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Everything posted by TXs

  1. How long does it take to change a tire over a nail? 30 mins tops? You would think with all the bally hoo they were getting their motor rebuilt before making the trip back home.
  2. TXs

    Longhorn Network

    This is what I want more of, more behind the scenes/reality programming. Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk
  3. TXs

    Longhorn Network

    Specifically, why do we have this infinity gauntlet of a weapon, that seems to be ran by a pack of middle school A/V Mickey mouse club. Holy shit we should be using this to spread our brand and crushing other programs. If it went away tomorrow would anyone care. Where did we go wrong.
  4. no offense guido - the shaggy way
  5. black pants and white socks - youre killing me smalls
  6. Think outside the box Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk
  7. all compost is shit. I don't care what's in it. I just know my bermuda loves it and it works.
  8. I'm not sure about TIF but I had some common Bermuda installed that wasn't really coming along. I top dressed with dillo dirt, and it was like crack for it within a week. Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk
  9. This. I invested in some Celsius after seeing @cactusflinthead recommend it. Shit is legit. One of the best lawncare investment I made. Nukes everything.
  10. This. I'd honestly be more hesitant if they had managed to nab Dabo. At least he can coach em up.
  11. Coach didn't go through the proper channels.
  12. TXs

    2018 Shart Thread

    Wife decided we should walk to the mail box the other day in 95 degree heat and humidity, and I thought I could let one rip...
  13. Is super k brain dead or drunk with that article. Sounds like a Hamm-special.
  14. I love and hate bermuda. Love it because it will fill in dead spots on it's own. Hate it because it will invade anywhere you don't want it to invade. Re: ZB'Tejas --I'm not sure if you have bermuda and Zoysia, or if you're just trying to get rid of any bermuda. If the former dig a trench where you want the bermuda to stop and constantly weed wack it. If the latter then roundup will kill it (yes it will send the chemical to the roots).
  15. Chinquapin oak sapling. Only cost me 2 bucks. Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk
  16. Well we need OTs and DTs, so I hope it's one of those.
  17. Puts personal preferences/sports team about business. Winning strategy.
  18. Apparently there's a shortage
  19. Try Austin sod outlet or whatever they're called. Edit ^^^ that's it
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