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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. Yeah, that is actually a really sad story. Nothing the guy did deserved the death penalty. And I'm not necessarily saying the shooter/good Samaritan did anything wrong. But, were that I me, I sure as hell would have some guilt over it.
  2. Did you? I don't think you understand how quotation marks work. But go ahead, find the part of your post that said "They probably said this"
  3. This is a stupid take. So, it isn't surprising that you'd have it.
  4. Article on the rapid change of ERCOT https://ieefa.org/resources/momentous-changes-way-ercot-texas-renewable-transition-rolls
  5. Surly isn't good for Derka. I'm sure he will find another community and, probably and unfortunately, be a victim of some abuse there as well. Honestly, the Internet isn't built for people like him. He is an entertaining poster in the same way a train wreck is entertaining. It isn't good for the train and isn't good for the people gawking. I wish him the best, but he needs distance from this place.
  6. Israel has been fucking itself long term. And I'm damn near out of sympathy for it.
  7. The state of California decided that was his name. It seems like the real Kierans must have been involved in someway, but it isn't clear from the articles I've seen.
  8. I'm not as good at thread titles it seems.
  9. How so? I'm sorry if my meme offended you. I was just being snarky; it wasn't meant to be serious. But I don't think I'm misrepresenting what you've said, which is that schools can't work and must be worthless if kids are missing a few days here and there for thigs like trips to family vacations. That is just such an over exaggeration for what was being described by Hobbes (i.e., kid missing 5 days). Now, if we're talking about kids regularly missing 15-20% of school, yes, I can see that being very disruptive.
  10. Right, so you're missing perspective, which I what I said. When I was growing up people missed school here and there. It didn't cause class to collapse or start over. I missed school here and there. It wasn't a big deal.
  11. No burn intended. Homeschooling can be done well (it just often isn't). My nephews and niece were homeschooled until high school and are absolutely thriving. Your comment just doesn't make any sense to me. Teachers don't start over because kids miss a few days here and there. Students missing <10 days out of a year isn't going to cause schools to not "work" or be "worthless." That's just ridiculous.
  12. You'd have to show me the polls you're referring to. But if they are the ones that had things like Trump getting the majority of the youth vote, 25% of the black vote, or RFK getting 10% of the vote, then I ain't worried about that trash.
  13. This is sort of a separate issue. I think you're talking about the reporting on the kids missing 10% of school year. I'm talking about taking a child out of school here and there for a handful of days a year.
  14. I don't think RFK is stealing voters from Biden. Or at least he is stealing more voters for Trump than voters for Biden. The vast majority of people that would end up voting for RFK would have either voted for Trump or stayed home.
  15. We give plenty to our school that I'm sure more than makes up for the lost revenue from the missed days. But no, I'm not taking responsibility for the shit poor way our state funds our schools. I will however continue to advocate and vote for proper funding.
  16. Your statement is just very perplexing. Were you homeschooled? And I don't mean that in a negative way. I just have to assume that someone that thinks a kid missing class means the teacher starts the lesson plan over lacks some common life experience and perspective on how schools actually work.
  17. You think lesson plans start over every time a kid misses a class? You have in fact been to a school before, right?
  18. You think school doesn't work if kids miss 5 days?
  19. I forgot to add this part: after California convicted Woods, it also required him to use his "real name": Matthew Kierans. Like... what the fuck.
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