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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. Have you ever tried to read your own posts? It is clearly all a game to you. You aren't interested in discussion. You don't state your opinions. You state bland banalities. Yes, everyone agrees that unintended consequences are thing. Yes, everyone agrees that history affects the present. Yes, everyone agrees that war is bad. You parrot arguments that you know lead to one conclusion (Russia keeps Ukraine) but take offense when anyone suggests that is your aim. You of course never concretely state what you believe should happen. You never explain why we wouldn't shouldn't believe Putin when he says he has always wanted to take Ukraine. You just jab about nonsense and neocons because that is all you really care about. It is sad and pathetic.
  2. It is what youve implied. And you know it. But, if you didn't intend to, maybe you just suck at expressing yourself.
  3. Any time now, what was incorrect about his statement? Do you believe Putin hasn't said those things?
  4. Lol, there it is again. You cant help but reveal your true motive. You don't care about anything but proving neocons/the US are bad. Everything else is just a means to do so, reality be damned.
  5. We have the interview. What is garbage about his statement? It is literally what Putin has said many times.
  6. Should Ukraine be in Russian or Ukrainian hands? Pick one.
  7. See, another non answer. What should Ukraine look like after this according to you? Say what you mean for once in your life.
  8. Weird. That was my point. You're the one that wants the US to negotiate a peace, but you refuse to take a position on what that peace should look like. How strange.
  9. It isn't the first reaction. I think his posts deserve a response rather than let the propaganda stand on its own. I also hold out some hope that he will one day change. But, until then, I don't mind calling a spade a spade.
  10. See, you answered the question without answering the question. Do you want Ukraine to give up territory and Russia to be awarded for its aggression? Saying you want the US to use its influence to "negotiate" doesn't mean anything unless you identify what you want those negotiations to accomplish. Here, let me help you. I want the US to use its influence and power to push Russia to drop it's claim to Ukrainian territory and to leave the country. In that sense, sure, I want the US to negotiate. I don't want the US to use its influence to try and force Ukraine to give up its territory if it doesn't want to. That's what you want because you know it'll hurt the US and help Russia. You'll never say that of course. You'll keep with mush mouth non positions that simply imply it without ever clearly stating your desired outcome.
  11. You did answer some questions, I'll give you that. Your questions were disingenuous and you know it. It is just like asking "when did you stop beating your wife." You pretend it is just a question, ignoring the assumptions and implications pregnant within it, and then wonder why no one engages with you. At any rate, am I incorrect? Do you not want the US to "negotiate" on behalf of Ukraine and end the war by having Ukraine give up its territory? Is not the end result of your desire that Russia will be rewarded for invasion and killing of its neighbor? Do you not believe that the US military/surveillance apparatus is to blame for many, if not all, the bad things happening in the world? You blame the US for Russia invading Ukraine, right? You blame the US for killing in Israel and Palestine, right? You believe that other actors lack any independent agency or responsibility other than as mere predictable reactionary forces to conniving american policy, right?
  12. See, @Anastasis became deeply suspicious of the US military industrial complex during his political formative years. He became convinced that weakening it was the most important thing to improve the world. To that end, he aligns himself with murders, rapists, and war mongers. He will gladly sacrifice every man, woman, and child in Ukraine. Anything is worth the cost if it gives the old US of A a black eye. He ignores his blatant hypocrisy because he believes the US is responsible for all the world's ills. He is blithely unaware that he displays all the moral backbone and intellectual rigor of an earthworm. A comparatively intelligent earthworm to be sure. But ultimately he is still just pink, wiggly flesh covered in shit.
  13. Yes, you're oh so clever arguments that are definitely not transparent regurgitation of Russian propaganda points have me shook. Again, explain for the audience how the US negotiating to give up Ukrainian land is good for Ukraine, the US, justice, the world, or really anyone but Russia. Bonus points if you dance around the topic by mentioning history and context all while really not denying your blatantly Russia favorable position and while saying very little of substance.
  14. You're totally a smart man and not a disingenuous shit stain.
  15. Again, you're a Russian tool, intentionally or not. I don't really care. You know you're full of shit.
  16. You made a blanket statement that academic studies couldn't find any benefit to quantitative easing. That's objectively incorrect based on the findings of those papers. I'm not cherry picking, I'm correcting your misstatement. Whether I think QE is overall the best way to go about things is an entirely different question that I really don't know the answer to.
  17. I'd tie the goal to a particular objective economic outcome rather than compensation. I think it is the only way to do it. As to your last question, that's easy, the good you did was raising the economic level of tens of millions of people.
  18. Yes, it is. I've gone back and forth with you numerous times struggling to get you to state your position. You know it. But I do appreciate you at least answering here. 1) Do you believe that Russia's actions wrt the invasion of Ukraine in 2022 should be interpreted in a vacuum? No, but I don't find it relevant to the current discussion. If you want to have an academic debate of how Russia ended up like Russia, start a new thread. 2) Do you think that the post-cold war context is useful to understanding how we got to this position today, and how we can try to avoid similar outcomes in the future? I have no idea what this means. 3) Do you think that America should be exerting their influence to bring the hostilities in Ukraine to an end by engaging negotiations as soon as possible? No, I don't think it is for the United States to negotiate on behalf of Ukraine. Unless Ukraine wants to cede territory, the only negotiation should be Russia leaving and paying for the damage it has done. Stop doing Russia's work for it. 4) Do you believe that American financial and military support to Ukraine should have appropriate controls and traceability in place, given the long history of arms running and corruption in the region? Your question implies that such controls don't exist and that current aid isn't being used appropriately. There is absolutely zero evidence of that and it has been addressed many times. This is a Russia propaganda talking point and you know it. 5) Do you think that there is a point where we can reasonably turn down the spigot of taxpayer money and try to find a path forward? This is a meaningless question along the lines of "is it possible." Sure, anything is possible. For instance, Russia could withdraw at once and start paying reparations for its crimes. Once Ukraine is rebuilt, foreign aid wouldn't be necessary anymore. 6) Do you think that we are past or close to that point? Not even close. The only people that do are Russian tools trying to find a way to let Russia keep its ill-gotten gains. I'm unsurprised to find you in that camp. You've jumped in the Kremlin propaganda pool and appear unable to swim out.
  19. I'm all for this as I'm quite sure Biden will win. But, I recommend replacing the pugil sticks with spears.
  20. Incorrect. Academic studies were mixed overall, many still showing a positive effect but a lesser level than claimed by Central Banks. That doesn't mean academic studies couldn't find any success. It means the exact opposite.
  21. You never really take a position on anything. You snip, but will rarely, even when pressed, outright state your beliefs. Here for example, I have no idea what you're accomplishing . Do you believe that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is rightful or should be condoned? Do you believe that Russia is not attempting to influence our politicians in order to block further military and economic aid to Ukraine? I think the honest answer to both those questions is no. So it boggles my mind why you want to fight over a mid-level bureaucrat's participation as if is remotely important in the broader picture (actually, I know exactly why you do it, to troll).
  22. Ok, so if we could prove a direct link between slavery that was legalized and supported by the United States government and damages caused by systemic racism, then you'd agree the United States government would owe compensation, correct?
  23. What is the principle in your mind that makes one compensable and the other not? That's what I'm trying to get out of you and what I don't think you've thought through.
  24. Again, that would literally include any wrong. Car wreck? Past wrong. Assault? Past wrong. I don't think you really know what you believe or have a principled belief here.
  25. This would be the exact opposite of trickle down economics. The tax benefit would go almost entirely to working class individuals, or are you under the impression that blacks in the US are predominately at the top of the economic food chain? Not directly, no. I'm suggesting that the welfare would become unnecessary because people's economic situations would be improving. You want a full budgetary analysis? There are plenty of places where cuts could occur. Personally, I'd cut everything associated with the SLS, give 2/3rds of that back to NASA to spend in a better method and the rest can be cuts.
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