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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. That's from four years ago. https://apnews.com/article/dfa5487806d779e0300f058eeaffe9e8
  2. You're an idiot. Most of the season, when you've seen Taaffe get burned, it was actually another DB getting burned and Taaffe trying to make a play from behind. He isn't an eraser at safety, but he has been consistent.
  3. I pulled down data from ERCOT (actually, from here that it gets it from ERCOT https://grid-analytics.ece.utexas.edu/chart/wind-and-pv). Unless I did the math wrong (possible), it appears wind and solar have covered roughly 40% of our total electricity demand this month so far. With nuclear and hydro, we're probably just at 50% for the month. We've also had record solar power output today of 18,877 MW, just surpassing the prior record from a few days ago of 18,356 MW. The top 10 days are all from this year. For perspective, our highest producing day from last summer was 13,726 MW.
  4. Here, let me help you: from the appealed opinion (https://www.opn.ca6.uscourts.gov/opinions.pdf/23a0180p-06.pdf) From Sandmann's petition to the Supreme Court (https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-822/298902/20240126152554425_01.44690 pdf Huber br.pdf) Basically, Sandmann was looking to create a bright line rule. And the Supreme Court, unsurprisingly, declined to take him up on it.
  5. It seems like this story should have had a happy(ier) ending.
  6. This sort of thing happens with judges all the time. They ask a question they think they know the answer to in order to provide a record to support their opinion. I didn't look at the actual questioning, but given the information here, nothing about that question is concerning to me.
  7. It sounds like Kavanaugh was essentially making that point: doctors aren't forced to provide abortions.
  8. Jesus, that's insane. Nightmare fuel. Prayers to everyone on the bridge.
  9. He looked the way the ball went after hitting it. I think that is legit.
  10. While that is possible, I don't think you can make that prediction based on this order. That isn't an issue that has been briefed and I really doubt the appellate court has thought about it that much.
  11. Ironically, you may need the latter when flying in a Boeing.
  12. The comments on that video... yikes. Seems like the guy had a mental disorder of some sort. Also, I really have no idea what 'k' word he used.
  13. Honestly, as a short term strategy until elections, that's probably in Ukraine's best interest. But it'd be a hell of a lot easier for us to ask that if we were actually providing significant aid right now.
  14. Honestly, Disu coming out of the game may not be bad for us.
  15. Do we want anyone to heat up? It seems like status quo would be pretty fucking good for us.
  16. The evidence I've seen so far is that the newer Chinese vehicles are pretty comparable to western vehicles. But, then again, who knows if that holds up under comprehensive crash testing.
  17. Big firms in Houston are well over $1,000 for partner level. And god forbid you look up the rates for named partners.
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