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Boss Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg

  1. This is encouraging. They almost always lose recruitments that they go toe to toe for, or trade blows over. They’re setting up the moral victory.
  2. What tf are you talking about? good point. This is my 16th post on this topic. Wake me up when y’all fly a banner or march on the Capitol. Good day.
  3. Buy a VPN. If you really care about cybersecurity that much, you should probably do that anyway.
  4. Holy shit. Some of y’all take this shit very seriously. I think the next step is to organize and march on the Capitol. It’s a good story. You’d get on the news. May I suggest a slogan? You’ve Gotta Fight for Your Right to Porn I actually agree that there’s cybersecurity issues, but I’d don’t see a ton of people out there fighting KYC/AML laws that lead to honeypots that criminal exploit. People that really want to, can disregard those laws too.
  5. This is really the basis of it all for the average person, despite any CR 3D chess. And I think the vast majority of people would agree with it. Surly is just the peak demographic that will be most mad about it. Actually it is. You need to calm down. This thread is funny right now.
  6. I don’t feel like walking to bedroom to look at their phones, but there’s apps that track what they’re on and limit things. My wife set them up. I haven’t done anything for 30 years because my oldest just turned 14 years old.
  7. Thoughts and Prayers on the pending mild inconvenience to your porn consumption.
  8. Fair point. Hey honey. Let me see your driver’s license. Huh, oh no reason. There’s your fix. No thank you. Wait, is this the start of some kind of slippery slope???? Will someone think of the children! I mean the porn websites! Maybe this is all a move by the Big Porn Website lobby to create higher barriers to entry for nascent online smut peddlers. Increase their business moats.
  9. Good God man. Get a hold of yourself. I started to write a response to your full throated defense of unfettered access to porn, but it’s so all over the place I gave up Maybe you should examine why this is so important to you Maybe give up porn for a month and see if your wife suddenly is more interested in you.
  10. I’m glad someone is finally realizing this is a Constitutional issue. It’s the kind of stuff that Washington wanted to protect when he was crossing the Delaware.
  11. Too bad. Back injury this young is not good. Wrist injury might be worse though. Jack Sock retires after dealing with wrist problems for years. Going to pickleball evidently.
  12. Already been asked and answered. If teenagers want to (fill in the blank), they’re going to (fill in the blank). Anyway, get your Freedom faps in now gentlemen. 7 days and counting.
  13. Or you can just go to the adult video megaplex. I think this law was written by Big Brick and Mortar Porn.
  14. Wow. This is crazy incompetence. One road out. Blocked. No warning sirens. What a disaster.
  15. Actual pic of CTJ at cabin afterwards. Unbothered. Moisturized. Focused. Flourishing.
  16. Well, have you considered that perhaps Max is a Glue Guy? There’s not really a value you can place on that.
  17. What about the other times? I think they’ll try to shame him however possible. They’ll put him on the scale.
  18. What do we win? Are we using Price is Right rules? He’s 6’2” 247
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