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Posts posted by texashorne

  1. So I'm afraid I've discovered the secret weapon.. I'm hoping that it doesn't take away from the fun of it but there's a certain relief pitcher that would work for 6 squares today.  

  2. 53 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    Having Alonso instead of Abreu right now would be incredible. 

    Every club in the MLB (and NFL, NBA, ect) could play this game all day. That being said, I think we owe it to Whitley to give him a shot somewhere else. Its just not panning out. 





  3. 1 minute ago, YGIFS said:

    it's just where we are now.  We justify the wholesale slaughter of small children with military grade firepower, so grotesque their own parents can't identify their faces by telling ourselves, "Yes, but also there are firearms deaths in another part of the country so think about that before you judge this situation." 

    Somebody hopped up on over-dosage of Rx drugs runs a school bus full of kids off the road in Texas and kills 19 of 'em, do we look at the car and the traffic signal and the drugs and the pharmacist/doctor and the person's background or red flags?  Nope, we look at the person in Chicago who also took the wrong dosage of drugs and ran into a guy on a bike.  And because both things happened the same week, absolutely nothing can be done.

    18 year olds buying guns is terrifying to me. The modern 18 year old is a borderline retard.. tack on all their inability to cope with modern society and they are the last group that needs the right to purchase a gun. Raise it to 25. 



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  4. 27 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    You know he's going to be the completely unnecessary defensive replacement for Chas in center.  The guy who has made circus catches on back to back nights clearly is a liability. 

    But seriously, I expect he will starting regularly to rest people.  Or just put him at first base full time because Abreu can't handle fastballs anymore.  It's not a slump.  He's lost bat speed.

    This is what I don't want to happen. Chas already has to battle Jake out there, when he shouldn't. 

  5. 46 minutes ago, Hank Chinaski said:

    Yup, the sample size isn’t that small anymore. He’s past the count of PAs and batted-ball event at which the K rate, BB rate and contact quality tend to stabilize and accurately describe who he is. These aren’t necessarily predictive per se, but they are real indicators.

    He’s a disaster and is unlikely to even come close to justifying the contract that Crane gave him. 

    Just realized it was 3 years, not 2. dammit. 

    • Haha 3
  6. At this point, we need to be in striking distance of the playoffs when the ASB rolls around. Hopefully by then Altuve and Brantley are full speed, Abreu and Bregman have their head removed from their asses, LMJ is back, and Dusty sees the light at catcher. 


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  7. Everyone on this board, including myself, loved the Abreu deal in the offseason. You don't get to love the deal then trash the GM when it doesn't work out. 

    That being said he needs to get his shit together. Badly. 

    This team has played into November for 2 straight seasons, and this past Spring had the added bonus of the WBC where pitchers go 100% right off the bat. Urquidy, Garcia, and Altuve all played in the WBC. 


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