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Posts posted by Incredulity

  1. ^all of this.

    Only time I have ever had an issue is a dickbag directly  across from my wife, she was on the hook, chanting for 7 every time she through the dice.

    I gave him a earful, that involved some MF's and Csucker.  

    Every other Don't player I have ran across was quiet about it

  2. Weaponizing the IRS and then having the dog eat Lois Lerners homework totally eclipses any of Trumps verbal diarrhea.

    Do you want to go on record as supporting the IRS requiring submission of reading lists and associations as A-OK?

    • Like 1
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  3. 2 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Why do white conservatives cry about being called racist when no one calls them racist? What's the mental pathology involved with that?

    I think it's because white conservatives are extremely fragile when it comes to racial discussions, so even having to talk about racial issues makes them emotional and, when people are emotional, they tend to imagine they are under attack even when they aren't. One person can be called "racist" for being obviously racist, and that person's political fellow-travelers will all feel like they were also called racist.


    its a serious accusation you and yours are all too comfortable using it casually as a political cudgel.

    Laying back and playing innocent after repeated accusations and innuendos is particularly heinous.





  4. 37 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    I think when you say "multiple" you mean "zero". I would be interested to see where spanky was actually called a "racist".

    There is a tendency among white conservatives to imagine accusations of being racist where none exist.

    Yup, calling him a moral coward isn't EXACTLY calling him a racist...........


  5. 2 minutes ago, sidis said:

    and it is very conspicuous that the only topic that seems to trigger a flurry of posts from spanky on the politics board generally deal with discrimination of African americans.

    the topic is akin to hustling credit card points or pretending like living in a shitbox in jersey is a badge of honor in terms of being a bat signal.


    He has already been called a racist multiple times.  No need to virtue signal by figuring out how to do it covertly.


  6. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I’m not a democrat and I’m not a republican because I hate the team aspect of politics. I don’t even know if I’m conservative or liberal because those words have been mutilated by both teams.

    I voted for Kerry to punish Bush for the Iraq War.  I voted for McCain because I thought Obama wasn’t ready for the presidency.  I voted for Gary Johnson because I was an idiot and I voted for Hillary because Trump scared the shit out of me. 



    Really, ...Bull.....fucking.....Shit.

    I will believe that when me shit turns purple and tastes like rainbow sherbet.

  7. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Are you saying that white people and black people were not offered the same kind of financing even though they had similar backgrounds?

    That doesn't sound like America.

    Oh wait, yes it does.

    Barack solved all that with over a billion in disparate impact fines.


    Where did that money go though.....hmmmmm?

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