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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Js1

  1. 14 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    No, no.  We can't use what we already have and is doing the job.  We have to make something new so he can put his name on it.  

    Ding ding ding ding.

    Plus it has the word "force" in it and he can wrap himself up in the flag and talk about how HE strengthened our armed forces with another branch.

  2. 15 minutes ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    Every one of those options is fucking terrible. 

    I kind of like Mars Awaits.  I assume the Trump fans will volunteer to go if ordered by Dear Leader?

    Also it sounds like a subtitle for Total Recall (the original, not the crappy one).

  3. 14 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    I am not familiar with a few of those names, but the ones I have heard of are definitely worthy of being pilloried and mocked.  This is like when Trumpkins “But Obama” instead of denying the underlying charge.

    I assume you're mostly talking about being familiar with Pajama Boy.

    My point was not a "but Obama." My point was - wave elections tend to sweep in un/underqualified candidates.  Less criticism of her as a bartender and more discussion of her platform is warranted.  At least she's talking about something and creating a discussion instead of just parroting the same tired party talking points.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Buzzrock said:

    Dammit, I don't like agreeing with JS1.

    But her Firing Line interview was pretty bad.

    The lesson is that a lot of these people we elect have no fucking idea what they're talking about. About anything.  Putting them on live TV is a recipe for disaster, period. 

  5. Some of the stellar Republicans swept into office in 2011 from the tea party wave included:

    An auctioneer (Billy Long)

    A youth camp director (James Lankford)

    A gospel singer (Stephen Fincher)

    A radio talk show host (Blake Farenthold)

    A roofing contractor (Reid Ribble)

    A former reality TV star (Sean Duffy)


    But I mean, AOC was a bartender. Let's all pillory and mock her.


    • Like 2
  6. 15 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    didn't the Koch brothers pledge to spend upwards of $400 million on races and causes this election cycle?   You would assume that at least 99.999% are for GOP candidates.

    Wasn't that announced 8 months ago before the tariffs and then Trump/RNC basically telling them go fuck off and die?

  7. Really glad to see Holmes slimmed down the fat and increased the muscle.  She'll be faster and better down low.

    Like to see Collier get rough in there, just in practice.

    Sug has big (but not literally) shoes to fill stepping in for Brooke.  I like that she's vocal.

    Lashann - how much more of a leader can she be? That girl was grit, heart, soul and hustle as a junior.

    Expecting big things from Destiny and Patterson.  Destiny looks like she lost some high school weight.  Ready to see those two drop buckets.

  8. https://www.hookem.com/story/new-look-joyner-holmes-embracing-junior-year-texas/


    “Having a full summer to work out is something I didn’t have in my first two years here,” she said. “It’s meant a lot to me to have this summer. I’ve shaved a few pounds. We’re all moving a little faster.”

    Working with Texas strength and conditioning coach Zack Zillner, Holmes said she lost 13 pounds since the end of last season. She followed that by gaining eight pounds of muscle.


    The most notable newcomer is Collier, ranked as the No. 2 high school prospect in the country last year by ESPN. White joked that Collier has adjusted quickly because she “threw a few elbows” in Wednesday’s practice.

    Sug Sutton, who takes over for Brooke McCarty as the team’s starting point guard, has been the most vocal player in camp, Aston said. She will be joined in the backcourt by shooting guard Lashann Higgs, who vowed to become a leader during her senior year.

    The most improved players in burnt orange are sophomores Destiny Littleton and Chasity Patterson. Aston said the progress they have shown this summer is “miraculous.”

    Another newcomer who will make an impact is Danni Williams, who stunned onlookers when she made a 65-foot shot while warming up for practice.


  9. 17 minutes ago, Tuco said:


    And, while the Republicans have certainly raked in the cash more since 2016, that does seem unsustainable, particularly if the pro-business conservatives like Koch Bros are getting restless about tariffs, immigration, and the ballooning deficit.

    Carrie Dann, NBC News/Politics.  She did the math herself.  Rough estimates, but the point stands.  Republicans groups cannot commit $5-6 million per House race and probably double that per Senate race.  That's approaching $500 million.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Nolacycling said:

    Same way we paid for Iraq war and then Dem. President will be left to clean up the mess.

    So The Space Force will pay for itself when we establish solar system dominance and start stealing the moon's Helium-3 deposits?

  11. In hotly contested special elections in 2017-18 (AL Senate, GA6, MT-AL, SC5, KS4, PA18, AZ8 and OH12):

    Democratic committees + DNC + other groups - $12.3 million (about $1.5 million per race)

    Republican committees + RNC + other groups - $41.7 million (about $5.2 million per race)


    Boy that looks unsustainable for Republicans.  If you have ~70 tossup seats currently, that's $364.8 million in outside spending.  Not counting any Senate races in expensive markets like Houston, Tampa, Phoenix, Miami, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Nashville, San Antonio, Kansas City, Austin, Memphis, Vegas, etc.

    Current staff  
    Head coach Mike White $505,000
    Asst. coach Chelsea Spencer $130,000
    Asst. coach Kerry Shaw $120,000
    Total $755,000
    Former staff  
    Head coach Connie Clark $210,000
    Asst. coach Tripp McKay $96,900
    Asst. coach Jennifer McFalls $82,200
    Total $389,100
  13. 24 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    “Hey dad, I have a cool idea!”


    More than likely he walked in on Barron watching Gravity and immediately knew he had to spring to action because of the flying space garbage putting our astronauts in danger.  The pretty brunette one, have her appear at the White House!

  14. 50 minutes ago, F250 said:

    Everything I disagree with should be regulated.


    Is this how the game is played?


    I thought the libertarian game was "nothing should be regulated" except when they decide something should be regulated.  Why or child labor laws or environmental standards okay but not regulated weaponized social media used to affect elections?

  15. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    I'm just fascinated by how every accusation is a confession.

    It's not that fascinating when you've accepted the P in GOP stood for "project" and not "party."

    Make accusations against everyone else to distract that you're the one doing the same (or worse).

    We've already been drugged like that guy.  The sodomy is coming.


  16. 32 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    why anyone engages with onboard is beyond me. he's a bomb thrower with no interest in stretching his brain in these discussions. his goal is to minimize those with a certain political bent, while never taking a positive stance on their opposition. 

    in other words, he voted for gary johnson.

    You have to have a brain to stretch to actually discuss something.

    He just throws in Fox News talking points, mocks everyone else and plays victim. Remember, this is guy who blamed the Democrats for making him vote for Trump.

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