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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Because people comprise corporations. And LLCs are “corporate” in your weird definition (and the articles). Tightly held husband/wife owned companies. I don’t understand what point you think it is you’re trying to make.
  2. It is almost certainly because people know how to build wealth.
  3. When I say “can’t wait”, it’s use of something called sarcasm. I can wait. It’s not entertaining, it is sad and it is inevitable.
  4. The outrage around a poorly written article and naïveté on full display in this thread are hilarious.
  5. No. That’s absurd - wtf are you thinking? The market is selling for nothing. If we’re anywhere near $70 in October, OPEC will extend cuts. Also, data center electricity demand will be supplied by nat gas, and with LNG takeaway increasing by 67% over the next 18 months, I’m all of the sudden very and immediately bullish on natty.
  6. Can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics of posters debating the appropriateness of Israel launching this attack.
  7. What idiotically political nonsense. Now do ‘23
  8. You are really bothered by this. Lol
  9. This is absolutely right and I think the OP’s point. Yet somehow I feel like I should randomly neg this benign post.
  10. They’re ALL fat spares. TC is irrelevant and has always insisted upon himself, and is somehow snobby. For these reasons, he’s considerably worse than Bass and Killer and any other bad personality on the station. He literally has no redeeming qualities.
  11. How have you wondered? Did you ever listen to him? He was terrible.
  12. People are very quick to condemn Israel and willfully ignore everything you posted. It’s baffling how short term memories are, and how effective Hamas propaganda is. Again, Israel is not permitted to win even after being brutally attacked.
  13. It’s really not nothing. It encompasses the entire propaganda y’all buy hook, line and sinker, in a nice 1:30 package.
  14. lol I don’t think about you ever, except when I think of someone that personifies Hamas apologist. That’s you, and it’s pathetic.
  15. That’s because you don’t want to hear it.
  16. So glad he’s on my team because I’d hate him otherwise. And I don’t want to hate Luka.
  17. Do you hear that, @Brian Fantana? Do you hear that, @bolverk? @Brisketexan? @F250? @Hank_Hill?
  18. Young KG was interviewed about his gamer action. Said he loved to play NBA Live. Interviewer asked, who do you play as? No hesitation, TWolves, 4 KGs and 1 Gugliotta. Interviewer: why? KG: Cuz Googs is cool.
  19. I made my point. I firmly believe Palestine would get everything they want* if they’d stop shooting katyushas at Israel. But they can’t. *Their leadership doesn’t want peace. Hasn’t historically been down with a 2-state solution. They want the violence. Because they’re livelihood is bringing Jews down.
  20. Doubtful. Man whose name ends in vowel is generally Italian = white = Googs.
  21. I think they’re probably as concerned about the Cowboys continually kicking them in the nuts during the Purple People Eaters days, and also remember Dirk sweeping KG and the Stars beating the Wild’s ass last year with their fucking stupid meathead coach. Minny, the Land of 10,000 lakes and sports futility.
  22. I’m out in a loud place and didn’t hear. But if Luka isn’t on your team, he’s the most boo-able guy ever. Particularly for sensible borderline Canadians.
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