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Everything posted by RabidM

  1. Hmmm... Illinois sure seems to be winning a lot of recruiting battles lately.
  2. Mike Sherman's once in a generation OL class... (which they'll sell as their norm) vs our OL recent history.
  3. It would be a good move for Hurts. He has a lot of comfort with the Maryland and Miami coaches though. I'd prefer he head east at things considered.
  4. Interesting development that might affect recruiting DB's against LSU going forward:
  5. Lateral move? He must hate working for Coach O.
  6. What has he done that's so douchey? It seems like all the stuff people hate about his recruitment comes from 9.95'ers and his trainer, not him.
  7. He looks sub 6 foot tall in his highlights... heck of a first step though. I think he could be a useful college player.
  8. Almost all of the waivers are granted due to family issues. Fields would be moving far away from his family, which is the opposite of the normal hardship waiver. The rumor is he's going to claim racism, but, that's going to be a tough sell to the NCAA. There are racists everywhere, even in Ohio. Also, as far as we know, he only was subjected to verbal words. If the NCAA is going to grant hardships based upon verbal abuse from random people around campus, it would result in a never ending free agency.
  9. Fields is unlikely to get a waiver request to play next year. I'm surprised to see tater's name in there.
  10. Nike needs to steal sponsorship of all the big 7v7 teams.
  11. I find it hard to believe he passed. He's one Charlie Brewer injury away from being in a really bad place. His stock may never be higher than it is now.
  12. There is athletic upside there, but the french guy's film doesn't look like anything special.
  13. Hurts would be a massive upgrade over what they currently have. He might be enough to pull off a big upset or two. A conference title? I'm a little suspect, but it would make that TCU game much more dangerous than otherwise.
  14. He's counting Williams as a guard because it's convenient to his argument.
  15. If his bama and Georgia offers are commitable, I doubt he ends up in state.
  16. Apparently Pete Davidson's pecker is.
  17. We should check the local supermarkets and see where he's bagging groceries...
  18. That's just fucked up by USC. It would be understandable if he was being interviewed for NFL OC jobs, but these are head coaching job interviews. It's industry standard to allow employees to interview for promotions.
  19. ROFL... was tempted to feel sorry for him for half a second, but then I remembered all the shit he talks... fuck him.
  20. Long term we didn't want Bru at WR. He has high first round potential on defense.
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