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Happy Gilmore

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Everything posted by Happy Gilmore

  1. "A&M is not one of them schools YET" and they'll never fucking be one...they'll always be a B-tier team
  2. They've convinced themselves over at SEC Rant that. As long as they flip Sheppard and Christian Williams the S commited to Bama. They'll stay ahead of Texas based upon the assumption of us only finishing with Bru lol.
  3. How long til EJ puts out that this a game changer for Bru McCoy?
  4. Nah it's Chris....Machinator corrected me I goofed
  5. Probably all the OU commits doing the horns down multiple times today.
  6. Reminds me of the basketball player from TCU. Is Rattler albino too? Or is he reallly light skinned?
  7. Beautiful throw by Calzone. Looking forward to more of those in lit station
  8. "Trayveon will be missed but our RBs are deep. Jashun Corbin and Vernon Jackson are going to be studs" Had an Aggy send that to me
  9. This Michael Johnson kid doesn't even look to throw lol he just takes off
  10. That's an insult to Matt Leinart. He's a d-bag but might as well hear from the bench players too because that's about the same impact Nauta had on the game. Though the water boy could stake a claim of doing more.
  11. Lmfao just trying to delay the inevitable
  12. Fuck you Herbstreit!!!! Suck a fucking dick!!!
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