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Posts posted by texashorne

  1. 10 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't see any way this team goes from 106 wins to 94.  Yeah, JV and his 18 wins are gone.  And maybe the bullpen regresses some.  But the lineup is significantly better.  We're gonna turn a few 3-2 losses into 4-3 wins along the way.

    If the over/under is 94, I'ma rob a damned bank so I can put it on the over.  This team is still stacked and you know we'll make moves at the deadline if we need to.

    Put me down for 101.

    Another factor working against us is the time off/fatigue from playing into November 2 years in a row. And this year you add in the WBC which players have to report even earlier. I'm on the 101 train if there are no serious injuries like Yordan or Breggy, but I think 96 is more realistic as there are several on out roster with a history of missing significant time throughout the season. 




  2. Woody's is a great stop for gas and everything you may need as a half way point between Dallas and Houston. Kolaches are solid and you can always get a traditional lunch meat sandwich and chips. Jerky good too, plus clean bathrooms. The BBQ is nothing fantastic but it'll work if.your hungry. As an added bonus, it's not absurd crowded like Bucees, official home of the 40 dollar bathroom break. 

    But if you expect Franklin BBQ every time you make a pitstop then keep driving I guess. 

  3. 28 minutes ago, WBT said:

    That's what the national media seemed to miss in their omg the tanking astros are ruining baseball stories.  By the time Crane took over the major league roster and the minors were really, really bad.  What was the alternative?

    Signing free agents and continuing to be be 10 under .500 in perpetuum. 

  4. I would not trade Urquidy or LFG. I think they provide more value than the disparity of talent between Chas and Varsho. They are reliable regular season arms that have a ton of playoff experience and success.  Plus, the 6 man rotation is gone..and it's a legit 6 man rotation with proven starters and not some bs with 1 or 2 AAAA guys. 

    IMO wanting to trade Urquidy/LFG for somebody like Varso is like my 7 year old wanting the cheap plastic dump truck from wal mart when he has several good Tonka's already in his closet. 

    I'm all for bringing in Varsho, but just for the right price and package and not guys responsible for hauling in the hardware. 


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