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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. That is a stupid argument. But you know that.
  2. They can domesticate the judgment in other states where he has assets if that is an issue. Full faith and credit bro. But, frankly, I have to think there are enough assets in NY alone to make this super painful for him regardless. Of course they can. They just take ownership subject to those liens. If they sell, they have to satisfy the liens. That reduces the percentage of the asset applied to the judgment, not whether they asset can be seized.
  3. Yes. That is correct and consistent with how other amendments have been interpreted. For instance, "Congress shall make no laws abridging the freedom of speech" has never meant that speech is completely immune from regulation.
  4. Weird. Guns seem to be a common factor in both of them. It is almost like if we made laws that prevented dipshits and lunatics alike from getting access to guns we could end up at a solution to both categories of problems.
  5. Oh, I'm sorry, I should have said "gangster" I'm curious, would the Vegas shooting have been prevented by not allowing "gangsters" to attend? What about the Walmart shooting in El Paso, could we have stopped that by simply stopping gangsters? Or the night club shootings in Florida, or all the school shootings. Really, how many of the mass shootings over the last 20 years do you think would have been stopped by preventing gangsters from coming out?
  6. 1. A jar(?!) of cheez wiz? It comes in jars? I thought the whole point was cheese you could spray? 2. 8 ounces of cheez wiz may be more cheez wiz than I have had over my entire life. Yes, I was deprived as a child.
  7. It is important to point that zero or negative spot prices don't mean the actual electricity used was free. It just means we don't need any additional generation to come online other than what was previously contracted for. And zero/negative spot prices do also create some additional problems for the grid, particularly when the grid isn't necessarily designed to handle rapid changes in demand. Solvable problems to be sure, but it is important context to the idea that low spot prices are necessarily good for consumers.
  8. But could imagine what it would be like if it was, right?
  9. Right, so just no black people in public spaces, right?
  10. So, under current Supreme Court precedent, we can't actually create any new restrictions on gun ownership. But, we could make a new federal cause of action that applied strict liability to gun manufacturers and sellers for criminal conduct using their manufactured/sold firearms. Something like that could be really effective I think AND I'm pretty sure would pass constitutional muster (at least until Calvinball).
  11. Washington, after getting gutted this year, is going to have a rough time as well. Both of those teams will struggle to win more than 2 games.
  12. No. That wouldn't be Constitutional and would be overturned instantly.
  13. @MirrOlure says the solution is just to prevent "gangsters" from attending those events.
  14. What information do you have to suggest it's "gangster?
  15. Gang shit? Close to? Good god you're pathetic.
  16. Polling works if you can get truly random samples. That doesn't appear to be possible any longer. Every poll suffers from self-selection bias and pollsters are just making guesses to adjust for it.
  17. @956 Worldwide can provide you an in depth answered and covered this in the DT thread. The short answer is that Nazi means something different in Russia and isn't as intrinsically linked with anti-Semitism as it is here. Folks like this are adopting the Russian view of the term whether they are aware of it or not.
  18. Dahobbs


    Maybe catholic school taught me wrong. Seemed pretty convincing to me.
  19. Dahobbs


    As PR campaigns go, this one could backfire in that people might actually believe that being nice to people is the Christian thing to do and start to wonder about all the hate mongers.
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