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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. After watching our secondary the last two seasons, I don't know really understand being upset about potentially bringing in Akina as a staff hire. At least our DBs would know how to turn their fucking heads and locate the ball. Anywho, as an analyst hire, this is a home run.
  2. The game tracker may be more frustrating than watching the game.
  3. I have a saltwater pool. But is also covered most of the time (the pool), so maybe that prevents any issues. Frankly, I'm surprised the low salt levels would cause an issue that far away.
  4. I had a 65 inch Vizio on my covered patio. I didn't put any cover on it or do anything to care for it. It worked great until the end of last summer when it developed a line and then eventually refuses to power on. I had it out there for 6 years, in the humidity of Houston, and including the great freeze. That's about the life I expect for a TV anyway before it needs to be replaced with something better. So, if it is in a covered space and protected from direct rain, I don't think you really need to do anything. By a cheapish set and replace as needed.
  5. Go to rtings.com and look at the budget recommendations for the size you want. Easy peasy.
  6. QA at Boeing appears extraordinarily bad right now apparently. I don't know how you can really trust that it has done anything correctly in the manufacture or design of its planes.
  8. I'm probably late on this, but here goes: Pivot table is the easiest way. Just copy and paste the data into a new range if you're worried about pivot functions confusing your customer. I'm not sure what exactly you'd be filtering on in the new columns other than the person's name. It would be an odd use case to want to filter on particular quantities of the medication, so maybe there is something to your project that I'm missing. Assuming you hate pivot tables, you could also use the sumproduct formula in your second table. Assuming you turn your ranges into tables (Control 'T') and name the top table "Original" and the bottom table "Converted", you'd enter the following formula in B11 through 13: =SUMPRODUCT(--(Original[Name]=[@Name])*(Original[Product]=Converted[[#Headers],[Valtrex]])*(Original[Quantity])*1) and this formula in C11 through 12 =SUMPRODUCT(--(Original[Name]=[@Name])*(Original[Product]=Converted[[#Headers],[Zovirax]])*(Original[Quantity])*1) Sumifs function would also work. The advantage to sumproduct and sumifs is that they don't require the helper column that @NoName added. All that said, Pivot Tables are infinitely superior for what you're trying to do here, especially if you have more than a couple of medications/products at issue. With pivot tables, you wouldn't have to write new formulas for each column. Finally, let's say you're actually trying to merge two different sets rather than simply transform an existing data set (i.e., both data sets have unique information that has to be included in the merged data set). In that case, you'll want to learn to use PowerQuery/ the "Get Data" feature in excel. It is extremely powerful for everything from merging data sets to transforming existing data in much more complex ways. I'm not going to explain it all here, just saying it may be something you want to learn about and/or take a class on.
  9. I mean, from the sound of it, he knew about it and didn't actively stop it. But like, what is the actual crime there? Child endangerment? You're really going to convince a jury that his son was in any sort of danger? This seems like a huge stretch to me.
  10. What is his crime exactly? And who are you going to get to convict him?
  11. Get out of this fucking conference.
  12. After the fumbles, we didn't have time to run anymore. After the first fumble, we started out running (runs of 15 and 5 yards). Unfortunately, we had a false start and two incompletes later were punting. After the second fumble, we immediately scored a TD. Unfortunately, right after that the D allowed Washington to take 5 minute off the clock and a kick a field goal. The fumbles didn't scare us from running. They, along with giving up points, outright prevented it.
  13. We would have matched up better with Michigan, but they are a better team.
  14. Eh, we've definitely had some long runs on second and third and long this year.
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