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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. I agree with all of that. I do think this particular demographic is more patriotic than most, and has a very unified line of thinking (money man excluded) and aggressive pack mentality. And so I can see why they’re getting involved. I wouldn’t, and I’d urge my kids at all costs to avoid these protests, particularly my son.
  2. Agreed. But these are 20 year old kids who aren’t disaffected and sick of this shit. They are generally always going to get involved and do something about it.
  3. That kid was an absolute moron and is about to be cancelled. The others? Not so sure. There’s a bunch of terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic and anti-American shit happening on their campus and campuses across America. They’re fed up and rightfully so. The one acting like an ape took it too far and ought to be kicked out of school. But their protestors are absolutely deserving of non-racist derision. They should be shamed.
  4. Hard pass. Their affinity for Philip Kingston and Julie Dobbs makes me question everything about them.
  5. It’s definitely revenge of the nerds. But real nerds. That’s why this thread hasn’t been taken over by the CR clown show. They know their nerd brethren are in the wrong and indefensible.
  6. No. If they’re smart, they’ll take their future wives (that don’t look like or smell like the protestor hags) on the BVI boating escapade that @Frank Drebinreferenced and forget all about this nonsense. That’s what all of this is - anarchist nonsense.
  7. I was informed by jimmyjazz that masks don’t conceal identity, and he was adamant about it and called me a fascist moron at the common sense suggestion.
  8. I have no idea what that guy is rambling about. Please don’t quote him. Totally renders ignore useless.
  9. He tried to injure Luka there. Can’t believe they aren’t discussing.
  10. Otter what the FUCK?!?! That was a terrible goal given up. He has total lapses in concentration sometimes.
  11. I couldn’t care less if we police them or not. They have entertained the hell out of me, though. And they’re not trust fund babies. lol. Trust fund babies don’t behave like this.
  12. Of course not. You brought up faculty, insinuating it’s acceptable for a guy of that age to be arrested, I guess. What was YOUR point?
  13. I bet it wouldn’t be difficult to determine most aren’t students. But I have a significant lack of motivation in doing so. I don’t give a flying fuck if he’s faculty or staff, as if that makes it any better. Jesus dude.
  14. lol. “So, still no evidence that the protestors aren’t students, eh?” ”Yeah shut up, fucktard ”:
  15. The message is terrible. It’s not merely that is fractured; it’s that it’s an awful message.
  16. It’s overwhelming. The vocal CR minority (majority?) posting here has a lot more in common with protestors than me or the majority of UT alums.
  17. He can’t help himself. He can’t not respond to a post. He also responds within minutes like he’s a fucking bot. I had to put him on ignore.
  18. I was thoroughly bored watching the linked DZ video up thread. Even Danny’s song was goofy.
  19. This is most definitely a problem. But also this. I stopped watching Manhunt toward the end because the entire cast was awful.
  20. You’re making a concerted effort to ingratiate yourself with people who will never like you.
  21. Agreed; the protestors’ messaging is deplorable.
  22. “I’m wrong, and at odds with University policy, so gonna call you fucking idiots, morons, state how your angle is stupid, and top it off by calling you fascists, before claiming to exit the discussion that I will NOT exit.”
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