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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hefeweizen

  1. 23 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

    On a different note, seems like pornhub's strategy here is incredibly dumb from a business perspective.  Completely cutting off a large block of customers.

    What's their end goal here?  

    Their bet is that publicizing it will result in people finding it through other methods.  It’s smart marketing.  Unlikely to make much difference to their bottom line.

    Just now, Don Johnson said:

    Texas, Louisiana, Virginia, Mississippi....

    Why are you worried about their revenue?  I’m pretty sure they have a plan…

  2. Yeah Fidelity does this for me as part of account services… not really an “out there” concept.  On the other hand, money market funds pay close to what a six month CD does right now so I’ve let all my CDs mature and roll into MM.  I am not sure if they’re the ideal vehicle when things are staying choppy for another year or two.

  3. I’m sorry but I’m calling bullshit on a swimmer with world records being locked out of Jack shit.  No need for hyperbole.

    And yeah we all want the best for our kids but they can’t all be the best.  My daughter didn’t get into Yale or Caltech or Stanford and that’s just fine.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. I still have my watches including an Orange Monster and a couple of decent seikos but since I got my Garmin I haven’t worn them.  I just switched to a nylon strap because the stock one was breaking after two years.  I only have to charge it every ten days or so and the Solar option was double the price.  

    So yeah daily wearer but on the dark side and my mechanical watches are collecting dust…

  5. I may be cynical but this is a win for dark Brandon.  He gets to blame someone for it not happening and roll out new rules to try and make it another way.  

    The real reform that’s needed is the penalties around student loans for the debtor.  Make them discharge just like ordinary debt and you’ll see a huge change in behavior.


    Not a law dog so have no opinion on the supremes other than it’s bullshit that they are lifetime appointees and that they have zero ethical standards to adhere to.

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  6. Interesting data point… first developer that I know of recently that bought a deal and the prices have climbed too far so that they are actually going to sell the land at a slight loss and walk it.  Central Tx between Austin and SA.  Fully entitled and ready to break ground, and it doesn’t pencil.  That’s really bad.

    I don’t think the full effects of price inflation and current housing market conditions have been felt yet.  There is still plenty of room downwards in this market.

  7. 1 hour ago, Smax said:


    California is not a complete wasteland for BBQ, I know of a handful of places that would probably make the Texas top 50 or at least come close

    You can’t tease like that and no names?  Crossroads in Carmel is the only one nearby that’s decent and it’s not as good as Rudy’s.


    46 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    Heritage for sure.

    Donde esta?

  8. It’s wild how invested some dumbasses are in dunking on Cali.  I’ve only been here full time a year but I’m never leaving, and I spent my entire adult life before that in Texas.  The scenery, the weather, the food is so good it’s hard to believe.  Yes it’s fucking expensive as hell, especially the closer you get to spots that are like paradise on earth, but what do you expect?  

    I love bbq and miss that, I miss my swimming pool and the feel of Texas heat (very occasionally), but I don’t miss the anger in people that I was noticing more and more, and definitely don’t miss my allergies or the traffic in Austin.  

    I’m sorry for the folks that don’t get it.  Truly.

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  9. Texas has enough water to continue growing with smart management.  Increase reuse and get rid of waste.  But it’s unlikely to happen without crisis.  Unfortunately that’s the way in the state.  This next go round will be driven by the growth currently under way and will happen once aquifers go down enough for the imposition of development moratoria.  Which is coming in the next ten years.  Hell it’s already happening in some of the towns north of Austin but no one will say it out loud.


     Right now a bunch of different pipes are being run from the Simsboro and Corrizo back to central Texas.  When those draw down they are out of options and direct reuse from wastewater will start.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. Well that was all a big letdown for those of us expecting kinetic action, but overall I don’t think it could have gone worse for Putin.  This was his hand picked guy completely going off the reservation and making him look weak and not in control.  The digging of trenches across highways, officials fleeing Moscow, the lack of response by the security services all point to panic and complete surprise.  

    I agree with the assessment that this does nothing to cause a decrease in effort in Ukraine as that die was cast and he has doubled and tripled down on it.  If he loses Crimea , which he will, he’s toast anyway.  But there is chaos coming in Russia.  You can see it by the response to their mutiny.  Which by the way is a lot better way to describe this weekend adventure than a coup.

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