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Everything posted by RabidM

  1. Nothing will make them want to keep their OL more than if it looks like we want them. We should make it look like we're pushing for them.
  2. Hamm's a whiny bitch. That was the rumored hire the day after Turner left. Hamm didn't break shit.
  3. Reese looked slow and stiff to me in the spring game. I think he needs to become a dominant in line blocker or will passed up quickly.
  4. We going to be able to take enough players to get to top 3 again?
  5. Shepherd becoming an All American would be the best case scenario for everyone. aggie tears, Texas greatness... Hopefully Hand can mold him into a beast.
  6. Next season? Let's get him in the portal right now. We're on a roll.
  7. Unfortunately that means Warhime is coming back next year unless someone offers him a promotion. TE played well, but it'd be nice to have a rainmaker coaching the TE's. Having 2 average recruiters at RB and TE is far from ideal.
  8. EJ's buying $300 shirts. Hamm can't even afford the gas to go to the store to look at those shirts.
  9. I guess the decorated war veteran forgot how to operate the safety... sounds plausible.
  10. Uhhh, that dude ain't 6-0 tall unless that's the worst camera angle ever.
  11. No it's a different one I think. She and Hamm had a falling out. She has to find new places whenever her crazy burns her bridges at her current forum. She even went crawling back to 247 after she left in a huff when they said something she didn't like about jimbo. She needs these places... they make her feel important.
  12. They probably want him removed for the team rankings.
  13. Flu talk will get this thread to 1000 dammit!
  14. They'll be adding to their class. They'll take Ainas Smith, plus a crap LB and maybe one more. They will get points for that bread. They'll keep their non-qualifiers in their commitment list for as long as possible to artificially keep their ranking.
  15. Their ranking is also being helped by at least one 4 star who will not qualify... and possibly 2. Plus, there were rumors Blades was not going to qualify... but I suspect he will otherwise he would not have been allowed to sign. Having a for sure non-qualifier occupy space in your class for perception purposes is one thing... allowing him to actually sign is another.
  16. Damn, I was rooting for him to make it work over there. Fuck the world.
  17. It wasn't that long ago they were calling Sumlin "Tan Fran" on Texags. They're a shitty bunch of people.
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