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Everything posted by Domedriver

  1. Fuck Arkiepig with a thorny stick up the ass. I hate OUSuxs, I hate the fucking Irish, UCLA, etc. But pig has a special piece of my hate and it is eternal and forever!
  2. I was 9 years old and watched on TV with 5 of my elementary school friends. Myself and 2 of my friends were die hard Longhorns, my best friend was a Razorpig,, and the other 2 were Ohio State fans who rooted for Arkiepig. At halftime we went to and played football in my backyard and it turned into a fist fight brawl. Even us kids were totally involved in the drama of the game. My best friend Skipper left with a bloody nose and we were never close again. Randy Peschel came and spoke to my Cub Scout pack at Gullet and I got his autograph which I cherished, but lost over the years. It was the event that turned my blood Burnt Orange forever. That and being there when VY stunned USC. Hookem! Now I am the proud owner of the only Longhorn Hat that Jim Bertelsen ever autographed as I now live next to members of his extended family. His son Andy is a brilliant singer guitarist who has a band, The Texas Renegard that you should check out!
  3. My words for summer are: Just fuckng win Mother Fuckers! Kill, Kill, OU SUXS and Make them eat shit. I want a mean fucking team next year Tom. Make it fucking so! The Eyes are upon you and if you win we will sing all the day long but most of all if you crush OUSUXs, Slaughter the Irish some how, and Death to UCLA! Win them all and take fucking names! Just saying.
  4. Think he should be ass raped by the horns of a heard of angry rhinos! My rage over what he did at that game has not cooled. I wish Charlie had head butted him!
  5. I had 3 comments. 1) It is all about the game. Being able to see it, having a good opponent, and winning. 2) Quality and choice of beer is important. 3) Close San Jacinto on game day. No fucking parking. Turn it into a massive tailgate game day party zone. Also said I haz no monies and I haz sads and can’t buy shit like that.
  6. Maths? Maths? Just say no and drink some more koolaid!
  7. I hope you are not talking forearms.
  8. My take is LJH is a man! I bet you could line him up tight and ask him to block like a TE and he would put his defender on his ass. I love the man! No homo, well maybe a little.
  9. We all agree Oklahoma sucks, but we would rather it not burn. May the rain that woul fall on our Spring Game rain in Okieland instead.
  10. What? His Mama is two timing me? Damn that is cruel.
  11. I mean if we have a Pride of Fuck Lions living in Lofts? Oh the humanity. Just think of the womenz!
  12. If I read more about Cargo Jorts without forearm reports, I am going to be mind boggled about all this shite. I need meat with my potato. I need to know mor! After all we are getting close to the big game!!!! Just win baby! You can wear what you want when we win! I say we win a week from Saturday! And we win out from there. The gallons of burnt orange I have drunk should have made me look like Trump. Instead I look like a desecrated desert goat. Dry and dusty.. I want some Heradura Victory juice in my koolaid! I want my horns back. Just saying. Fuck the whiners, fucking win! NOW! I is Surly.
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