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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hookem2010

  1. This is the worst surly thread of all time and we haven't even hired a couple shitty coordinators yet. Can't wait to see this place after we lose by 20 to Utah. It's shaping up to be a great offseason.

  2. Signed up for the 70.3 Ironman in Galveston this coming April. I've done an Olympic-distance triathlon in Marble Falls about 4 years ago. I'm now 31 and have very infrequently worked out since moving to north Texas last summer and felt like I needed something to break out of this funk.
    I slowly worked back into cardio for a month before starting a 20-week training plan about 4 weeks ago. Things are going smoothly so far, although my training plan is described as 1/10 difficulty, training enough to finish.
    While I've been very consistent with my workouts, I know my diet could stand to be improved. I really plan on getting more serious about that at the start of the year, which will still be 3 months out from race day. Are there any good diet plans for triathlons y'all would recommend? I'm always hungry now and the first thing I reach for isn't always the best. Also, I don't have a bike anymore and was considering just renting for race day. I'm just looking to finish the race, and I almost exclusively used the exercise bike for training the last go around. Anyone done the rental thing before?

  3. Great pics and story.  Cinder Cone is awesome.  Getting to the top was a workout and a half, but what great views once you got up to the top.  My big regret from my trip to Lassen several years ago is that the trail down to Bumpass Hell was closed at the time.  Some day I will return.
    It was still closed when I was there as well as they updated a boardwalk I think, so we didn't really see any of the thermal features. Just soaked in the solitude.
  4. I plan on getting cameras tomorrow, so recommendations for something that would be easy to put up and take down when we are fortunate enough to get the fuck out of here would be appreciated. Unfortunately, we can't leave until she finishes school. She has shut down talk of moving closer to a real city and commuting, and is afraid approaching the neighbors will just put more of a target on us, although that was my initial inclination. If something happens again, I have every intention of notifying the police, and hopefully I would have footage of the shitheads at that point as well.

  5. My wife and I recently moved to small town TX as she finishes grad school. I'm white, she's Asian. We've been here for about 6 weeks, and this weekend we received some neighborly greetings. We also got a similar message in the mailbox and on her car too. These were at least 2, if not 3 separate incidents over Saturday and Sunday, so I suspect it's a teenager on our street or something. So far there has not been any actual damage caused. We are stuck here for at least another year and I don't really know how to handle this without losing my shit. I'm not really worried at this point as much as I am incredibly angry.

    Any advice for handling this situation in a rational manner? I expected to not fit in and and to get nasty looks and shit, but this is on a different level. I'm not so ignorant as to think this stuff doesn't happen, but as a white guy spending most of my life in Houston, I obviously never experienced anything personally. My wife certainly did, and I would hear her stories on occasion. I certainly believed her, but now I really feel like a dick for probably brushing them to the side to some degree.

    I could just ramble endlessly, I'm so angry right now. And I realize that I have just been subjected to this once, while my wife, and I know many posters here, have to deal with worse shit than this their entire lives.

    Cloak room alert!!! Us white dudes aren't the fucking victims in this country. a4ce2e020b6ee0b3ac059e8b37fbd6ce.jpg758fe0f40c192efa8d160191a6d52c60.jpg


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  6. Lol at the "least satisfying win ever" people. As was stated above, the 2009 b12 champ game didnt exactly inspire confidence. Or how about one of our many 1-score games last year? 21-13 against Arkansas fucking State in '07 wasn't very fun either. Remember when Vince had to rush for a 1st on 4th-18 against the fucking Jayhawks? Yea, it should have been a much more comfortable win, but have y'all only been watching Texas football for like 8 months?

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  7. Oh, I definitely blame the cats. They have no business being outside. I imagine many of those birds are actually able to nest sooner, and then end up wintering a bit farther north, as I believe has been demonstrated. I also don't think it's any coincidence that the birds that we most like to kill, as well as icons like peregrine falcons and bald eagles, have maintained or increased in number while songbirds and shorebirds that don't provide as obvious an economic impact, continue to plummet. To some degree, that is a testament to hunting as a conservation tool, but those species will be affected as well as the less heralded species and waterways suffer.

    Montane birds will likely have more difficulty adjusting, as they can only go so high up. And if we drill the fuck out of the ANWR, that is going to eliminate a fair amount of breeding ground for waterfowl, as well as shorebirds, gulls and terns that also rely on such places to breed. Doesn't matter, got paid, I guess...

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  8. Think a decline in total numbers might be related to a massive increase in the population of birds of prey?  They don’t just eat rodents.
    There were ZERO bald eagles in the lower 48 in the 70’s and early 80’s. Now they are common.
    The fact that DDT is not killing off massive numbers of birds and their populations are still dropping by the tens of millions is not a good thing. Some wading birds have made a recovery to some degree too, since we aren't sticking their feathers in hats any more, but the vast majority of birds are vanishing, and it's not due to natural predation.

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  9. Cats are a problem. They're basically a globally invasive species, but habitat destruction is huge too, not to mention totally not real global warming. Grassland species especially have plummeted like crazy. Texas' own Attwater's prairie chicken numbered around a million in the late 1800's and now there are several dozen wild individuals remaining that are not self-sustaining. Sage grouse are being wiped out all over what is remaining of the plains for that precious oil. Longspurs populations are down over 90% over a few decades. That is just a handful of grassland species off the top of my head.

    Then there is Hawaii, where numerous species are already extinct and essentially every native Hawaiian bird is at risk of the same fate within the next couple of decades. I'm a birder, so I pay extra attention to this stuff and it really sucks to look at the data of any species I've observed to find out its declined by 40+% since the 60's, as almost any non-urban specialist has.
    But really, this isn't surprising given that I believe there has been a 50% reduction in all wildlife globally over the last 40 years. We may bump up tiger or panda numbers by 10 or 20%, but overall everything else is dying. We can joke about birds all we want, but it's a pretty big indicator of the overall health of the environment, and it doesn't look particularly good. We are about to kill off a fucking cetacean for fucks sake, and no one gives a shit.

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  10. Scrolling through the pages of photos shot with expired film reminded me of some old videos my FIL put together, burned to a DVD and sent to us recently. Home movies from 1924-1930! They were mostly set in Galveston and vacations to Colorado. It included a visit to Buffalo Bill's grave, which at the time was no more than 10-15 years old. A truly incredible look into life almost 100 years ago.

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  11. An 8-4 season isn't 'miserable'. It just represents a step back in line with the guys we're losing and the uncertainty at RB and LB. No one was 'miserable' when we were 10-3 in 2007 and Colt struggled coming off the heels of a promising 2006 season.
    Loss to aggy, loss to ou, and blowout loss at home to ksu... yea, I'd say that 2007 was pretty fucking miserable.

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  12. Great to see all the Decatur love at the beginning of the thread! We just moved out here for the wife's clinicals a couple weeks ago and will be here until she finishes at the end of 2020. I've been working in Denton since we initially moved to FW a year ago, so I'm still in a decent-sized city most days. I grew up in the Houston suburbs and moved into the city for a few years after finishing school, so this will be an interesting 16 months or so. I'm white but my wife is part of the sub-1% Asian population in town, and I don't really look forward to being recognized at the bar or handful of restaurants when we don't feel like driving 45-60 minutes into Denton or FW. It shouldn't be hard to entertain myself during the CFB season, but 2020 could be a long year. I don't imagine I will want to live in a small town when this era is over. The anonymity of a decent-sized city with nearby natural areas to explore is hopefully where we end up after this.

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