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Boss Hogg

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg

  1. I think it would be time for a boycott!
  2. A slam dunk way to increase his profile even more would be to have him pop on with their MNF show.
  3. Lol at the curly haired dude thinking Felicia is Denzel’s sister. @Katfid54?
  4. UPDATED WHITE GUY DESCRIPTION RANKINGS 1) glue guy ⬆️ 2 2) lunch pail guy ⬇️ 1 3) Coach on the field ⬇️ 1
  5. So there were no outages? And there have been none in this monster heat wave?
  6. Explain to me like I’m 5 why there were outages today?
  7. Noskova is legit. Down a break in first set but multiple points where her power on groundstrokes was too much for Coco. She’s interesting at 18 years old.
  8. Yeah I have two kids that have been out and about all summer. They tested positive after having some upper respiratory symptoms. Fortunately their school starts next week so they’ll be in the clear.
  9. It was a joke. Relax. I’m not an antivax asshole.
  10. Emily Jones is a horse face. Of course she threw it around in college. She had to.
  11. Is Liucci considered a “SEC writer”?
  12. The Kool Aid is extra sweet this year. Watched the CBS inside college football show and Danny Kanell and Brian Jones both picked Texas in the playoff as 4th seed playing against Georgia. Aaron Taylor did not. Also of note Taylor and Kanell both picked Aggies as surprise SEC West winner. Wtf.
  13. Today’s rap is so dumb. Now, get off my lawn.
  14. Thanks. Yeah that’s his goal. He’s off to a good start. Won top mascot at his first NCA camp in Galveston. Now evidently we need to set up Instagram and/or TiKTok account to start documenting stuff.
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