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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. I went several years without watching a single Colorado Buffalo game. I'm about to watch my second in little over a week. That says a lot about what Deion is doing at CU, imo. Dude has always been brash, but he's also always delivered.
  2. The same people who bitch about Derka when he posts are the same ones bitching about him when he doesn't post. Some of y'all need therapy.
  3. Yup. My first thought was, "Is she a free agent?" If you're reading this, Ms. Jones, holla at your Braff!
  4. That's only half of it. Putin originally proposed to fly Kim around in an Embraer business jet. For some reason, Kim declined.
  5. Yup. It might no longer be good brisket--at least by Central Texas standards--but it'll still be good meat. Just be careful not to go full Frank Costanza.
  6. Be respectful, @UpperWestside. OP is not wrong.
  7. Props for owning it. That does look ... tough. Thoughts on how to save it? I suggest braising it in a little water until it falls apart and then making taco, burrito or enchilada filling out of it. Or maybe stir-fried with fresh veggies and rice or noodles. Don't accept defeat!
  8. Braff Zacklin

    USMNT 2023

    Please, no more closeups of Timmy Chandler.
  9. I dunno. I don't follow recruiting. But from his first games as a starter at UT, it was apparent that Quinn was afraid to step up and make a throw if that also meant taking a hit. And that's understandable, but it's also an unfortunate requirement for the position.
  10. To be fair to @Hank_Hill, Internet availability is probably limited in Maui right now, which means his access to TikTok is minimal.
  11. We'll look like a bunch of Johnny-come-latelies, braggin' on our own midget. Don't matter how stumpy!
  12. This whole time, I thought it was the ghost of Todd Christensen in the booth. Sweater gawd, Brock Huard sounds exactly the same.
  13. JT hasn't tossed an oskie since the first half. It's an oversight he needs to correct. Immediately.
  14. First throw, bad. Second throw, not bad at all.
  15. He's gonna be out of eligibility, anyway, but I doubt JT Daniels is ever gonna wanna play Texas again after today.
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