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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BurntOrangeCrush

  1. I know this seems like a H2H loss with the Huskies, but I have been on the phone with sources who are VERY close to Covington. I am told he was under pressure from certain family members to commit early to Washington, but those who know him believes he want's to play for an elite SEC program. As we all know, Jimbo is a closer. It's a LONG was to NSD. With Leon and Demas in his ear, many in Colleyville feel like there is a good chance Covington ends up in Aggie land. I am standing by my CB to the Ags. Keep an eye on this one...
  2. en-jig-ba Saw him interviewed and that was how it was pronounced
  3. Ok, so if he announces to aggy tomorrow, I will remember Perroni doesn't think we are out of the running. Awesome!
  4. Hi Looch! My sources confirmed this for you.
  5. I think that has happened, but if I remember right, FSU didn't want to play in that bowl so those results don't count
  6. No way in hell Haynes King stays at 15. Look forward to adjusted rankings later on. Troy Omerie at 9?
  7. Yes, Stephanie Fondie strained her right glute bending over to rearrange a magazine. Listed as doubtful for the upcoming quilting bee.
  8. Thank you for always posting these aggy reactions
  9. Breaking news: Bobby B just got Fong'd to Peen State
  10. No tears. First, they are looking at the ever-variable texags rankings, not some conspiracy-ridden composite list. Second, all those 3* aggy recruits were selected by Jimbo himself. Therefore, they are really 5*. Advantage aggy
  11. Hey everyone, just got back from Baton Rouge. I was taking my stepson there for an orientation (he got his GED and only qualified for Blinn, aggy, and LSU) and got to hang out with some of the local folks there. Last night, I went to one of the local restaurants and was drinking some beer at the bar and started talking football to some of the people there (of course, I had my UT cap on). A lot of them asked me about Herman and I told them how happy we are with him. I didn't say much because I didn't want to upset them since he turned them down for us. To my surprise, the majority of them said they understood. They talked about how they knew it would be hard for Herman to turn down a job at the flagship university in Texas, about how nice Austin is, the rich traditions of UT, etc... Some of them were wanting to come see LSU play in Austin, and I told them they will love ATX and would have a great visit. One guy there said every Longhorn fan he knew was passionate about the Horns, yet respectful and friendly. Others chimed in about how impressed (and a bit jealous) they are with UT fans and their passion for their team, coach, and Big 12. I asked them about the game at LSU in 2020, and they said it will be difficult for me to attend. Even though it is over year away, tickets are already going for more than $1,000 a piece. One older fan said he has never seen this kind of excitement for a team coming in to play their beloved Tigers. Most, if not all, let me know they were glad we didn't play in the SEC. Gave mad respect for Herman and UT. Anyway, it was great to hear others opinions about UT, and I thought I would share. Hook 'em!
  12. I know you will be shocked, but Looch disagrees with those rankings (as noted on the 2020 thread)
  13. Our secondary seemed to hold up pretty well against Georgia (SEC SEC SEC)
  14. I wish we wouldn't turn on each other. With all due respect (and I am looking at my ring as I type this) I wish you old army guys would join us here in 2019. This is NOT the same old 40 acres anymore. Now, the only way schools can compete with us is by giving out cash and vehicles, or in this case, a dad that got paid. All of us in here call it as we see it. This sucks but the nattys we are about to get because of the Herm is a nice consolation prize.
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