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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Yes, and lol. PJ aside from a couple of easy misses has been nails. There was a stretch in the 2nd quarter where Luka looked awful. Not his best game but that’s over thank god. Reactionary… ….garbage. Lively and Kleber were solid tonight. Dude Maxi’s defense keeps him on the court. People don’t realize this. The 3s tonight were absolutely huge, both of them. He was a bonafide 3rd wheel tonight. I don’t know what you were watching all night.
  2. Fucking terrible half from Luka. Great D. We should be up 10-12.
  3. Bench is pretty damn good. We had one shitty game in like the last 20. I think we’ll be fine. I fucking hate the Clippers. From their dipshit olde English logo, to bit player Westbrook yelling at refs, to weirdo Kawhi, to that fat nerd fuck Ballmer, they’ve surpassed Suns for me as least likable team.
  4. Dude he was bad last night. This was mid season Otter. He must be better or we won’t get out of this series.
  5. I don’t think so. Gafford is a man and is gonna show it tonight.
  6. I forgot about the season finale. Excited for tonight. Waste of Prime Trim would be a great metal band name.
  7. Yes. You’ll be a guest. I’ve got great content and won’t have an unnecessary, 2-minute Bulls on Parade intro.
  8. @futuremanExhibit A: Cunt #1 - a guy who thought Sark was gonna regret letting Casey Thompson transfer.
  9. Regulations won’t grow, and if they do it’ll be to restrict the use of this. Artificial turf is extremely prevalent in Dallas area, in both residential and commercial buildings. It’s been around for decades and is highly fragmented and competitive. I’m not an early adopter.
  10. Not early innings. I’ve had this for 11 years, and live in a pretty regulated town.
  11. You and I should start a podcast. We can talk about all the cunts on this site to start with.
  12. I haven’t read any replies but I suspect people laughed at this post too. I quite literally rolled my eyes.
  13. I didn’t watch the first half. Can someone explain what happened to Gafford and how long he’s expected out at this time?
  14. Oh I know the Arab world won’t take them. I’d be really reticent to have them in US borders.
  15. It is 100% true. Because it was interesting. Do you have a fucking point?
  16. Because I live here. It’s been a fact forever I'm not implying anything. It was either strategic (doubtful with this group) or coincidence. Either way, it was interesting, and that’s why I fucking posted it.
  17. Don’t know. When’s the last time a perfect 1.00 5-star was replaced by a guy from a Spring Game? What are you on about? There is no decision
  18. Dallas on 75 in rush hour traffic today. Near Preston Hollow, home to the Dallas Jew population.
  19. He and ztejas run those threads with the pride of only the biggest of dorks. Truly fine people.
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