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Everything posted by Dahobbs

  1. I do. The hub isn't a degree granting institution, which is what the post you quoted from @Js1 seemed to be suggesting. That said, I generally don't have an issue with private/public partnerships so long as the public entity remains independent. Others, like @Js1, may feel differently.
  2. You don't really think that is the same thing as getting a degree from Amazon University, do you? Being young and having underdeveloped brains. Where do you?
  3. I partially agree; someone on this thread is acting like an emotional child. I'd posit it is the person insisting that everything can/should only be done one way. I speak from experience, as I currently have three emotional children who have trouble adapting to anything other than the one-way they want things.
  4. 1) We'd still have them, profit isn't the sole motivator for a society creating those sorts of entities 2) again, I have nothing against the concept of profit or the power of the market to allocate resources, and 3) for-profit entities can definitely be a societal good. But it doesn't mean for-profitness is sufficient or necessary for accountability.
  5. Hey, I'm a big fan of the power of market forces. That doesn't necessarily mean you need a for-profit entity or that market forces are a universal panacea.
  6. Also, are you under the impression that non-profits have no demands of their employees or give them paychecks out of purely charitable motivation? Like, really?
  7. Yeah, imagine if entities like airplane and car manufacturers and banks weren't subject to profit accountability, you'd have over leveraged banks failing, car manufacturers begging for government handouts, and airplanes that fall out of the sky or have their doors fall off. Thank god we never have those things thanks to that all powerful for-profit accountability.
  8. Anyway, if I'm going to get upset about fraud in academic papers, it is going to be about fraud appearing in major publications and weaponized against the public interest: https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/02/anti-abortion-groups-studies-retracted-before-supreme-court-mifepristone-case/
  9. Yeah, we've never seen profit driven entities not be held accountable for their actions. Oh, wait...
  10. I didn't have Taylor Swift literally setting fire to Mar-a-lago with all the Trump family inside and then disappearing like Kizer Soze on my bingo card. But now I do.
  11. How does curbing spending help out the folks you're complaining about (the ones that don't pay taxes anyway)?
  12. To add some more context to this conversation, January 1, 2021, total combined utility solar capacity in Texas was 5,649 MW. August 31 2021, total combined utility solar capacity in Texas was 8,274 MW. January 1, 2022, total combined utility solar capacity in Texas was 9,323 MW. August 31 2022, total combined utility solar capacity in Texas was 12,410 MW. January 1, 2023, total combined utility solar capacity in Texas was 14,249 MW. August 31 2023, total combined utility solar capacity in Texas was 17,759 MW. January 1, 2024, total combined utility solar capacity in Texas was 21,173 MW. (data pulled from here). So yeah, expect a lot more records breaking this summer.
  13. Shaping operations for future F-16 usage perhaps.
  14. You sign an interconnect agreement for home systems when you're tied in (e.g., I signed one with Centerpoint) . You don't register directly with ERCOT though unless your system is MW or greater in size. Although I'm sure ERCOT could get reports on home solar activity through the service providers if need be.
  15. Yeah, the idea that a healthy Worthy is running a 4.5 or higher is absurd. I expect he will pretty easily go under 4.4.
  16. ESPN must be making 10s of dollars from all these infomercials during the game.
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