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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. Again, lying under oath would be bad. I don't see how the cell phone analysis is at all reliable evidence of that. They explained those some questions in their testimony. Everything so far is consistent with the testimony. And, none of this cell phone data analysis has been subject to analysis or cross examination. Submitting it after the testimony rather than using it with the witnesses is just another way to delay things and should be a pretty clear indication to you that it isn't going to hold up. The defense attorneys clearly had it at time and chose not to use it for a reason.
  2. 1) there is no evidence of perjury. There is an affidavit claiming to have some very rudimentary cell location data. You're falling for the bit Trump wants you to fall for. 2) the defense isn't going to be able to bring up any of this at trial. The risk that some potential juror will know about this stuff and that would taint their ability to reach a verdict based upon the evidence is much less than the risk that any pro-trumper is a jury member and would refuse to convict. Pretty much any of the former would also be latter. 3) This whole saga is precisely why the judge shouldn't have countenanced this argument in the first place. Bad people are taking advantage of honest people like yourself. That is all that is happening. These aren't serious arguments. No one actually believes Trump is at risk of having an unfair trial because of their relationship. It is all a stupid game.
  3. Stop being disingenuous. You know this isn't about Trump getting a fair trial. Just say it.
  4. Yeah, and, for shits and giggles, can you think of any political reason why maybe other counties may be less inclined? Can you think of any special interest Fulton county may have? Of course you know exactly what this game is and exactly what the implication is. Don't play dumb.
  5. This his true interest. It isn't about Trump getting a fair trial. It is about Trump not facing justice at all.
  6. Again, why do you care? If you're not interested in him being found guilty, I'd assume you'd be all for an experienced prosecutor working the case. The only reason I can imagine arguing this point is if your interest was disingenuous, and you really just want delay.
  7. Again, why does it matter to you? I also question the assumption that lack of experience as a felony prosecutor means he isn't qualified. I don't buy that at all.
  8. What does any of this matter? Are you now worried that Trump will not have a fair trial because the prosecutor isn't good enough? Is that what we are seriously rolling with now?
  9. He was a civil trial lawyer before, so he probably never tried a felony case. But he has certainly tried cases before a jury.
  10. Eh, phone company doesn't keep that. And, even if they can get them, they uncover a relationship. It still isn't relevant to anything. So?
  11. I don't buy that there was an perjury yet. But I didn't say it wasn't an issue. I just said it doesn't impact his ability to have a fair trial. Of course, this is also why none of this should have been allowed in the first place. Placing people in the awkward position to testify about personal relationships for no real reason (because their relationship isn't material to the defendant's rights) is just setting up a no win situation.
  12. I think there is plenty of room to doubt the veracity of the affidavit and phone data. And I still don't see how any of this impacts Trump's ability to get a fair trial. The attorneys aren't going to be testifying.
  13. Wait, is leaving Boss Hogg on a deserted island an option? It seems like the ban would finally be effective.
  14. That's a partial clip of her explaining a significant portion of the belief system: laws don't matter except to the extent they coincide with their particular view of Christianity. It wasn't her providing an all encompassing definition.
  15. Natural rights and legal rights are separate concepts. Legal rights may or may not recognize natural rights. Natural rights are not dependent upon the Christian God.
  16. My read is that CellHawk was for positioning information. It also says this: So, again, I think the call log data must have come from the subpoena. Or maybe it is a combination? According to the article, an expert that spoke with the paper also suggested the data may be inaccurate. Again, 50/50 someone fucked up a spreadsheet. 2000 calls in a year strains credibility.
  17. I figured that was just about the location tracking. The call log should just be directly from the phone company. But I will not be surprised if it turns out the Trump lawyers fucked up a spreadsheet or something.
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