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Posts posted by texashorne

  1. 10 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    I don’t get it. You make 30M what the fuck are you doing spending that much time on mediocre condiments and lame hats and shit? 

    Bregman isn't spending much time doing any of this.. he's smiling for the camera and that's about it. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. On 4/17/2023 at 12:07 PM, BabaYaga said:

    Sadly, it's that time again.  Pray for rain in Coleman Co., and please disregard and dead hookers found in the bottom of the stock tank.....I had a wild youth

    Time to bring in a dozer and deepen the tank at least.  


    We're just supposed to disregard you grew up with Craig James?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    We clearly have WS hangover. There’s a reason why teams don’t repeat, the seasons are long and grueling and they just went to back to back WS. The fire isn’t there right now so let’s see if they get it together. Maybe not and it’s a down year and next season they come back and win it all? Maybe they do this year? Who knows. Baseball is a maddening yet beautiful sport. 

    World Series 2 years in a row, with the added bonus of a WBC thrown into this offseason.  

  4. 12 minutes ago, Mole said:


    Yes, it’s quite plainly cheating to cut and paste your writing prompt into Chat GPT, ask it to make a few edits — mostly to hide your cheating — and then turn it in with your name on it. It’s not that different than copying some article you found on the internet, running it through some thesaurus machine — rendering it both incomprehensible but also making it much harder to track down the source material — and turning it in with your name on it. You didn’t write it and those aren’t your ideas. I have played with the oral defense of all term papers idea precisely because I know that the students using these tools don’t understand the papers they are turning in.

    Grammarly is essentially a nosy editor looking over your shoulder, giving style and grammar recommendations. The Microsoft/Google autocomplete tool is trying to guess the next words you are writing. ChatGPT writes your entire paper, then rewrites it based on your suggestions. You sometimes have to fight it to incorporate your ideas. It will sometimes stubbornly stick to its plan and perspective.

    A board full of lawyers would treat this like some open question, but it’s not. The kids know they’re cheating and taking steps to avoid detection. You’ll start seeing class policies explicitly prohibiting this kind of stuff anyway.

    To all the kids cheating on papers with AI.. Check mate bitches. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 3
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  5. On 3/13/2023 at 9:03 PM, elfenix said:

    quizno's corporate was pumping out coupons marking down a $12-$15 ginormous sandwich to $7 and losing money for every franchisee (while corporate owned the distributor that sold goods to the franchisees and made money hand over fist).  then in 2006 corporate was the subject of an LBO, subway came out with $5 toasted subs, and then the recession hit. boom! toasted!

    Also, just competition in general.. Subway and Quiznos used to he the only sandwich game in town, now there are dozens that came up all in the last 20 years..

  6. 2 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    What I think we do:  Altuve, Pena, Yordan, Bregman, Tucker, Abreu, Brantley, Chas, Maldonado. 

    This will be done on opening day, then if we're lucky once a month until the playoffs start.. the little rage emoji in the bottom right will be the most used as we cruise to another 100 plus win season. 

    Dusty won a WS series last year. His lineup fuckery is only going to increase

    • Rage+1 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Sawbonz said:

    The hangovers hurt more than they used to

    I think this is misinformed. Hangovers have always hurt.. But back when we were young, we could sleep them off until 12, 1... whatever it takes.. Now we have to be up at 630 to deal with kids and you have to live through it. 



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