff more. Wasting time watching the Texas football team trip over it’s own dick every week/year does not provide any value.


    Honestly that's a pretty good point.  I'm still not at the point of not watching, but the self-imploding way we seem to always lose is pretty frustrating in and of itself.  

  3. 4 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    Man breaks several bones in a female flight attendant's face because he didn't want to wear a mask.  Whole flight from JFK to California gets diverted to Denver so the flight attendant could be attended to and the asshole arrested.  This drunken political shit never happened before Trump was elected.  You'd have the occasional drunk get so unruly that somebody would force a flight to be diverted but that was just alcohol. This is alcohol + righteous indignation + trumpfuckery.


    Hopefully he's never allowed to fly again in his miserable life.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    Stretch, ice, massage gun, inward/outward rotation with tube (see picture), deep tissue massage (NOT DeShawn Watson type), and as I mentioned above hammer strength equipment,  cables etc. Try incline dumbbell press with light weight and limited range of motion. Not sure your age but I want to avoid surgery no matter what and have been working around issues for years. Fact is as you get older you'll have a new normal every so often unless you roll the dice and have it cut on.




    Thanks.  I'm only in my late 30's but this has been really bugging me. I've always loved bench pressing just from a vanity standpoint.  It was one of the few big lifts that came pretty easy to me and I was always good at getting some decent numbers out of it, but it may be time to just quit flat benching altogether.  Some mornings just pushing myself up out of bed on that side feels like somebody is stabbing an ice pick into my shoulder.  Lat pulldown will kind of hurt too if I go too heavy.

    Yet for whatever reason I can still do a ton of pushups and not really feel much pain, but any kind of dips are absolutely not happening at this point.

  5. On 9/9/2021 at 9:39 AM, PittsburghTiger said:

    Injuries are not fun. In late 2010 I partially tore both rotators. It took me two years to rehab them myself and another year to really feel good again.


    I hurt my right shoulder doing dumbell bench press like 2 years ago.  I've always done barbell, but one day the gym was too crowded and I couldn't get a spot so just decided to mix it up and do dumbbells.  My inexperienced ass went too heavy and way too deep (no bar to automatically stop me when I get to my chest) and I've had a screwed up rotator cuff ever since.  I completely laid off lifting for over a year and the pain went away, but it came right back when I started back up again earlier this year.

    Any tips or suggestions on rehabbing it yourself?  I've heard nothing but horror stories about doctors wanting to prematurely operate on rotator cuffs and surgeries making things worse.

  6. 22 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

    Lmao at the cloak roomers circling the wagons around Alec Baldwin 🤣 


    Between the two threads you have about 30 posts in the last 24 hours about Alec Baldwin, with possibly one or two containing original thought where you aren't just repeating yourself.  Somebody's life tragically ended prematurely and you just can't contain your glee because it happened at the hands of somebody who votes differently than you. 


    It's not the best look.

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  7. You Season 3 just didn't hit the same way as the first season.  I wasn't in love with it. The ending with him and Love was strong but it felt weak in the middle.  

    Not sure if it was just my mindset/mood when watching it but I found myself bored and looking at my phone too much at times during the show.  Also, does Joe just become obsessed with every single girl he meets?  I never felt any chemistry between him and the library chick other than we need someone for Joe to like this season.

  8. On 10/20/2021 at 1:47 AM, m00t607t said:

    Foosters!  Not sure about "Ttom", but I'm sure this person would include something here about a "breastfeeding Transportation Secretary" co-mingled with John Kerry throwing some climate change gear at the Chinese nuclear capable hypersonic weaponry that our intelligence somehow missed after missing on a bunch of guys riding goats running us out of Kabul and missing completely upon which political party was more aligned with the Russians these last 20 years.  

    You seem spirited and in good health and I salute that.  

    Good evening, sir. 


    5 hours ago, m00t607t said:

    Foosters!  Not sure about "Ttom", but I'm sure this person would include something here about a "breastfeeding Transportation Secretary" co-mingled with John Kerry throwing some climate change gear at the Chinese nuclear capable hypersonic weaponry that our intelligence somehow missed after missing on a bunch of guys riding goats running us out of Kabul and missing completely upon which political party was more aligned with the Russians these last 20 years.  

    You seem spirited and in good health and I salute that.  

    Good evening, sir. 



    You know this isn't actually the Cloak Room, right?


    Same exact post submitted 16 hours after the first one like he didn't realize he already made it.   Yep, definitely Ttom.  

  9. 1 hour ago, RPM said:

    Excellent season finale. Steve Martin is a national treasure. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    The scenes where he's poisoned were gold. When he was strapped to the cart his facial expressions had me literally laughing out loud.





    Yeah, the reveal that he's still in the chair mumbling nonsense when in his head he had stood up and was delivering this powerful speech cracked me up.


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    On 10/17/2021 at 11:32 AM, sportsbay said:

    We all know this.  I guess you weren't around for the 80's and 90's.


    The 80's and 90's weren't as bad as this current run of mediocrity.  

    In 1983 we were a muffed punt away from a probable national title.  We won 5 conference championships in the 80's and 90's, more than twice the amount we've won since including our good years under Mack. Akers, McWilliams, and Mackovic all won at least 1 conference title.  We're now 12 seasons and 3 coaches removed from a conference championship.  Don't get me wrong, those years sucked overall -- but there was at least an occasional highlight mixed in with the bad.

    Losing really doesn't affect me as much as it used to.  The final years of Mack were rough after years of really high expectations and results, but by the last couple of years of Charlie Strong's tenure I became pretty numb and used to losing.  Winning big games like Georgia and OU in 2018 still feels amazing, but losing doesn't emotionally ruin my weekend the way it might have when I was younger.  When OSU scored the go ahead touchdown this weekend I just got up, shook my head, felt bad about it for about an hour, and moved on.  I don't understand how so many have the energy to spend the entire weekend melting down on this board after a loss. 

  11. On 10/16/2021 at 4:36 PM, Chad said:

    It doesn't make a shit who starts they both suck. Casey recklessly turns the ball over and Card holds onto the ball and refuses to push the ball down field. It's like being given the choice of slamming your dick in the door or dragging your dick through broken glass either which way it's a lose/lose situation.


    Is Thompson or Card the broken glass?  Because I feel like that's not the most difficult choice.

  12. 8 hours ago, babysdaddy said:

    Disagree. There is a bill supporting infrastructure the house could pass right now except the progressives have it held hostage.

    Manchin and Sienma are going to make BErnie decide if he’s been full of shit for the last 40 years or pass nothing.


    Like Lieberman during the Obamacare negotiations, the "centrist" Democrats don't even know what they want.  They just want to appear centrist or conservative so they are willing to recklessly sabotage their party's platform by grandstanding behind some arbitrary line to appeal to some group that they think keeps them in power.  Meanwhile they are watering down bills with policies that are broadly very popular and supported by the majority.

    Then when we get the final watered down version of the bills that don't help people the way they way they originally promised, just like the ACA, people will look at not just the Sinemas or Manchins but Democrats in general and say things like "Democrats always make promises to help the working and middle class, but never deliver!"  Then a bunch will get voted out of office, and Mitch McConnell and the GOP will laugh and toast together as they take back over and hand out another huge tax cut to billionaires, gut social programs, and install unqualified judges.  Rinse and repeat every couple of election cycles.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  13. 45 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    So much this.  Honestly, the service industry needs a major overhaul.  Europe is somehow able to pay servers living wages without relying on tips.  Not sure why we can't follow that model.


    Because Mr. Pink is going to lose his shit when his coffee automatically costs a dollar more and he can't stiff the help.

  14. Isn't this kind of the thing conservatives have been preaching for decades when arguing against minimum wages?  "If you don't like your job or pay, find a better one."

    Turns out people don't want to work for a wage where they can't afford a one bedroom apartment on their own while getting treated like shit by customers every day.  So they are quitting.


    Conservatives now:  "BuT nOw I hAvE tO wAiT lOnGeR aT aPpLeBeEs AnD tHe SeRvIcE iS wOrSe!"

    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  15. 1 hour ago, HornOnTheBayou said:

    I seriously thought Richard Lewis died. I was confused and a little scared to see him in the trailer.


    Maybe thinking of Funkhouser who did a couple of years ago? 

    Funkhouser looked dead the entire time he was on the series, but he was funny as hell.  I'll miss that guy not being in this season at all.

  16. 3 hours ago, Dr. Beeper said:

    but Chapelle is still the funniest guy out there.


    Thor: Ragnarok / Memes - TV Tropes


    I haven't gotten around to watching The Closer yet and don't know what he did or didn't say about trans people in this special, but do you really believe this?  I watched the first couple of specials he did for Netflix a few years ago and they were good but not Chappelle at his peak, regardless of any controversy.

    Dave peaked in the 2000's.  There's better standup on Netflix and elsewhere from others today.

  17. 1 hour ago, Nope said:

    On that note, Spotify has to be one of the absolute worst apps out there when it comes to the podcast listening experience. It has been around far too long to be so buggy.


    I used to subscribe and would listen to his podcast if he had someone on I liked or sounded interesting, but it was usually for the guest.  I never really thought he was a must listen nor really understood the appeal other than he typically could always land really high profile guests.  But once he moved to Spotify it's like he ceased to exist.  I had Spotify years ago for music and never liked the platform.  There are a billion other podcasts out there that I don't need Spotify to listen to.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  18. 57 minutes ago, McCroskey said:

    Not what I expected.

    Initial thought…this was my least favorite Craig film in the series and I’m somewhat pissed off because I waited so long to see it and was excited going in.


    This is probably making me grade it a little harsher than I would have if I had seen it a year and a half ago when it was supposed to come out.  After all of the postponements and hype I think I built up the excitement in my head a little too much and it made the let down worse.

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