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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hookem2010

  1. Diablo, those are male house finches. They use to be a strictly western North American bird but got introduced in NY I think about 50 years ago and spread from there. It is amazing how many new birds you will notice once you start looking up, especially in April/May if you're living in Texas.

  2. Trump finally got his wall, just not in the original intended location:
    Don't worry, he's been destroying wildlife refuges and Indian burial sites in Arizona while people are distracted by the pandemic to put up Wall. As if the country weren't cursed enough as it is.
  3. I used to work at North Cypress Medical Center and saw caracaras near the hospital a couple of times. White tailed hawks are generally found farther south, but if you head west of Houston a bit, you can pretty reliably find them. Paul Rushing Park is a good spot. I don't think I've ever seen them perched, always soaring, but I did once watch a pair dive bomb a bald eagle invading their territory out in that area. That was hands down the coolest wildlife encounter I've had around Houston.

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  4. They have been expanding north. I've seen a few in the DFW area even, although mostly outside the city itself. In the Houston area, I've seen flyovers as close to the city as 1960 and 290. If you go out to the Katy prairie, particularly Warren Ranch Lake, they are pretty regular. So are bald eagles, and white-tailed hawks, which are one of the coolest looking raptors in Texas. Unfortunately, my photography game is lacking.

  5. From what I’ve been able to gather, he’s not an MD but likely a CRNA. At my hospital, and most good hospitals, they’re not allowed to intubate. They only manage the vent once the patient is intubated by the attending anesthesiologist. Now, if he works at some shitty ass community hospital, all bets are off. 
    I'm a PA and have worked in the OR at multiple hospitals in large cities. Wife is also in CRNA school. At every place I have worked at, the CRNAs do the majority of intubations for the cases they are running. Depending on the facility, the MD may or may not be in the room during induction and intubation, but even when they are there, the CRNA does the intubation 90+% of the time. I would not say most good hospitals have MD-only intubations, based on my experience in many DFW and Houston-area hospitals.
  6. Our boy, Donnie is getting up there in age, at least 10 years old. He's still just about as lively as he has ever been, which is to say not very, but I can see that it's starting to take him more effort to get up and go for walks. My wife got him before I was around and he's been there for her through many moves and multiple rounds of school, so it's going to be horrible when he passes. Hopefully he's got a few years remaining, but in the meantime we put a deposit down on one of these doberman girls to help keep him young. 426ef307b5a6961b5a1ee05d92381f82.jpg29d239851b6c6f0d5a81ea747233de3e.jpg

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  7. Looking to spend a week here in May with the wife. From what I can tell online, it seems like the island has largely recovered from the 2017 hurricanes. I've got an airbnb on the south side of the island in Fish Bay. Any recs on restaurants/bars? I know we will have to drive into Cruz and Coral Bay for that. We also plan on doing some snorkeling. Any tours or specific areas of the island to do that?

    I'm interested in doing a half-day fishing charter as well, but don't necessarily want to pay the full price for just 2 people. Anyone know anything about trying to book a shared charter with another small group?

  8. We collectively raise our middle fingers to this fucking asshole. What a joke the Republican Party has become. Decorum is dead. 
    I heard that on the radio and was shocked to discover that Georgia had apparently elected an 8th grader. Imagine having days, weeks even, to come up with a 2 minute speech in the House of Reps and dropping that gem. Badass alert!
  9. This is the worst surly thread of all time and we haven't even hired a couple shitty coordinators yet. Can't wait to see this place after we lose by 20 to Utah. It's shaping up to be a great offseason.

  10. Signed up for the 70.3 Ironman in Galveston this coming April. I've done an Olympic-distance triathlon in Marble Falls about 4 years ago. I'm now 31 and have very infrequently worked out since moving to north Texas last summer and felt like I needed something to break out of this funk.
    I slowly worked back into cardio for a month before starting a 20-week training plan about 4 weeks ago. Things are going smoothly so far, although my training plan is described as 1/10 difficulty, training enough to finish.
    While I've been very consistent with my workouts, I know my diet could stand to be improved. I really plan on getting more serious about that at the start of the year, which will still be 3 months out from race day. Are there any good diet plans for triathlons y'all would recommend? I'm always hungry now and the first thing I reach for isn't always the best. Also, I don't have a bike anymore and was considering just renting for race day. I'm just looking to finish the race, and I almost exclusively used the exercise bike for training the last go around. Anyone done the rental thing before?

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